Fluffy Thread, Go

Fluffy Thread, Go

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as you wish


Any good greentexts?



can we get any an hero fluffies?


usually don't save fluffy greentexts but i'll give you what stories i have




Time to enrage all boxes.


wow who drowns a animal because they don't want it anymore. I hope the human drowns !

"Wuv nyu taiw...."

I always prefer fluffy tragedy through their own stupidity.


>implying that fluffies should be treated as animals

They shouldn't. They have their own set of rights to themselves because they're separate entities.





Why do I have a boner?


Because sometimes we pop a boner at weird things.






>irl humans are the only animal with the instinct to teach
>fluffy uprising when?





>implying fluffies should have rights


Well, they have sentience, so they should have some sort of protection against abuse.

>irl humans are the only animal with the instinct to teach

For starters they aren't real
And for fiction they are a pest lesser than cockroaches

time for marco to be pillowed.

They are bio toys. You're basically saying that a furby would have rights. Or one of these bitches. Pic related.

No matter how much anyone hates the fandom, you must admit that they do have dedication

hope that unicorn is a pillowed smarty, cause otherwise it is just a waste.

they only have special rights in Canada and very few states, else where they are free game unless they are owned.

someone wants go to into the fluffy blender!

is that a fluffy boob, or a human boob? cause if it is a human boob excuse me while i laugh until my sides burst.

Look like POV of human boob, which makes it funnier because it's like bitch get off my mf chest

Those things don't have true sentience. Fluffies are bioengineered animals with sentience. Not quite human, not quite animal. In the middle.

fluffies have some human DNA so they can speak and have conversations instead of parroting.

So only middle rights then.

Food, water, basic housing, breathing, and that's it.


Just updated with a new story. Enjoy, comment, follow :D

And protection from abuse. They're still pests, so humane killing of ferals would be a thing. Domestic fluffies are basically property, so any damage to them is obviously a crime.


Humane killing of pests.... like fluffy killing spray, sticky traps and other similar devices generally used to kill mice? Agreed.

If they are property, then their owners are the ones with rights, the right of PROPERTY.

Now, time for pic related.

The fluffy still has the right to not have its legs cut off and fucked by Bronyslav

Chimpanzees have the brain power to make spears and other tools, the problem is that they don't have the instinct to teach. The only way information spreads is though copying which leads to the information of making a tool is more easily lost and makes iterations on the design never occur.




Well, it also had the privilege of having a loving owner, it had the privilege of having all the sketties in the world... but they decided to make bad poopies, impregnate a mare, neglect their foals, do bad things, breaking the law.

Your logic implies that a criminal has the human right to keep their freedom after stealing, raping, or murdering.


they should, but the entire point of the fluffyverse is that they don't
it's immoral, arrogant, cruel and willfully ignorant of those things
which is the point


But recall that a fluffy has the intelligence and reasoning of a preschooler. You wouldn't punish a preschooler as you would an adult. Also, even with laws preventing torture in place, it doesn't mean it won't happen. If you want to punish your smarty brutally, the only thing stopping you is getting caught.

this guy gets it


But that defeats the whole point of fluffies. Fluffies were MADE to be tortured. Well, no. They were made to make bronies angry. But eventually, they became a toy made to be brutally murdered.

Most continuities I've seen have some protections in place, but they're either seldom or difficult to enforce unless you watched all fluffies 24/7. So yeah, abuse still happens. And hey, if you want to explore themes, look at it as a commentary on the ineptitude of law enforcement.

if protections were put in place, the only ones that would not be protected are smarties. Smarties have the desires that they do not and will not repress to kill and rape and nothing can be done to deter that or teach out of them.


Depends on who you ask. I've always preferred fluffies being mostly happy creatures with terrible luck. Their intent was not to be abused, but there are enough piece of shit humans in the world that it still happened.


Then kill them outright. As mentioned, humane killing would be legal in all likelihood since they're still pests. Just pop a cap in its dome and be done with it.

but the question is, where do these traits get learned? Are they born with the instinct to rape, steal and be dicks?




nah, rather cut off their legs, , rip out their teeth, silence their vocals and turn them into litter pals, gives em purpose.

Smarty syndrome is a mental defect that shuts off the extreme empathy of a fluffy. So, any urgent they have they fulfill the quickest way possible. Thus the rape and violence.



Just don't get caught and you're clean, ya freak.

well they have human DNA and smarty syndrome is a glitch in their programming. they do not learn it.

Urges, not urgent. Fucking mobile.




>pic related






making litter pals and pillowed fluffies aint illegal anywhere in the fluffy verse, they are actually also merch. Also it is sometimes even necessary to pillow them since they can break their legs to the point it will never heal and turn ceptic if they do something stupid.

