Do you miss having a decent human being in the white house?

Do you miss having a decent human being in the white house?

Other urls found in this thread:


Obama was a failure as a president. Accomplished nothing positive, increased the deficit, and thoroughly divided our county.
But hey, he's black and married to a tranny, so thumbs up.


*drone strikes civilians*

he divided our country or country ass crackers like user?

People around Trump are not wet it's just sun protection


We went from Class to ASS.

From intelligent, educated and well-spoken to a literal orangutan with brain damage.

FUCK tRump. I hope we put him to death for his crimes and treason.

/You, you racist faggot trash heap.



No,I like having a president who knows to bring an umbrella when is fucking raining outside, this pretty much sums up why Obama sucked as a president



Purpa drank gettin' CUCKED in the rain LOL



Enjoy 10 years of dry anal, you anti president, america, fuck boye




>saved the car industry, 1,5 million jobs, didn't brag about it
>saved the economy after the colossal crisis left by Bush
>over 16 million jobs were created during his presidency
>reduced deficit
>created the ACA, still shit by western standards but the best the USA have ever seen in their pathetic history
>stock market has been rising for 8 years under his double mandate

keep watching fox news, retard



Yeah, well, it seems that sort of behavior goes with the White House these days.


Yeah, George Bush was awesome. :(




Keep watching MSNBC and living in a fantasy world. Bitch



funny how trump is reaching the amount of civilians killed by Obama in 8 years in just 6 months!
He's set to beat every record




Doesn't matter.

He was shit as far as lefty presidents go.
And he would have been a great Repub President but he was black.

So he basically gets no points from anyone.




Treason, he is not the one who let thousand over run your boarders that was Obama and he did it because he hates white american, notice how no white illegals were running into America. You do know that whites cannot claim refugee status in the states right, only POC. Name one white country where a person from that country can claim refugee status, you can't

How dare he be born negroid when he knew there was so much unreconstructed race-hatred in the United Snakes!



It's good when Bush and Trump do it though.

Fake news

There is one right now. He's just not a beta cuck. I mean what's the alternative, having Hill-dog there? That's not a decent human being. Possibly a legit vampire that one.


Fucking reptilians


then you love this one


>no argument


>fantasy world

you mean that world where an embarrassing retard serving as president and his administration are investigated by a special prosecutor for treason and might all end up in prison when Mueller drop the bomb?

this is a dream come true, so true it's reality


>what are airplanes





>over run your boarders
Boy, what a fucking idiot!


Do you really want me to rattle a list of Obamas failures? Because that's almost too easy. Bitch.



Obama deported more people then trump ever will you faggot



The right have no idea what they are talking about .. poor losers.


not the best one because its actually raining on the service man

trump tend to hold his own dam umbrella


Looks like this one watches a bit too much late night tv. I wonder what it's like getting your news from comedians all the time?

>implying a "decent human being" has been president at any point that we've been alive




>still no argument
>buying time to go to

You don't want a source. You know as well as anyone else you're going to shit all over anything that's posted. Before a link, why don't you enlighten us to what news source you consider "legitimate ". Destroy the ambiguity.

Also I'm not the same poster



Poor losers? We won the election you stupid nigger faggot.

he might be an embarrassing retard but at least he's white


How many people do you think entered the states illegally under Obama, yes they literally ran through your boarders in alarming numbers, or do not believe in boarder and we are all citizens of the world bullshit


Sure does
Trump: Alpha
Obama: beta cuck

lol like they counted as Obama dropped a bomb every 8 minutes for 8 years if you average it out


Enjoying summer?

Trumpsters aren't even embarrassed by their ignorance -- they're proud of it. MAGA!


This Propaganda post paid for by:

>Share Blue, (previously known as correct the record),
described as a troll army of “Nerd Virgins” by Hillary
>The Democratic Party
>George Sorros Open boarders and communist foundations (to destroy America)
>The Campaign to elect Hillary Clinton (Sore Loser)
>Obama’s Treasonous Resist campaigns
>The Deep Blue State
> The Establishment/Corrupt Elites who want a puppet they can control in the white house

Basically a misinformation campaign to aid the globalists
To destroy America and line their pockets.
You can not get any more unamerican or treasonous.



damn, thats fucked up. wasnt there another article how he spent more then obama on traveling in like year in the first 3 months?

