Its Time to close the pool

its Time to close the pool



which room?



Fuck off you redditfag, you're a week too late. Next official raid is December 1st, world aids day.

oh shit i missed the raid

There is always time for a raid

go to the gay bi and les trans wonderland

wait no the club nx lets close the dance floor

I'd join but I'm on probation from aids.

I'll see you all on national aids day!

>ITT: The cancer which is destroying Sup Forums

>Implying Sup Forums hasn't already been destroyed


What good things happen on Sup Forums these days?
Name one.
I dare you.
I double dare you motherucker.

Nothing while you're here. Get out of my board, etc.

That's my secret. I'm always online.

>thinking that Sup Forums hasn't already surpassed Sup Forums as the final boss of the internet

both of you greentext like passive agressive bitches

>Implying that there are other ways to greentext

>“implying“ that you both greentext fags suck each other off
>go back to tumblr

>That you both greentexts fags...
Horrible use of English mate, I think you're the one that's supposed to go back to tumblr.


Sup Forums has achieved every great accomplishment in the last year. Both 4 and infinitychan's Sup Forums boards are far and away better than even "old Sup Forums"
What was Sup Forumss greatest accomplishment? Some might say chanology. To that I say, yeah, right. Thanks for opening the gates to the neo-libs and SJWs (We're to blame for that by the way)
Some might say Seth Green's radio show.
Some might say exploding vans.
Some might say dog curtains.
Some may say Fox News.

But what does that matter? Hackers on steroids?? Who cares, that means nothing when a few boards literally memed a fucking president into being.

I wanna have a discussion with you but my gf is having a few issues brb

Alrighty I'm back

OK user so here's my 2cents on the matter.
The fact is, "oldschool" pranks where "pool's closed" to some epic raids and all (Plus lulzsec where decent).

However, newschool/current "raids" are "fucking over the CIA" "hunting down antifa" "Catching child predators" and "electing a fucking orange into presidency" level type shit.
The fact is that the change has been so fucking dramatic, just imagine what we'll come up with in the next 10 years. I guarantee you, we are going to become a legitimate world power.
But you have to agree, Sup Forums is going to have the best fucking timeline/history in the history of history.