Hitler did nothing wrong

Hitler did nothing wrong

Whoa u r 3 edgy 5 me

Your point?

When summer arrives, there's a precipitous rise in the word "edgy".

Hitler did nothing good


Maybe not for you shrieking yids

Hitler penis awaits your lips

Fuck off summerboi

Yeah he did. He quit before the job was done.

He was a stupid bastard and loser. Why kill Jews? They fought on the side of Ghermania in WW1. He killed some millions soldier. It was white culture people. I dont know. Its jast silly!



Niggee thats john lennon

Why were the Jews communists?

You Naziboos are worst than the weeaboos.

What did he do wrong?


It's hilarious because Hitler would have quickly killed every motherfucker on Sup Forums just for fucks, and yet you love the faggot as much as you love another faggot named trump.

Are you trying to imply that something that didn't happened actually happened?

You mean, other than
>causing the deaths of over 10m Europeans (not counting Soviets)
>turning Germany from one war-torn shithole into a bigger war-torn shithole
>attacking the Soviet Union to begin with
>planting a firm, heavy boot on the throats of the German people for his own ego and constantly-changing 'mission'
>losing the war

Won't even bother. Read a few books other than Mein Kampf.

I love hitler my dude

Doutches were commi too. In Doutchland was many commi. So what?

That moustache is a crime against humanity

The gun laws and speech lawsin Germany were less strict then than they are now. The majority of Germans backed Hitler including ex-communists and social democrats.

The Soviet Union was going to attack eventually. Hitler just beat Stalin to it.

Why did Jewish Capitalists and Jewish Communists try to subvert Germany like they did Russia?

>Soviet Union was going to attack eventually
You have no way of confirming that. This type of thinking in justifying preemptive strikes is why we have the problems we do now.

I don't believe in egalitarianism or equality

You are strawmanning me by implying I care about libertine values

Too much red color on map. Germany has seized these countries and the USSR does not.

muh nazi gun laws
muh nazi free speech

how about the fact that he outlawed marriage and sex between jewish people and non-jews? putting your hate for jews aside, shouldn't you be free to choose whether or not to fuck a jew? how about that people got locked up for not using the nazi salute and saying heil hitler in public? is that not an impediment of free speech?


Not really and I wouldn't care either way

Lol. here is very big irony. If they did, now Germany would be more. and many germans were alive.

They did try between the period of 1918-1920 and it didn't work out for them.

yes he did, he was too impatient

if the fucking idiot developed the Nuke THEN went to war he would have won.

but no he's a impatient fucking idiot and now we have to live with these niggers while jews run the world.

jews should be exterminated

>You have no way of confirming that.

Actually we do, since the USSR had plans drawn up.

>This type of thinking in justifying preemptive strikes is why we have the problems we do now.

I encourage you to wait with your hands behind your back when a giant drunken belligerent slav with an axe comes walking towards you.

honestly if jews weren't running the world communism would probably work, but those faggos were behind communism in russia also

they can't do anything right.