What kind of coin is this? anyone know anything?

What kind of coin is this? anyone know anything?

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google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/49/a1/c3/49a1c391f8f95fe4004e3729fac92d9d.jpg&imgrefurl=https://www.pinterest.com/pin/157203843217114186/&docid=CgOe-t15U6EbIM&tbnid=g08Nza4lKcwIaM:&vet=10ahUKEwifgfuCiZfVAhVI4yYKHcVhDOAQMwgmKAMwAw..i&w=280&h=300&bih=535&biw=1242&q=medieval viking ship coin replica&ved=0ahUKEwifgfuCiZfVAhVI4yYKHcVhDOAQMwgmKAMwAw&iact=mrc&uact=8

a jewcoin


Holy crap, didn´t notice that x)
But the coin is related to police matters :P so anyone got a clue?

It's what pedo's use to identify themselves to each other

Whew baby it's a double trip

with those double trips, its whatever kind of coin you want it to be OP

Holy crap, i got trips again! :D

well its sideways and it has a picture of a ship on it so thats a start

that user, is the legendary bitcoin.

Currency of Kekistan

Skiball token

Haha x) i have been googling it for a while, can´t find anything on it though :/ tried everything i can come up with to describe it :P

Looks old and soft. High karat gold maybe. I don't know about the symbols, kind of looks like a dreidl. Could be some form of currency used in Jewish ghettos

Or a Chuckie cheese token I don't fuckin know dud

hey coinfag here ive done some research and this is the closest i can find

since it is in such good condition i doubt its genuine but due to similarities in design i would think that its a replica of a "ship penny"
will post more info

You didn't call it a shekel,
you fucking failed

I don't know man, I think ridges like on OPs coin are a more modern thing for coins.

yes but these coins are from the 16th century and they also have ridges and it could just be wear from the thinner metal on the coin shown

show the other side

Well, i´m not too sure about that, since it doesn´t look that old :P and how would that randomly be lost in a place like norway :P also i agree with the other one, the ridges are almost like the ones from "newer days" 1800+ :P but i don´t know alot about them :P

looks like a button to me

i don´t have a picture from the other side :/ only got this picture from the newspaper :P

It's a skjermbilde coin.
ITT: Morans

Yeah that one on the right does have similar ridges.

It's a metal coin.

well as i said i do think its a replica


Skjermbilde means screenshot...

ps i'm revising my theory thinking that its a replica of a medieval coin with a ship on it probably copper or bronze other than that i don't have much

unless its a coin you just made now and your trolling us

Show the other side

I have no ide about how to make a coin... but it would be interesting so that i could fuck with the police :P checking out your theory but can´t seem to find anything...

I'd say either brass or someone tried to plate a replica. The symbols make it seem old, whether it's a ship coin. I agree its probably a replica. It seems like the edges would be thinking like in your other examples.

It's a 9th or 10th viking coin showing a longship (the square sail should be uppermost) Google "viking longship coin" to see similair examples. I assume it's a replica due to condition.

Narrenschiff! Suckers!

* 9th or 10th century

See the left and centre coins.

just when i found the solution it it was all solved

google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/49/a1/c3/49a1c391f8f95fe4004e3729fac92d9d.jpg&imgrefurl=https://www.pinterest.com/pin/157203843217114186/&docid=CgOe-t15U6EbIM&tbnid=g08Nza4lKcwIaM:&vet=10ahUKEwifgfuCiZfVAhVI4yYKHcVhDOAQMwgmKAMwAw..i&w=280&h=300&bih=535&biw=1242&q=medieval viking ship coin replica&ved=0ahUKEwifgfuCiZfVAhVI4yYKHcVhDOAQMwgmKAMwAw&iact=mrc&uact=8