Bharat ka Thread!

Bharat ka Thread!
Angrezo ki maa ki chut ! Behenchod sale
Bhai log yaha aao !!

fuck off pajeet i fucking hate your disgusting little people so much fuck off and go drink cow piss you brown fuck

Lund thok dunga tere gaand me chakke ki aulad

curry curry gandhi curry


Tere behen ki choot me curry dal ke kutte ka lund daal dunga Donald Trump ke tatti ke popcorn


curry curry microsoft tech support curry curry


Suck Trump
Kill all White American
9/11 again
And again
And again

Go to your shitting street

Where yo kids at ?
Oh well
They are busy shooting each other

im not even american you dumb shit go back to shitting on your streets you uncivilised 3rd world country shithole, all you dirty brown indian fucks need to be nuked from the face of this earth so it can be cleaned.
> indians are stupid enough to believe in some elephant god and worship cows. cows. drink some holy cow piss pajeet and fuck off

where yo kids at ?
oh well
you are probably raping them because incest is ok in a 3rd world shithole like india





sorry, I don't speak Poo in Loo

Gand marao firangi haramiyo. You have no culture.

topkek gg user

drinking cow piss is good you health

i suppose raping your children is too according to indian logic right?

drinking cow piss is not good, drinking any piss is not good. I'm not degrading Indians I'm Indian too

for those who think ,people of india is poor,kust search mukesh ambani,you will be shit your self.
in usa google and microsoft ceo is indian

until recently our culture wasn't that good either dude

i know ,but its called gomuthra ,it has medical benifits ,better than any alcoholic drink

arey chutiyo dhung se type karna kab seekho ge?

> you will be shit your self
no you shit yourself on your streets yet you claim you arent 3rd world poor shithole, kek

alcohol is shit so is piss and I still think alcohol is better, piss is digested dirty water

Look the discussion we're having ITT. That's why we can't respect you indians. Even brazilians are less shitty.

your english is not broken
it's fucking shattered

fucking kek

4 inches ahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhaahhhhahaaahaahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahaahahhahahahahaahahahhahahaahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhaahhhhahaaahaahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahaahahhahahahahaahahahhahahaahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhaahhhhahaaahaahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahaahahhahahahahaahahahhahahaahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhaahhhhahaaahaahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahaahahhahahahahaahahahhahahaahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhaahhhhahaaahaahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahaahahhahahahahaahahahhahahaahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhaahhhhahaaahaahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahaahahhahahahahaahahahhahahaahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhaahhhhahaaahaahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahaahahhahahahahaahahahhahahaahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhaahhhhahaaahaahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahaahahhahahahahaahahahhahahaahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhaahhhhahaaahaahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahaahahhahahahahaahahahhahahaahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhaahhhhahaaahaahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahaahahhahahahahaahahahhahahaahahahah

If incest is ok anywhere, it's probably in the rural peasant southern amerifag states. How do people live in such a disgusting shithole, that somehow found itself banded together with an otherwise first world country?






Pakistan has an inbred ratio of 75% If anything its worse if not the same

Stfu terrorist faggot, go back to fucking your goat

im not even american you dumb smelly cow shit eating poorshit
sorry you must be over 4 inches to reply to me ()


The science is in folks.....funded by the Japanese govt.

yeah and india is just a rapeist hell hole and homosexuality is rampent so no inbred there lol

Then your probably a fucking disgusting slav, go back to eating potatoes in your icy shithole cunt.

10% of people still shitting in the streets? Sounds like progress

what are you doing pajeet do you not know how to read? over 4 inches only for replies! do they not teach you to read in callcenters training?



better than being backwards as shit and stoning people to death

Pussy, how do you have access to any sort of technology in your shithole country? Ur master might be annoyed to see one of his slaves using his property.


Absolute mad man

> how do you have access to any sort of technology in your shithole country
such irony coming from someone from a country where people s h i t on the streets, your country is an irrelevant meme.
> impliying im a slave???
im pure proud white, you on the other hand is the colour of what comes out of my arse when i shit, so who is the nigger here pajeet?

Have been to India last year. Liked it a lot.

How much Rs you need to survive a month?

Die in a fire, you fucking curry

Ur country is probably irrelevant. Chances are most people would not be able to point you out on a map.

Im sorry but ur the same as an albino nigger. Why don't you go back to work on ur masters potato farm. You need to feed your inbred downs children right?

Depends on how you like to live.
Can range from 10k to 30k..

stop pulling arguments out of your shit filled streets and fuck off back to worshiping a fucking elephant, maybe pray for an extra inch so you can finally reach 5, shitskin pajeet



How much does a Kushti-wrestler earn on average?

Stop crying because you live in an icy shithole, and go pray to a fucking brown man from the middle east.

poo in loo!

'icy shithole' > shit filled poor stupid 3rd world meme country full of inbred rape babies


Have you watched Dangal or something ?


anything>literally just ice, people and potatoes

Competed in one. Earned 7000 Rs. But i´m curious how much you earn on average.

Pajeets on suicide watch


ice, people and potatoes > shit filled streets, rape, incest

Thinking about going back and travelling + fighting in the country for a while.

First time was just for fun.

abbe bhosdike do kodi ki aukat hai teri kya angrezon ki gand marega!

Streets > Paths made by animals


Is Yobit cryptomonedas exchange page from India? Your admin and support are indues .

Pls give a lil backstory about yo self
where what


lmao have you ever met a real life Ecuadorian? They're like 99.4% Inca or some filthy Indian. This can't possibly be accurate mi dude.



Won´t tell to much about myself, because 4 chan. ;)

In my late 20s, western country, came to india because interested in Yoga and wrestled afterwards in one Dangal after i got the rules exlpained to me the day before.

Previous experience is in Judo, BJJ and olympic Wrestling.

4 inches for a Pajeet sounds very accurate though lol. They're all small framed, and malnourished.

Bout was for 5100 Rs i think. Lost. People gave me 7000 Rs, non the less.

What would be living on 10k and 30k be like.

*shit filled streets

I understand your concern.
Check out Pro wrestling league
Its like a league for wrestling.
Major plus if you look any different from us.
ie white/black/any thing foreign.

Any sort of infrastructure whatsoever > Some fucking forest somewhere

Any Delhi Bros itt?

Just checked.
One foreign player was auctioned for 34 Lakhs
ie Rs 34,00,000

To all the assholes here We have toilets. Fuck off with your shitty meme. We will remember it when we are superpower and your beg on our feet for nukes

Tamil guy in delhi bro

*infrastructure covered in shit


calm down pajeet, rough day at the tech support today?

Lonely Indian wives of husbands in middle east cheat like prostitutes

Laugh all you want now. You and your stupid trump shit are gona be dead

I see a lot of Indian ladies ear the thing called saree.. You Indian men find it attractive?

Are you a student?

i will laugh all i want, i'll laugh at your shit filled streets, cow piss drinking, poor as shit 3rd world coutry. dig around in that shit on the street, you might find a nuke in there somewhere little pajeet

Also do you know Hindi?