Anyone else tired of how prevalent pot is nowadays...

anyone else tired of how prevalent pot is nowadays? trying to meet interesting people who don't smoke pot is fucking impossible.

everyone i know wants to fucking hike, then smoke on the top. go swimming in the river, after ripping a bowl. watch a movie, after hitting the bong.

its like its nothing to these people. im tired of it to be honest. and thats just when you can get them to do anything. my generation fucking blows. im 23 and my peers cant do shit without ingesting some form of fucking drug.

its so depressing.

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I feel ya OP, pot destroyed my high-school friend groups and meeting non-smokers in college is next to impossible.

you do know that this generation is one of the least drug consuming ones, right?

Try drug and get out of depression
It's not going to hurt you being social

you sound like an entitled piece of shit.

agreed, gf smokes the second she gets off work, sits plays candy crush for hours, then repeats.
We haven't gone out and had a good time in years.


No way. drugs are cheaper than ever.

one thing is spending the whole day high doing nothing, it is quite different to get out do stuff, and get high inbetween

I buy pot by 10 euros a gram, how the fuck is that cheap?!!?

>its like its nothing to these people
Because it IS nothing.

People are realizing how dumb it is to criminalize it. States are realize how much fucking bank Colorado and Washington are making from legal sales.

Crime goes down. Less people are in jail or in the justice system at all.

I don't get why you have to have your period about it, my man. Just let other people live their lives.

I'm one of these people OP. Sorry mang. I do know how you feel, it's just we are in the habit of doing shit stoned because we got so used it to and it became a habit. But It's also really fun to be stoned and do shit. I'm trying to do more things sober but other than working 8 hours a day i just wanna fucking chill.

1. People do less drugs than they did in the 70s-80s. And before then pot may have been taboo but people were hopped up on opiods and prescribed coke, meth, etc. Not to mention alcoholics galore. This generation is calm in comparison, only smoking weed.

2. People nowadays are depressed. Life is getting worse, inflation keeps going up, jobs keep paying less, people are aware of the massive corruption of their governments in full but can't do anything to change it, the world is falling apart. People are fucking miserable, and want to smoke to chill out and ignore the problems of the world. Quit bitching about it. Maybe smoke a bit so you can be less of a miserable cunt yourself.

Why I Don't Get Invited to Parties: The Post

Maybe it's because you're an annoying millennial and so boring that only pot heads will hang with you. Transfer to Brigham young, faggot

To be fair if they want to smoke during them activities that's not really effecting your experience (unless they stop in the middle to smoke)

Smoking can enhance activities, I love music and games after a smoke but I can still enjoy them without it and that would be a real issue if they could not

To be honest I'm surprised, most stoners I know would find swimming and hiking too much effort. You should be grateful that they don't just smoke and do nothing else like most people I know that smoke

found the potheads

this and only this. quit being a faggot contrarian OP. honestly and truly kill yourself

Shame that trips were wasted on a Straight Edge Scene x Core boy.

[Citation Needed]

25 euro a gram in Ireland, its depressing

You should relax and smoke some pot. It'll make you feel better.

I feel you on some of your points... However, what's stopping you from saying no? if you insist on hanging out with people that mirror yourself, you are gonna be really lonely. just because they smoke weed and you don't, doesn't mean you can't have a good time.

worry about yourself. if you decide not to partake, only faggots not worth hanging out with will care.

stop trying to control other people, it's a waste of time and energy.

op here

doesn't anyone see how lame that argument is though. i mean like, why smoke weed to begin with? cant you just enjoy this shit regularly? how is having to smoke before everything NOT a problem? i dont get it.

just fucking go swimming... and don't smoke. and don't get me wrong, i've smoked weed before and still do, but very rarely. im not against drugs.

i just find most kids these days obnoxious with it. like when i go hiking and get the top and then you just smell the stench of pot and two fucking pussy ass teenagers below the edge smoking a bowl thinking they're cool. i dont know. it just ruins shit for me.

i mean i didn't expect this thread to be popular as most people smoke weed and this post goes against those very people.

Do you have over-sized earrings?

just an over-sized anus

I don't see why you have such an issue with weed and not alcohol, something that is genuinely dangerous and bad for you.

Why is it that the actions of others bothers you so much though?
Only shitheads peer pressure other people into doing a drug. I get if you don't want to be around people like that.
At least you're around stoners who get out and about, doing things in nature and who don't just vegetate in a messy room all day.

I think smoking weed is just like drinking. I like smoking weed and I like drinking, but I don't like people that are always smoking weed or always drinking. I've known people that are smart and capable, but choose not to be because they are always stoned or drunk. Weed every once in a while is fun and relaxing, but talking to someone wh is always high is like talking to a child. I won't even smoke weed with my friends anymore. I'd rather smoke by myself sp I don't bore anyone with muddled thoughts and ideas that only make sense if you don't really think too hard.

also im not trying to change anyone. if people want to smoke weed, then do it, but just do it in private at your home, not in public places.

and im not a boring person. im the exact same as a chill person who smokes weed all the time, its just a dont smoke weed. not that hard to wrap your head around.

I got trips because I stopped being a worthless stoner.

I hope they keep it illegal in whatever shit state you live in L O L

"People smoking to pretend they are cool" are a huge minority amongst people who smoke weed regularly ...

Lmayaaoo. You should like a faggot who everyone in the friendgroup secretly hates. Why do you care so much about what people do together? Sounds like you're jealous of the good times.

>why do people drink alcohol at parties?
>why do people drink caffeine when they're tired?
>why do people do things I don't like?

You sound like my queer friend Justin
He is also 23 and a faggot
Just like you OP

You literally just have to say "No, thanks" you cynical fuck

This is how "relaxed and chill" pothead faggots act when you question their right to be worthless drains on society OP.

OP I'm 48 and been smoking weed since 1980. At this point I'm kind of sick of it too. It's a drug for children, and you're outgrowing it. Just don't smoke and let the stoners have their weed, you can still hang out with your friends just don't let their smoking bother you.

Just a tip, once you start doing whatever drug it is (alcohol ncluded) alone, you know there is a problem

look, i guess the problem comes down to this. if you meet new people, and they are interesting and they ask "do you smoke weed?" and i say "no not really" then i feel like im immidiately seen as weird, like why doesnt this kid smoke, he must be boring. which is just annoying cuz im the least boring person ever.

and im not saying my friends hike all the time either. cuz they dont. getting them to hike is impossible. but when they do hike, they wanna smoke.

i feel like you guys are completely misreading everything im saying and are putting words in my mouth.

>stahp liking what I don't like

Stop being a judgemental retard, kid. Make no mistake, those people want as little to do with you as you do of them. Furthermore, they don't give a flying fuck what your opinion is, and if you've ever so much as ingested a caffeinated beverage then that makes you a hypocritical asshole. Chocolate contains caffeine too.

One day when you grow up (because anyone who has lived past their 20 will tell you, you're still kids) you won't be so quick to judge. What goes around comes around.

Also, just go burn one and you'll be aight.

>when i go hiking and get the top and then you just smell the stench of pot and two fucking pussy ass teenagers below the edge smoking a bowl thinking they're cool

What makes them "pussy ass"? The fact that they're doing something they enjoy?

What makes you think THEY think they are cool? The act of smoking in the first place?

You admitted to smoking sometimes too. Do YOU think you're cool when you do it? You have no idea what they may or may not be thinking. Imagine getting up to the top of a mountain and you see a guy taking his shoes and socks off. Would that bother you? It's something he likes to do, and it harms no one by him doing it. So why do you get so hurtmad about it?

I think you just gotta let other people live their lives, my man. Worry less, that's the key here.

So basically you want other people to stop what they enjoy? You claim to smoke pot yet don't want others to and judge them. I hope this is bait. If not the next time you get hit in the balls, I wished for it.

Because they're already having a difficult time enough trying to move them.

How do you move product quickly when needed?

Lower the price.

can we turn this into a weed appreciation thread?

It's hard to meet interesting people when you are not interesting yourself. Explore your hobbies and you will meet like minded people that are not constantly high. Cheers

How on earth do you know this

You sound very judgmental. You should stop worrying about other people. It makes life a lot better.

To those "two fucking pussy ass teenagers" you would probably come off as a judgmental asshole.

When you put aside the preconceived notions of others and the judgment and just do you, you will attract interesting people. You will actually get to know who they really are rather than what they appear to be. Also, being friends with people that are different can open up a lot of doors and be rewarding. From your posts, it seems like you focus on the bad aspects of others and write them off without talking to them. As a result I'm sure people do the same with you.

Well said, from Washington.

Literally no downside to legalization.

It's legal here, stay holding on to that childish impotent rage

OP is getting his shit logic rekt, it already is one

pot makes you a faggot with no exceptions

I'm one of those post-modern faggots who like reading vice

yeah man. it doesn't bother me. like i said i still smoke but very occasionaly like if its a party or something. im not 100% against it, just hate how prevalent it is. its everywhere. im just commenting on how hard it is for someone my age to meet people who aren't really interested in it.

but i agree, its tricky because people who smoke weed are generally more fun because they are open to more things while those that have never smoked are sort of weird in their shut in ways if that makes sense.

but yeah, i used to smoke weed a lot. like all the time, but was never a "bum" like just doing nothing all day. i guess i outgrew it a while ago and wish my friends would too, but respect the fact that they probably wont.

thus i made this post, describing the difficulty of meeting new people who aren't about smoking weed.

[Citation definitely needed]

not for long, trump is going to throw all the dispensary owners in federal prison

i cant wait to hear you fags to cry about it


2/10 b8

To me it sounds like you are putting too much importance on what other people think of you.
I don't really drink, but I hang around with people who drink very often. It's just about having a good time in whichever way you prefer.
The only way you'd be perceived as boring is if you are genuinely boring. If you're able to have a good time sober while people around you are imbibing the thing of their choice, they'll still see you as fun to be around.

I have been smoking a decade and I agree, you should be able to get to the top of that hill and enjoy it without a smoke but weed is addictive in a different way.

Its not so much that I really need a smoke (there can be times though). Its more so that once I'm at the top of the hill the idea automatically goes in my head: "a smoke would be awesome now up here".

The reality is that no matter how you try convince yourself, you can't help but feel the moment could have been more if you where high

Its wrong, and its a hard reality to accept

before you did it to make activities more fun, not you do it because without it you'll be in disappointment wondering how it could have been

>trump is going to
To do what? The presidency is a firgurehead position. He's not gonna do shit. Same goes for any president. You're too hung up on other people's lives my nigger.

Maybe you don't have friends, not because of pot, but because you're a shitty/boring person. Just a thought

If someone wants to be a complete idiotic moron, that's fine, but do it in your own home, don't go to Sup Forums and whine about it.

It'll be legal in YOUR state soon, son. Deal with it.

haha you're an asshole faggot

reading Vice and thinking it is good is another sign you're a stupid pothead faggot

>Our new, crazy intern Gabe got a bunch of her girlfriends and guy friends together to drink semen cocktails. Here's how that went.

>your news on pot

>Pish posh, pot is for the birds
How To Get Beaten Up: A Primer

OP has a point. Imagine if your friends pulled out a bottle of vodka every time you're trying to have fun. Sure it has its place, but shoehorning it into every situation is irritating


YOU need the citation, pothead nigger subhuman

>clinton is in jail
>obamacare is repealed
>the wall is getting paid by mexico
yea, his little dwarf Sessions is on the case

I don't get #24

I'm a stoner and I feel similarly about beer and cigarettes. But guess what, I don't whine about it because nobody likes to be nagged about their habits. Everyone has their vices. You just do you and I'll do me.

Jeff Sessions could have every dispensary owner arrested tomorrow on Federal drug trafficking charges under the order of Trump.

Smoking weed also make you a retard who doesn't understand the laws.

U mad, my dude? Have a joint.

hahaha tyrone is going to rape you, little pothead bitch

Trump would be more likely to buy those dispensaries and cash in rather than try to prosecute anyone.


thaaaaaank you. that is my point.

my generation does this all the time. its not longer a "hey you wanna come over and burn?" its now a "hey before we go, you wanna burn?" before every conceivable scenario.

im simply commenting on the reality that most people my age smoke a lot of weed. also the "relax" thing is such bullshit. because again, kids don't do it to relax or anything. ugh, fuck this, i can tell this is going nowhere.

Waaaaaay too many potheads in this thread using their fucking backwards ass pot logic to justify their addiction.

fuck this. cant talk with a pothead. its like talking to a wall.


Why don't you just move to Utah OP?Would be a good place for someone like you

>makes uncited claim
>demands citation

pot sure does expand your mind lolol

You're a fucking low self esteemed moron man.. nobody gives a shit if you smoke or not. They ask to know whether or not to pass you the blunt, not to judge you whether or not you do. You must be in high school to worry about such stupid shit.

scrawny potheads can't beat anyone up

i thought weed made you peaceful?

It took me a long time to realize I don't like weed. All my friends did it. I did it. For years. It was just kinda what we did. I really thought I liked it. It makes me quiet and antisocial. Now I keep a little weed in the house and smoke it once in a while and play video games. I can't stand to be stoned in public and hate to deal with people who are. In conclusion I hate weed but also like it.

you must be a culchie because in dublin it's 10 euro a gram

Vice is fuckign trash but it is hilarious (from the post-modern fag lmao). The point is "kids" these days haven't been using nearly as much hard drugs as before, nor are doing as much retarded shit as they used to ~10-15 years ago. You might argue that pot consumption has grown, but I'd be pretty darn happy if people continued using recreative drugs instead of hard stuff.

>instead of listening to their arguments and try to better myself and my outlook on life, I'll just claim not to be able to talk to them and continue being ignorant and short-sighted!

Sure showed us.

>how to go to jail: a primer

This is how people reply when they can't back up the claims they've made.

Pat yourself on the back, you gave away the fact that you are as smart as a box of rocks.

haha nice one man

>how lame
>most kids

maybe you should expand your environment instead of comparing yourself to a snapshot. you aren't talking about anything that is actually useful or important. It really just sounds like you want reasons not to feel guilty for not having moved into better social circles or become more of an outdoor hobbyist.

You seem to be talking about people who smoke pot like it is a hobby. I feel like if you had a hobby of your own, it wouldn't bother you.

tldr maybe you are the problem

My whole family smokes and grows their own pot. I still never tried it out of not giving a shit about it

>trying to meet interesting people
>who don't smoke pot

You can't see the forest for the trees.
They're interesting - you said it yourself.
Probably the problem is you and your hang-ups.

Your statement is just one step away from "why do hot chicks always date assholes?"

>only people who smoke are scrawny

That's insane. $10 a gram here in Canada (equal to about 5 Euros). And that's if you don't know anyone,I get it practically for free.

>im mad because other people do things I don't like

Grow up. If you don't like something, just find different people to talk to. You're being a whiny beta bitch. You make it seem like your life is being ruined by pot smokers.

You need to break out of your circle of friends. You need to meet people who have absolutely no connection to anyone you know. Some of them will also smoke pot, and if that's the case meet someone else who doesn't know them. Keep doing this till you find a circle of people that don't need to get high to enjoy life. And remember there's a range, elitists stoners that talk like retards "this OG is lit as fuck, that's a fire tree" etc. Then there are people who smoke all the time cause they need it to make life interesting. Some people smoke occasionally or just before bed to help them sleep but aren't fags about it. Then there are straight edge fags who think they're better than stoners because they don't smoke (they're just as bad as the pot elitists imo).

Tl;dr Meet more people, find a group you like and keep meeting more people through them.

>how to enjoy something legally and make retards on Sup Forums mad

You claim people use less drugs now.

I told you you're wrong.

Now you need me to cite my claim but you don't need to cite yours?

You are one dumb nigger!

This is why I'm going to police academy soon.

>thaaaaaank you. that is my point.
>Waaaaaay too many potheads in this thread using their fucking backwards ass pot logic to justify their addiction.

Yup, called it.
You're just a butt-hurt square hating on everyone else having a fun life.

Yes, the police force needs more dumbasses like you.

Have fun, kid!