Who the fuck could possibly vote for Donald "prolly too many good genes" Trump?

Who the fuck could possibly vote for Donald "prolly too many good genes" Trump?
Trumptards, Trumpanzees, Trumpoloids, explain yourselves!

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I had two choices. Harbinger of peace or evil corrupt demon.

So I chose the savior of the world; Donald Trump.

Enjoy your day, faggot.

wow, you've been home-schooled, right?

It's a two party thing. 8 years of Americans blaming Obama and the dems for all their problems and blamo. Obama himself didn't help, nor did the DNC picking their candidate over the peoples pick, et cetera et cetera. You should be asking why people didn't vote for Hilary, not why someone would vote for dingdong Trump. You already know the answer.

that didn't sting in any way at all

but I did cringe on your behalf

Talking to left wing idiots: racist, sexist, homophobic, misogynist, fascist, Nazi.

Also, how many times have there actually been free speech interrupted by nutjob liberals protesting because hearing someone like Milo or Ben Shapiro speak would somehow trigger them? There was a video of violent liberals protesting Ben Shapiro's talk and yet he's probably one of the nicest most intelligent conservatives yet they don't want to respect free speech they disagree with on PUBLIC universities which are supposed to be a haven of free speech and intellectual debate.

One word...Hillary


Says the kid who obviously hasn't heard him speak. Dude is a cock bucket. And don't dare call the faggot smart. The guy believes in sky daddy.

Don't be a fuckwit user. Think.

Ben Shapiro is a giant cum guzzler. He has one of the most punchable faces ever.

>Don't be a fuckwit user. Think.
If they could think, they wouldn't be conservatives.

>sky daddy
That's far better than spaghetti monster! xD




Just about half of the American population + earlier left Wing states. But yes, only about 10 people voted Trump which is why he is president...obviously.
But I'm from Denmark, so a just keep your liberal shit out of my country









The unspoken problems of race mixing.

IQ of offspring shifts towards the average for the race.

Certain genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa.

Environment accounts for little or none of the USA racial IQ gap:

In academic standardized testing , the wealthiest Black children underperform all but the poorest White children and just barely outperform even them.

Even when IQ is controlled for, Blacks display higher measurements of psychopathic personality than Whites:


Violent crime correlates more tightly with race than with wealth or population density:

Race is also more tightly correlated to homicide rate


Lol, you mad niggah.



I voted for him because I knew little libtard BITCHES like yourself would wake up EVERY morning in a frothy rage. Aaaannnnddd I was right! Thx for making my day you little cunt ;).

Okay so right off the bat, you guys made no actual points on Shapiro making any false arguments.
The closest thing we got is that he believes in God, which really isn't an argument anyways.
What about the laws around free speech his is against and the fact he is against raising taxes on the middle class?

Redpill is usually right just because the Democratic party is so fucked right now.

Illegal immigrants are costing this country 110 million dollars a year, not including border control.
Yet you don't agree with Ben on this issue?
Or how illegal immigrants are absolutely trashing the healthcare system? They have to be served if they show up at an ER so they don't even go to the doctor to get FREE medicine.
Now who's paying for that shit? You. You are dumbasses.

Fuck you, fucking stupid "hurrr I'm a centralist this whole political stuff is just dumb how could anyone have views supported by Donald Trump".

Fuck you. You can't even tell me one thing Trump is doing wrong besides the healthcare reform.

BTW I support the healthcare reform and cutting subsidies like this at the throat. Get a job if you want healthcare so bad, it's not like you can't get out of the ghetto in 3-4 years if you climb the ladder.
Anyone that wants healthcare bad enough can work for it.

So you do realize that hillary wanted to go to war in the middle east right? She wanted war with assad, she said it outright.

Then you need to realize that Russia and Syria are very heavy allies in the middle east. This wouldn't only ruin relations with Russia even more, it could start a full blown world war if things escalated quickly.

We have no reason to be over there, we already have allies in the middle east like Israel and Saudi Arabia. (btw how free are either of these countries?)

A few things russia has established in Syria.

The Russian naval facility in Tartus, Syria, was established during the Cold War under a 1971 agreement with Syria. It is Russia's only naval facility in the Mediterranean region and the only remaining military facility outside the former Soviet Union.

Russia had in 2013 — and presumably still has today — an airbase in Palmyra (Tadmur).
>Yet hillary wanted to declare syria a no flyzone

After the 2007 Israeli Operation Orchard airstrikes on an alleged nuclear reactor at al-Kibar in Deir ez-Zor Governorate, and again after the March 2011 Syrian protests, Syria’s air defences have been bolstered with Russian upgrades—which the Russians have repeatedly denied. A

On 30 September 2015, Russia started a military intervention in the Syrian Civil War in support of Bashar al-Assad's government, consisting of air strikes against militant groups that oppose the government. But the groups that oppose the government (e.g., "Free Syrian Army" or "FSA") are well-connected with previous members of al-Qaeda.

Troitransgaz, a natural gas facility construction company, has the largest Russian operation in Syria. In 2010, it was involved in projects worth $1.1 billion and had a staff of 80 Russians working in Syria.
>This is why the US actually cares, we need to sell oil to Europe, not Russia. Because that means russia would get a cut of the cake, we can't let them get a fair amount of money.

This is literally you:

"Listen to all you stupid auto-cuks, singing the praises of engine oil. Do you know what happens when oil gets into an engine? It starts burning and degrading the engine. I used to put oil in my engine, then last year it started spewing black smoke from the tailpipe. A few months later my whole engine went nuts! Police said it was runaway diesel or something. That stupid fucking oil got into it and fucked it up. Like a sleeper cell. That's all oil is, a time bomb waiting to wreck us. And all you stupid mechanics still say it's my fault for not maintaining my engine. Change your coolant, you said. Replace your gaskets, you earned me. Well I'm a patriot and I refuse to pay to maintain the systems already in place, and whose laughing now because it wasn't my coolant or my gaskets, it was that fucking oil that aspirated through gaps in my gaskets that appeared after all my coolant dried up that one time and THE OIL WRECKED MY ENGINE! Stop pouring the oil in... its only going to destroy us in the long term.






>8 months later
get over it

>here's how Bernie can still win




It was him or Hillary. Easy to choose

here come the shareblue shills.

Well that cleaned up better than expected...

lol, fag

Who the fuck could vote for Hillary???? Hilltards, Hillpanzees, Hilloloids, explain yourself.

rofl, so angry he had to use 4 question marks






Run a better candidate next time,






Yay more fake news. Can't wait.
Better sprinkle some blue pills on top. I just loooooove that crunchy texture.

>never have

Nice grammar libtard, now gtfo.


Can't see what's wrong with this sentence





hail our first downy pres












take this shit to Sup Forums, kthxbai







So, ignoring the unintelligent cucks on here trying to justify their decision however the fuck makes them feel comfortable so that they can sleep well at night and "hurr durr pride in the dirt I live on", what actually happened was this: we were familiar with how Trump "leads", he's the turd we've smelled many times before, his idiocy is something we were all familiar with and is predictable and somewhat manageable. Hillary, on the other hand, was the true wildcard. We had no idea what she would do because her entire career she's been two-faced and flip-flops as much as a teenage girl wearing them. Hillary was guaranteed military state and WW3, whereas with Trump we'll just anger some countries by being brain-dead retarded. Trump was the objectively safer choice. Neither of them were ever good for the country as a whole in values or actions or career history, but Trump was the turd we were familiar with.


>bingo card
>Bingo Card

You niggas srsly this stupid?

>il duce
>il douche









I would have voted for a wet sponge over Hillary, so yea, go fuck yourself. Maybe next time dont nominate the most unlikable person on the planet? Oh who am I kidding. You are going to run Chukles or Warren in 2020 arent you?


