Delusion: The Tweet

Delusion: The Tweet

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It's true. It's why Hillary needs to get the nom because she has no hope in beating Trump. Sanders will do much better than Hillary.


but he's got to become the nominee first which won't happen.

Jesus Christ.
Bernie is insane.
Hillary's insane too, but people will actually vote for her.

This guy is so bad at the bantz he should just stop.

He'd do better than Hillary.

Is it just me or does that sound like he ripped it straight from Trump and changed a few words?

Except he's right

Fuck are these 3rd grade bantz

Yeah the huge

Old Man attacks Windmills

More @11

Be wary of the 'dude free shit" candidate, for they wield dangerous normie meme magic. Just look at Canada. Don't take Sanders lightly.


What did he mean by this?

I hope you meant 18

Does the Bernlord still believe he has a chance? He needs to beat Hillary by a landslide in every remaining state to get the nomination, and he's down in most remaining states. He could win every remaining state by 15% and still lose to Hillary. Why the fuck is he still running?

I don't get how the polls say he has a better chance of defeating trump than hillary. If bernie got the nomination tons of moderates and never trump people would vote trump to stop the commie

Isn't it normal for them not to mention the other nominee, you kno, like vidya companies?

use a condom ffs

Alright guys, I think it's about time we put Bernard in a home. He doesn't know what's real anymore.

Bernie will execute all faggot and niggers

Bernie Sanders, tackling the important issues

Bernie and his supporters are grasping at straws really. Yes, Bernie does well in head to head polls against Trump. Utterly irrelevant, for reasons other than the fact he isn't going to be the nominee.

Bernie has not been scrutinised heavily because no one thinks he has a chance. If he were the nominee that would soon change, his approval will plummet. Just look at what happened to Corbyn here.

Before he was leader no one really knew who he was. They just thought "oh he's just a nice old man who wants to help people :-)".

Then he became leader of the Labour party. And people realised just what he believed and how crazy it would be to actually implement it. Now he's a laughing stock.

People need to realise that approval is more often an indication that the electorate don't know much about you rather than they actually like you.

it's more to do with the lesser of 3 evils.
People fucking hate hillary
People fucking hate trump
Bernie gives out free shit and is friends with birds

What was meant by this?

I wouldn't be disingenuous like that.
That doesn't make sense. What's important is how they would govern.

americas really have to do this

i thought it was the land of the free
guess not

Corbyn was smeared almost every U.K press station when he was running for Labour leader what retard world are you living in?

He's got a better shot than Hillary.

Is this real? ATMs are a convenient, optional service, not a public utility. If you want cash than go to your bank or credit union to avoid a fee.

>What was meant by this?

He wants to bankrupt the US healthcare system.

2 dollar ATM fees are an unalienable right shitlord

not to the american public


He's actually right if you go by the head to head polls. He fairs far better vs Trump than Shillary does

Except he's not because half of his support can't vote.

lesser of 3 evils is socialism?????????
you are a fucking retard if you believe this. being a capitalist shill is light years better than being an honest socialist. Trump is going to destroy both.

No, it means he's fucking retarded because illegals can't be turned away from hospitals already.

eh hes probably right

sjws and leftists out number you 9 to 1
half the public already think hes racist

>undocumented immigrants get free healthcare
>actual american citizens don't

Bernie would be a tougher opponent, mostly because he instills love like Trump.

Thankfully shillary will get the nom though

>half of his support can't vote
>wins 19 states in den primary against the presumptive nominee since 2008.

Doesn't matter. Feelings don't matter with regard to empiricism.

I second this

>I have news for my opponent!
>here is a possible scenario wherein I beat you!
>what do you think of that, eh?

Wow some fucking ice burns by senile Sanders there, how will Trump ever come back from this?

That does it guys I'm now a #BernVictim

Bernie is now just complaining about inconvenient shit he runs into in his daily life.

because literally no one has called him out on all his socialist bull shit. wait until his breadline comments start getting talked about non stop. or his massive tax hikes. or his ridiculous economic proposal that makes ludicrous assumptions. that guy is pure fucking shit and no one has pushed back on him at all. it makes me fucking sick that this piece of human filth has gotten even this level of support. fuck that kike.

They described him consistently as radically left wing (which isn't considered as much of a slur here anyway). That's more or less it. They let him have his talking points on the poor and on benefits.

It wasn't until after he won they decided to unleash his sympathies for terrorists, his views on the Falklands, his opinion on immigration. And those are the reasons he is so unpopular.


Talk to older people. Older people hate socialism and will not associate with anyone who is labeled a socialist.

This is the reason Hillary is winning. Old Democrats. They'd have her 1000 times over rather then have Bernie once.

If you sat down and talked to them you'd realize they would also rather vote Trump then to vote a socialist into office.

real life isn't college dude. most people dislike the radical left.

Holy shit is this real

Only privately owned, separate ATMS you would find at gas stations.

I can withdraw/deposit any amount from my banks ATM across the street for absolutely Zero dollars in fees.







IF, -holds hand up in the air, index and thumb out, middle finger half mast- IF.. I BECOME PRESUHDENT


For the people who haven't been through an election cycle before: The polling done before the general tells you almost nothing.

Bernie is only doing really well against Trump because so many people don't know who he is. People just know they don't want Trump. The same goes for when Clinton was "losing" against Kasich and Cruz.

>if I someone how manage to miraculously win this much smaller easier election, ill totally defeat you in the real one

berniebots everyone

Chemical castration and government issued facial tattoos to mark plague vectors.

Nevermind I just saw the "if". I thought he straight up claimed he will be the nominee. Nothing to see here

voters think socialism is more evil than trump, and rightly so. trump is good

maybe by right wing american standards

but all the public sees is all the gibsmedats hes offering, and hes offering many

I've actually been rooting for Bernie pretty hard just because I know that's he's a weaker opponent for Trump compared to Hillary. Hillary is evil, but rational. Bernie is delusional, but not evil.

So the recent polls showing Trump is ahead of Hillary mean nothing either?

well the election is in the united states.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Do you think anyone doesn't know who Trump or Hillary Clinton is?

could be true. maybe.

but the fact of the matter is you're not the nominee and don't have a chance of being it anymore you delusional fuck

they havent even really gone head to head yet, so it still means almost nothing

>not a public utility

You do realize Bernie intends to make a lot of things into public utilities.

your gf

Pretty much. They're more accurate now that Trump is pretty much the nominee, but we can't take the polls at face value until Clinton wins the nomination.

Why will Bernie Sanders give up the mic on American issues but scream and tell them to shut up on topics about Israel?

kekkkkk :D

How odd that this gets him votes ,':^)

He already acts like he's the nominee, he attacks Trump more than he does Hillary

At the very beginning of Bernie's campaign he said that he would only focus on the issues and not attack anyone.

Saying that's "not how politics should be"

What changed? What made him jump on the Trump hate bandwagon?. I seriously lost a lot of respect for him.

never underestimate the enemy Sup Forums

God Bless you Bernie!!!

>if i am the democratic nominee

10/10 shit senpai

Crazy Bernie thinks he's going to be the nominee.

Bernie will immediately back off of his promises if he wins the election. His policies would result in at least 100 million people in this country starving to death. You just simply can't switch economic systems like a light switch, there are very real horrors surrounding his platform.

explain 100 million starving

I think Bernie and Trump both realized that they started off more similar than different. Also, Bernie's brain broke when the #BLM attacked.

extreme tax hikes would destroy the country. the economy would be in shambles and we couldn't pay for all the unemployment. we would end up the same way as vennezuela.

The food supply chain runs on price discovery, Bernie plans to manage it by government appropriation. This will result in a 6 to 9 months of no food reaching grocery stores. This will result in a hording panic that with create a massive famine. Bernie knows this, that's why his promises are meaningless.

Bernie Sanders is a communist, Bolshevik Jew.

Historically. when a jewish socialist is in a position of authority over non-jewish peoples, misery and death ensues.

The Jews during the Bolshevik revolution and the creation and administration of the Soviet Union way into the 1930s dominated up to 90% of the gov't. The Cheka, the NKVD was dominated by Jews. Jews were the administrators of the Gulags, where millions of innocent Russians died. The Ukrainian famine of 1932-33 was engineered and carried out by Jewish commies.

Russia was a Christian country until the Jewish, Bolshevik Revolution, of 1917, when Jews initiated the torture and slaughter of tens of millions of Christian Russians. Priests and nuns were raped, tortured, and slaughtered, and churches were dynamited.

The Jew, Genrikh Yagoda, whose Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system, was responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people alone.

This is what happens when Jews take control of White, Christian countries.

What a loon.

So is he gonna register and mark all gays? What was the number, like 75% gay men have HIV? I remember it was ridiculously high.

Kek you deserve a (you) for that

This, famine always follows these people. There are no exceptions in history of it not happening. IF Bernie gets elected, and doesn't back off, most people here in this country have about 2-3 years left of life to live.


>hurr entitlement programs can just be funded by wall st guys

Well he's right, but the point is moot since he wont win the nom anyway.

Fucking kek

As someone who works in a lab that's actually doing some cutting edge AIDS research, let me be the first here to point out that he has absolutely no idea how diseases and treatments work. "Tax evil rich ppl and giv to da poor black folks to be dem mediciens" will not end the AIDS pandemic, you fucking retarded jew fossil.

>i can beat trump easily
>i cant beat shillary

t. hernie zanders

How will AIDS be ended?

trumpfags are only one small step below berniefags on the scale of delusion
he would defeat him, but there's no chance in hell he gets nominated in the first place short of hillary getting arrested

quarantine everyone who currently has it on an island

>A 74 year old socialist attempting to (very poorly) out-shitpost a 69-year old shitpost king, who has been targeting a 68 year old felon with his shitposts

This election is the fucking best. I hope it never ends. What a time to be alive.

Kill all the fags and niggers

and also make chimps extinct so it doesn't happen again