What's up with Trump not releasing his tax returns? Does he genuinely not want people knowing what he paid...

What's up with Trump not releasing his tax returns? Does he genuinely not want people knowing what he paid, or do you think he has some trick up his sleeve?

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who are the retards who give a fuck, and why do they matter?

Trump hates America, doesn't pay taxes, works with foreign entities, is not a billionaire and hires foreign workers.



Trump's Mar-a-Lago hires hundreds of foreign workers

For media attention.

Any press is good press.


Forgot mandatory.

only the hillshills care because they're hoping this will be a negative for Trump.

nobody else cares at all.

What's up with Barack Obama not releasing his birth certificate, college transcripts, tax returns?

of he course he isn't a billionare in any sort of liquid asset

his wealth comes from the properties he owns

but yeah, he probably doesn't pay many taxes

i wouldn't either tbqhfamalam

Given the option, no one would pay taxes.

He's letting the media build this up as their one chance to stump him, then he will release his tax returns and there will be literally nothing. They will be out of precious time to come up other attacks.

Pretty smart.

here's a room filled with all the trump supporters waiting eagerly to see his tax return

The added benefit of stirring up the Tea Partiers and conservatives that were audited under Obamas regime just for not being a democrat.

why doesnt hillary talk about how shes close friends with people that funded 9/11 and how she has been given money by them?

the saudi royal family and others are known to have involvement in 9/11


Trump is being audited.

You don't want hundreds maybe thousands of people digging through your returns while battling the IRS.

who's going to bother reading through his 900 page tax return? surely not hillshills like you

Why doesn't $hillary release the transcripts for her speeches?

he's said it in a few interviews


The returns will show that a rich guy pays surprisingly little in taxes due to tax loopholes, creative accounting and Jew lawyers.

It's all within the law.

Do you honestly think that what appears on Clinton tax returns aren't massaged to within an inch of the law? Especially with the Clinton Foundation's circuitous funding arrangements?

Bernie is going to put her on the spot for this at the final debate.
Hillary said she would release the transcripts when everyone else who is running has
But the only people still running at this point are Trump Hillary and Bernie
If she backpedals again on releasing them it's going to look terrible for her.

Here's the argument libcucks are praying they'll be able to make:
>Trump isn't a wildly succesful businessman with wealth 4 orders of magnitude greater than the average American! He's only a wildly succesful businessman with wealth ALMOST 4 orders of magnitude greater than the average American !

When someone tries to convince me that a man whos worth 10bil is not a good businessman, I laugh at him. How fucking dense and blinded by hatred for someone do you need to be to even think about making this argument

>What's up with Trump not releasing his tax returns?
What's up with Hillary not releasing those transcripts?

What's up with Hillary deleting e-mails that she was supposed to hand over?

not true, he told he would not release them

Why would she? We know more about her taxes than Trump's taxes.

He has something to hide.

>Especially with the Clinton Foundation's circuitous funding arrangements?

These accusations have already been properly addressed.

There is literally no reason for Trump to release his taxes.

If they show that he's as rich as he says, the media will criticize him as an out-of-touch billionaire. If they show he's less wealthy, the media will say he's a loser.

If they show he pays very little taxes, the media will accuse him of cheating. If they show he pays a lot of taxes, the media will say he doesn't understand the nuances of finance.

>He has something to hide.
So does she. That's the point.

She's on day 99 of not releasing her speech transcripts and still doesn't have an excuse to offer as to why.

We're going to see he doesn't donate as much as he claims, and he probably is doing some shit overseas when he claims to hate foreign trade.

But whatever.

i think he took advantage of the tax loopholes he is attempting to close. it would have been stupid of him not to do so. he knows it would not help him so it is better to leave people wondering.

just like it would have been dumb of him not to take advantage of cheap labor made available to him by the current laws in place.

sage report hide, OP will never reply to this thread again.