What's the best way to die Sup Forums ?

What's the best way to die Sup Forums ?

You looking for painless and quick?
Or slow torture?

Old age


i wanted to say in your sleep, but i really don't want to die.

Heroin od

Painless and quick

In your sleep, together with your wife who you've loved for the past 60 years and share up to the last night together.

Snorting cocaine of fthe crown of the hooker's head thats suckin my dick.

Alternativly, winnin at teamplay autoerotic asphyxiation

>Two story building with something to tie off to
>Piano wire around neck, tied off on roof
>Apply super glue to hands
>Double facepalm until glue sets
>Swan dive off roof

It looks like you've ripped your own head off.

You posted it just make sure you're looking at the shotgun so you don't accidentally blow off half your skull and miss your brain.

>get rid of liver
>drink vodka
>light dick on fire
>piss straight vodka because no liver and vodka lights on fire
>piss fire onto dynamite

Would be very painful

What about in your mouth?

Helium. Turkey cooking bag over head (only elastic holding it loosely, you can still breathe somewhat normally).
Tank of helium into bag via tubing.
You will pass out painlessly in less than 15 seconds.
Make sure you can't fall over and knock bag off. Zip tie own hands behind back and lie on floor is best.

Just use shotgun and aim up and you will melt ur brain and feel no pain.

jesus christ

Keep telling your friends DEEZ NUTZ until they completely hate you and team up to murder you.

Nitrous and opiates.

don't encourage that you cunt

you're a pussy because you're still alive

"slow and horrible"

good choice!

The world could use more interestin things. Specifically for my entertainment

Kek do we know each other?

B.b...but I didn't choose that

Instantly incinerated by cosmic radiation

with dubs


Rumor has it blowing up infidels will score you virgin trim in valhalla

Recall happenin upon a suicide recently; guy jumped off a bride, somehowlanded in a rather high scale restaurant.

Article never published what the restaurants name was, so il never know if it was a stron gust of wind or clever timing.

In any case the service was rather gravitating

How do I get those?

Yeah the rub they dont tell you is the virgins are all from Sup Forums and Sup Forums

Just in a way that doesn't fuck traffic up.
Some faggot jumped off a carpark near my work a few weeks ago and it took an extra 40 minutes to get home.

Okay, killing myself in the street is out


collect enough apple seeds to become death from cyanide poison. Ground them up into a power and ingest with gasoline.

Maybe. Are you from Arkansas?

This only works if you are a white 17-23 yr old. Go to a black neighborhood and provoke a black man, hope to get shot. When the news hears about it they will plaster your face all around your area saying how an ignorant black man killed an innocent young man/girl

The heluim thing is the best way. Why do you wonna die tho?

I'd say the absolute most painless way would be death from falling. If you can get over the fear of falling, it would be a instant, as your brain is turned to mush from the impact.