Narrowly dodged committing suicide right before summer break due to school stuff

>Narrowly dodged committing suicide right before summer break due to school stuff.
>Now I'm sitting in my room at 03:17 on my computer.
>Big, tilted window right behind the computer is opened, cool night wind is blowing.
>Wrapped in my name brand Snuggie.
>Listening to all my favourite music.
>I just got unbanned from Sup Forums after having been banned for years.
>Many upcoming social gatherings I've been looking forward to.
>Can't wait to go back to school and see all my friends.

Is life good again, Sup Forums?

Stay strong Sup Forumsro. Life gets tough, I never thought I'd ever have those thoughts reoccur. But they did. It really does only take time. Much respect, and much love.

My gf is dying. i some how managed to stop her from killing herself a few nights ago but her body is breaking down and she only has maybe over a week.kms


If thats true I feel for you.... Good luck make your peace and make some memories while you still have time.


to make your day, have some triangular art

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>banned for years

get her to do anal before it's too late

i got chigger bites all over my arm somehow and i look like a fucking heroin addict

Life is getting worse. Depression had been pretty bad, but is at an all-time low now that my vehicle has been totaled in an accident. I can't afford to get another, but I need to get to university daily to work on my PhD. I was fine commuting, but without a vehicle it is impossible. I am becoming quite desperate- I don't want my career to fail even before it began.


I got a stem phd 3.5 years ago and since then i've been a postdoc 2.5 years and unemployed 1 year, it's not worth it

what is the bus you entitled fagshit

That's great to hear.
What field though?
Particle physics here...

I had to commute because I live out in the country. There is no public transportation here.

post a nearby intersection and what college you go to

I guarantee you're wrong

Dude! The pills are starting to kick in. Don't worry, it will be all over soon

about a week ago I was ready to off myself over some shit (break up awhile ago and shitty day at work) put me over the edge and was ready to bite the bullet but I didn't and because I couldn't do that damage to my parents or family and I told myself to stop being a whiny bitch and move on and so far I've been doing damn well

Chem Eng, had two on-sites when i finished but didn't get an offer, ended up doing a 2 year postdoc on worthless research at a uni, then i couldn't find anything for a year, finally hired as research postdoc at a company.
Not worth it so far

Buck Mountain Rd, Free Union, VA 22940
University of Virginia

There are no buses that drive into the country.

>10 miles


nigga you in the shenandoah valley

im not nerd PhD user but 10 miles if fucking longer than you think to ride a bike smart user better off stealing a car

>10 miles, one way, in 98ºF heat, on a single-lane road with no shoulder

Smart. Guess what, there really are people in this world who need a vehicle to live.

buy a fourwheeler? or a cheap beater of craigslist?


I'm looking at beaters, but most are non-running or have some serious defect. So far I have seen only one that seems decent and is just barely affordable.

Wish I could switch places with her user. Hold her tight, remember the good times, and be a better man because of this.

shit maybe take a bank or loan or make a deal/payment plan with the guy but if I were you I'd fork out an extra grand for something that will run for a long time and not break down in a week or two

this isnt my clarinet

"It's my belief that history is a wheel. 'Inconstancy is my very essence,' says the wheel. Rise up on my spokes if you like but don't complain when you're cast back down into the depths. Good time pass away, but then so do the bad. Mutability is our tragedy, but it's also our hope. The worst of time, like the best, are always passing away. " -Boethius (Anicius Manlius Severinus), The Consolation of Philosophy

take out a student loan you faggot