Who else would like another holocaust? This time the Muslims, and niggers being gassed

Who else would like another holocaust? This time the Muslims, and niggers being gassed.



they don't seem to bad and hispanics seem like qts.


I said mudslimes and niggers you abo



You're a dumb cunt. You could either visit Los Angeles or just think about what it means for half a country to have one culture and language and the other half to have a different culture and a different language.

Shut up.




Gassings never happened. STOP THIS FUCKIN MEME. It was Typhus/starvation

Native Americans were Mexicans?
Someone explain?

I know the southwest was largely mexican. But they lost the war AND we paid them for the land. They're just butthurt, right?


Mexicans are native americans. America is more than just the USA. Native americans aren't just the red nomads running after buffalo.

>another holocaust

What about the first one to begin with?

I blame (((Howard Zinn))) who brainwashed the Whites and academics to even entertain this argument.

Why not Jews, Muslims, Hispanics, Aboriginals, and Blacks?

A Philipinos


But still, remove kebab, obvious truth is obvious. Throw the kikes in the mix too of course.

>Native Americans were Mexicans?
>Someone explain?

Mexicans are the mongrel rape babies of Spaniards and the native tribes who previously inhabited the are of current-day Mexico. They have no more of a claim to California or Arizona than anyone else.

The native americans who occupied the American southwest actually hated Mexicans, and in many cases would kill them on sight.

>I have killed many Mexicans; I do not know how many, for frequently I did not count them. Some of them were not worth counting. It has been a long time since then, but still I have no love for the Mexicans. With me they were always treacherous and malicious.
>—Geronimo, My Life: The Autobiography of Geronimo, 1905.

But they aren't intellectually honest enough to admit this to themselves, so they continue to throw tantrums and stamp their feet about some mythical ancstral homeland that was stolen from them.

Not an argument

i wouldn't be against it

You're fucked in your head I pity your emotional state. Let it go and let positive emotions take control