The superiority of Spanish over English

If Spanish is considerably more flexible ( freer word order, various suffixes modifying a connotation which simply do not exist in English), why shouldn't it replace English in America? Name me at least 2 reasons.

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English has a far bigger and more creative vocabulary.

Give it up. The only chance that English is ever replaced as the "Universal language" is if Aliens invade and force us to speak their language.

>The only chance that English is ever replaced as the "Universal language" is if Aliens invade and force us to speak their language.
>if Aliens invade and force us to speak their language.

No, English vocabulary being the biggest is a lie.

Yes it is, and it only continues to get bigger as more words keep coming in to existence with most of the world using it for international communication.

For starters, everyone whose opinion matters speaks english on the internet because it's fuck easy to learn if you are not retarded, at least knowing enough so they can have a coherent discussion. If we had to choose one and only one language for all of humanity english wins, it's the obligatory second language par excellence.

The other more subjective reason is that I feel like english is also easier to adapt to new uses, like memeing. I spend so much time reading it that only now I notice how horribly outmatched spanish is in something like synonyms. I have a real hard time translating shit from english to spanish just because I feel like I can never find the perfect spanish word to show both the meaning and the more subtle connotations.

Spanish has its good things, I think we are way more creative in swear-making for example and I like my language, but english holds quite some advantages.

You don't make sense. the more words come in the the more go away. Your vocab isn't any better or conspicuously bigger than vocab of any other european languages.

>English has a far bigger and more creative vocabulary.

>Casa ajena
>Buen provecho
>Te quiero

You can't say this in English, and the translations you find are not really what they mean in Spanish. English is such a primitive language desu

You're just autistic and your Spanish has gone dilapidated as you only use English most of the time. Either this or you're a cuck.

>Makes retarded thread
>Anons come in and share opinions
>literally goes "not an argument" to each user
Whatever Sergei.

>Whatever Sergei.
Not an argument

>fag phrase, anglos doesn't need it
>fuck off

Well then you might as well use French since it's just better Spanish

It is better in what?

>implying spanish wont be the universal language in a few decades When we finally conquer your entire country

>Well then you might as well use Portuguese since it's just better Spanish

Italian is better than both
>simple, consistent phonetics
>highly resistant to noise
>most other Romance speakers can understand it a bit, even Romanians

taco taco chocolato sombrero burrito tamales nachos chalupas tejas aji gordita ay ay ay ay ay carumba

Too bad spics ruined it.

That's just a meme. Second generation chicanos are more likely to know English than Spanish.

yeah, as a dude who loves English and has a high degree of fluency in Spanish, English is leagues more expressive if we are talking pure quantity of options here.

at the same time, I do think Spanish (any other language) is worthwhile though for precisely the opposite reason--the limitations of Spanish as compared to English give you a much better understanding of the role of emotion in communication. You put more of yourself into the way you speak in Spanish in a way that you don't necessarily do in English without a certain cause.

t. second biggest spanish speaking country in the world

No natural language is superior to any other.

Because it doesn't fucking matter who got the freest word order, most suffixes, biggest vocabulary or whatever. What matter to people is what gets the job done. English does that because it's been the linga franca of business and so on for the past 50 years. Could it have been Spanish? Yes it could. But it isn't.

because spanish is gay and those that speak it sound like monkeys

English is easier.

It's because English is your mothertongue. I feel the same way about English. Some in Russia even consider English the most primitive one.

Everyone feels the same about their native Vs. their second language.

The structure doesn't matter when you compare two (relatively) related languages, what matters is the culture and history. Very few people ever decide to speak a language for its structure or aesthetic, pretty much everyone learns what is practical, and what's practical tends to be what's most widely spoken and has the most culture associated with it. Basically this stealing the words right out of my mouth

Because most of the Chicanos are bilingual.

There are however more of them that can can speak English but not Spanish than the other way around.

Atzeca BTFO


>why shouldn't it replace English in America?

It will, just give it some fifty more years

And portuguese is superior to spanish

Fucking colombian subhuman, go on selling yor arse away to burgers

Other languages btfo

aliens, not vermin

>why shouldn't it replace English in America?
it will, give it 2 decades

might become lingua franca in 5 if our shitholes get good

I agree with this guy.
French spelling and pronounciation is way too retarded. While Spanish feels too inconsistent to me. (v=b, lack of SH sound, and that J sound.)

Behold an amost pure. Iberian here.

the only good that would come from your shitholes is universal self immolation

shave your scraggly face already, you have the look of a dingy bum about you

thats what amerishits should actually do

not at all, it's only for lesser peoples like yourself

Calm you tits you autistic fuck, i rather speak English than the abhorrent amalgamation of bullshit that i have to constantly hear on a daily basis

sure am lesser in weight, because youre a greasy fatyfuck. nothing more gross than amerifats dumping shit into this beautiful planet en masse

>nothing more gross than amerifats dumping shit into this beautiful planet en masse

well, at least I can take solace in that I for one don't resemble said shit

English: Precise and generally unambiguous grammar without needing an antiquated case system like German, no excessive conjugation like romance languages. Absorbs loanwords readily and does not have an excess of dialects to confuse things, as basically any native English speaker understands others, except maybe some Caribbeans/Jamaicans who speak a patois/creole type blended language. Logical statements are rigid, so it's easy to code in.

Is there a better language to become the worldwide standard? Not a troll question, I really want to know. What is your argument for a different one?

However, I will admit that spelling and pronunciation in English is very random and hard to guess for non-native speakers compared to other languages I've studied for example Italian.

I am spaniard but ....Spanish is spoken by third world countries and narco shitholes....

you're forgetting the nebulous manners of speech found in the british isles, many of which just come off as so much mumbling incoherent nonsense

Why should more flexibility be considered an assess? It can lead to more incoherence, inconsistency, and misunderstanding.
As for connotations, there are equivalents.
What about a language's beauty?
Would you tell everyone to speak only in Yankunytjatjara if it had an information rate of 2?

>Is there a better language to become the worldwide standard?
Russian since it is the most flexible and precise language. However, Spanish is easier to learn so If I were to choose, I'd go for Spanish.

>Why should more flexibility be considered an assess? It can lead to more incoherence, inconsistency, and misunderstanding.
>As for connotations, there are equivalents.
Dead wrong. Learn Russian for example and you'll see. There's no other way you could understand.

>the most flexible and precise language
How does one even go about measuring such a thing? And even if such a thing were possible, is there a point at which the marginal utility of any additional "flexibility" or "preciseness" becomes a negligible or perhaps even negative?

Could it not be that your perception of English not being flexible or precise enough, simply be a consequence of you not being a native speaker?

what did you call my mother you fucker?

>It can lead to
How can a possibility be wrong?

I understand that you're trying to defend your language, but I won't learn it for the sake of understanding that the Russian language is a good example of coherence, consistency, and better understanding because of its flexibility. For all I know, it could be the exception.

But many English words have multiple meanings that might not even be connected. It isn't the case with Russian. Also, suppose I said she gave her her book. Whose book is it? I cann't tell without a context, but can in Russian.

and your langauge is written in a bullshit alien rune alphabet

U made me btfo mate

I accept your surrender

youre already amerifilth, you dont have to resemble shit for anyone to treat you like shit..everyone does so anyways

you're just trying too hard

fucking lel

The book is clearly hers.
More context only adds more precision, even if the amount of critical information differs between languages.

Is a deeper understanding of one's mother tongue or main language compared to a second language an unavoidable bias towards the other languages?
If you don't have a grasp of the second languages as good as your firsts', you'd miss the proper equivalents or you would be unfair in your comparisons.

sure thing filth, just remember to understand your place as a sleazy fatfuck and everything is nice and right

Is there any Anglophone out there who actually has learned a foreign language to the point of reading books and chit-chatting fluently with friends?

And yanks pronounce tomato wrong.

>Inconsistent pronunciation
Each letter has only one pronunciation
Each letter is pronounced

This triggers the Spanish

>his county is home to the world's largest vagina

get thee back to the sugar mines peasant!

Spanish isnt superior to English

English isnt perfect but it has 2 valuable advantages over Spanish

-it is more efficient quantitatively. A text in X language, translated into English and Spanish, will always use significantly less characters in English.

-English can create compound words made only of nouns, like "Stone wall" while Spanish can only "Wall of Stone"
Because of that, creating new words and neologism is easier in English.

I havent read any post in the thread apart from OP. I imagine it was all shitposting. More complexity doesnt necessarily mean better.

>I can not tell without a context, but can in Russian.
Oнa дaлa eй eё книгy.
Teпepь oтвeть мнe чью книгy oнa eй дaлa бeз кoнтeкcтa.


False! You could say of stone wall.

stay strong galled rock!

Hy нe cвoю жe.
П.C. Учи pyccкий.

a fucking rock

stone wall sound prehistoric and dumb

Actual dictionaries are fluffed because multiple spinoffs of one word are considered separate entries.

>English is easier.

It isn't. It's just that everyone messes it up so no one is wrong per say but there's people who are more "right".

Пoнял тeбя.
She gave her her book — Oнa дaлa eй cвoю книгy;
She gave her hers book — Oнa дaлa eй cвoю книгy.

B aнглийcкoм языкe тoжe cyщecтвyют мeтoды для пepeдaчи тaких тoнкocтeй, тaк чтo oн, пoжaлyй, ничeм нe лyчшe pyccкoгo.

Я вcё пepeпyтaл. Eщё paз.
She gave her her book —Oнa дaлa eй cвoю книгy;
She gave her hers book — Oнa дaлa eй eё книгy.

Teпepь пpaвильнo. Пoжaлyй, мнe cлeдoвaлo бы бoльшe cпaть.

>Muralla empedrada
>Pared pétrea

Hers book? Чтo зa бpeд?

Boт этoт бpeд.

Пы. Cы. Лёpн Ингpиш.
Wtf, English? Wy are you so poor in terms of vocabulary and primitive in terms of syntax?

И? Tы yвepeн, чтo знaeшь aнглийcкий?

Я мoгy cвoбoднo oбщaтьcя нa чeтыpёх языкaх, нo ни oдин язык я нe знaю нacтoлькo, чтoбы вooбщe нe дoпycкaть peчeвых и пиcьмeнных oшибoк. Eppapyм хyмaнyc эcт, мyжик. Иpoничecки oбыгpывaю твoй пepвый oтвeт, гдe ты пpeдлaгaл мнe yчить pyccкий, хoтя я нeйтив.

This. I'd say that it's more important turning our nations into lesser shithole and educating the people much better, then we can talk about replacing English. That's the only way it can happen anyway, the hypothesis of the Hispanic majority turning Spanish as the main language in the US is simply a Chicano's wet dream.

Yeah tell that to your armada.

Spanish is dumb and ugly, fuck off.

>The exaggerated battle that was mostly won by weather.
English Armada and Cartagena de Indias. At least use Battle of Trafalgar, that one wasn't won by weather.

Italian is superior to Spanish anyways.


wtf I love Mélenchon now

>you only use English most of the time
Top lel, if only. Your average spaniard cant speak a word of english

underrated post

Gendered words, garbage language.

What a high quality, and what is even more striking to the eye of me who reads this, reasonable post. Now I am officialy BTFO.

Because Spanish sounds gay. I'd rather learn Portuguese to Spanish. Every country who speaks Spanish can speak it completely different from one another. Also English is much more superior for scientific endeavors.