The ideal female body for me. What Sup Forums think?

The ideal female body for me. What Sup Forums think?

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U sick fuck, that's not an ideal body that's anorexia.


ideal female body for me

Jesus man, that's awful.

She's dying, you fucking idiot. I'm not one for kink shaming, but if your kink is liking women that literally DO NOT EAT, you're a fucked cunt.

Your ideal female body is a 15 year old male body? OP you're a gay pedophile.

I hope she will birth more children and gain more weight

so you're a pedofile?


Fuck off with your disgusting ass death fetishes. Ugly cunt.

i think we need moar

Later in life shes gunna find out theres tumors or some wierd circulation problem in those thunder thighs


Gross. Where's the pussy hair?

after you fuck off with your pedo fetish shit closet fucking faggot, might as well fuck boys if you like a "women" like OPs pic


Image search.
Kennedy Kressler.
Pro porn model.

sad tits

That user never said he even likes Ops pic. Damn nigga you a real true faggot


Bit skinny, but cute. No implants is a huge plus.

I like huge girls

If she had bigger hips, more muscle and like 5% more body fat she'd be perfect

Along the lines of her

Trips check'd

Much better



lovely but shes too tall.
tits are perfect.

As in the body you should have compared to what you have? I smell a trap.

me too

She's one of the few that has gotten better with age imo, that pic is a few years old

Fuck off.
That's what think



I don't give a fuck, its been a year. Id fuck anything at this point.


>nigger fucker

Thanks but no thanks.



V nice



Come to south-eastern ethiopia, plenty of hot chicks with gorgeous bodies such as that in here.


Holy FUCK she's real! Hahahahahahahagahahahahagahahahahahahahahagahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahajahajahajahahajahajajahajajhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

>Grand Master Kek

i had sex with a girl just like her last month except she had dyed her hair black.
bitch lives up in the hills and is agoraphobic though so its a bit of a waiting game :\

Wow! So good my friend

is that a dorf?



no, just the angle

edited to make her ass look bigger by the looks of it kek

Australian satan checked....






I'm with you. Skinny is my favourite.



I always liked Kennedy least when she was new..but she is unhealthily thin here. Beautiful chick but add 8-10 lbs of fat to what we see here and that would actually be ideal

I'm guessing you're either from Australia or New Zealand?

why are star trek fans literally retarded?

Used to like her until she got blacked.

Basically an anorexic pale skin covered skeleton

Kennedy kressler, porn chick. Have fun, user.

Yeah thats ny ideal women too but with bigger tits i love nice tits you can squeeze and suck on


Nice Bait

I dont have a picture but i love morbidly obese black women

looks like alien that wears human skin

Good god, why?

You need Jesus in your life.


Ideal for me.

I love thin chicks. Odette Delacroix is a goddess.

I liked her when she was new, but she's a little older and frankly porn chicks age like dry ice in July.

She might look better to me now if she aged naturally, but it looks like she's botoxed her face a little and I find that absolutely disgusting. Just makes chicks look weird, not young.

Because obese black women love Jesus?

my ideal

Randalin Raylynn


She is attractive but out of shape. Only still looks good bc she is like 18.

Give her five years and she'll be fat.



Yeah, a suicide girl indeed.

Holy fuck, this is a real person

I dunno, ive always have



I get that alot :/

damn hot


she is perfection

Who is?



I've dumped a crazy amount of cum to her videos.

My favourite fap packs