Admit it, Sup Forums

admit it, Sup Forums
how many of you are actually undercover redditfags?

Other urls found in this thread:

Check for liberals in trump threads

Outer Heaven is a shitty discord

include me in the screencap xd

proud ethnic kekistani reporting in

I used to be a redditfag. Then I ascended

Check for traces of the donald in trump threads.

I'm not the type of elitist retard that only uses one website

What is this? 2011

No, it is the current year!

Found the redditfag

Did /r/politics or /r/ the Donald send you?

Well, I browse Reddit on a daily basis

kill yourselves you dumb niggers


and I have you hooked, reddit cuck

I actually browse /r/the_donald

proud kekistani

Well go somewhere less fagoty then reddit like *hork* Sup Forums

Here. Not even ashamed, though I raged inside for a moment earlier when someone tried to say Reddit was the "anus" of the internet.. diluted fuck for brains..

I'd rather lick pussy.


Fuck reddit. Full of annoying, whingy faggots who think they're so smart