Why are chess grandmasters who have devoted their entire lives to sitting on their backsides playing a stupid game...

Why are chess grandmasters who have devoted their entire lives to sitting on their backsides playing a stupid game lauded as intellectuals whereas fat autists who sit around playing Call of Duty and got really good at it are despised?

Chess has been around longer.

Because video games are dumb and are played by fat retarded autists that yell and scream racial slurs at a television screen.


Sounds like Bobby Fischer.

Your point being...?

I'm really, really good at Hungry, Hungry Hippos. Why aren't I recognised as a genius?

> chess grandmster
> posts black guy
> Maurice Ashley really is a black grandmaster
> mind blown

Chess has been around longer

Things that have been around for a long time garner respect. It doesn't matter how dumb the thing is. See also, religion. The more people that hold this belief becomes general public opinion.
If chess is viewed as a sporting game of intellectual eggheads and beings of superior strategy, then that is what the opinion will stay. And it has years to hold this point of view.
10 years ago video games were seen as things only social outcasts and children participate in. It hasn't been until very recently that they have become a socially accepted pass time and it will be a very long time if ever for the general public to respect a skilled video gammer.
Tldr: old fucks make the rules. Old fucks like chess. Old fucks don't like video games.

>comparing CoD to chess
You're not even trying at this point, are you?

Because you have to be smart to do well at chess. Any n00b can 360noscope with the right rig.

Both are equally worthless. How is chess any good?

why is the nigger playing as white

cod is shit, compare chess to any decent game with a great deal of strategy + skill and you could make a point.

That wasn't the point, mate. At all.

>be a literal autist
>spend your entire life sitting indoors obsessively playing a game which is as useless and arbitrary as any other
>get applauded

nice fallacious argument autismo
If something isnt inherently respectable from the start then it wont last for thousands of years unchanged and still end up respected. See also, niggers. Older than civilization itself, seen as dirt then - seen as dirt now.

This a strategy game where you gave to think 5 steps ahead and outsmart your opponent. This never happens in video games, vidya is all about quicker reflexes so there's skill involved but it's a completely different skill

Nice photoshop.

>tries to sound smart
>uses phrase "inherently respectable"

Try thinking before you type next time

There is a deeper question you missed.... Just got to dig a little deeper.

>[chess is a] strategy game where you [h]ave to think 5 steps ahead
>This never happens in video games
>strategy game
>video games

why did this make me laugh?

janitor ▬ engineer

one is always more respected than the other, this is inherent respect based on a fundamental difference between the two that never changes.

keep up the nig game nigger

its not for stupid ppl so u cant even get the idea behind the game idiot...

>When you have no counterargument you critsize (there's one for you) typos

Niggers aren't respected because they are niggers.
Niggers don't make the rules and therefore will never be respected.
Niggers may or may not have been kangs. But They're still niggers.
Wealthy Caucasians make the rules.

>is surprised that black people can be intelligent
You need to spend some time away from Sup Forums, it's beginning to effect the way you think

Your stupidity is actually making my head hurt.
respect is a subjective idea, it cant be inherent.

Here I got the definition for you: "belonging by nature or habit"

Respect can not be "built in" to something, its given . Not only that, but to think that something can not gain or lose popularity or respect over time is also quite stupid. Things can gain or lose social value depending on the context, which goes back to respect being subjective and therefore not inherent. Congratulations, you win the idiot award for today.
Protip: Go do something you might actually have a clue about.


Why are pro eSports players lauded by their communities while your average joe who knows how to play chess and does sometimes isn't?

theres alot more to chess than there is to playing a stupid game like a no life and getting really good as a result at said stupid game

except that is literally all there is to chess. most of chess is recognizing standard stock openings that you've memorized the counters to.

A man who plans ahead is naturally respected in the same way a good physique is naturally attractive.

Respect like beauty is subjective but subjectivity doesn't invalidate a social consensus. Something that plays in favor of what are perceived as respectable traits becomes in itself respectable, ie. suits, chess, whatever

You are tiresome

You need to realize that Sup Forums is performance art, not reality.

Plus, it's not about intelligence. It's about the whitebread world of professional chess.

Chess is a lot harder.

Then why aren't you good at chess? It's not just openings, it's every move that could potentially follow, and each of those move have been studied or played by hundreds of millions of people for over a 1000 years.

Whatever "stats" you think you know can't even compare to the number of moves and strategies a grandmaster has to know.


well, that guy is actually a chess grandmaster