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Edition de la vieille garde

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So if Le Pen wins this round there's a good chance she'll win in the second round? Could someone elaborate exactly why pundits think she'll lose in the second round? From what I see she seems to have a lot of support.

because if she makes it to the 2nd turn a lot of the leftist that had previously been split between many different cuck parties will now be voting in a block to prevent her from being elected

So basically Marcon? But apparently he's a centrist. Also, isn't there this other rightist candidate, whose supporters could theoretically flock to Le Pen instead?

nice 'democracy' you got there pepe

they don't give a fuck about his program, they have dimmed le pen a nazi and would vote for anything else
yeah the other rightist is fillon and is the only other one that wants to regulate immigration

Postez les résultats des dom-toms et de l'étranger s'il vous plaît?

So what happens if Le Pen does lose? Is the FN done for?

not if they make a good score anyway
new elections in June, important ones, legislatives

not at all, they're used to losing election

Tu sais bien que les médias français ne peuvent pas. Tu vas devoir vérifier sur des sites suisses ou des trucs du genre.

>Comme si les DOM TOM n'aillaient pas voter massivement à gauche comme d'habitude

They'll keep going on, the migrants, the mudslimes, terrorism, all that is good for business. Marine isn't like her father, she's actually willing to be elected. Jean-marie was happy to run his mouth to get some attention.

That's just my theory:
After the parliament election in June, her gay pro-normalisation adviser (Philippot) could be done.
Marine Le Pen will also be contested and people in FN will push for her hot niece.

That would be nice but it would probably also kill all their chances of winning anything without the cuck element
>csq pas de marion présidente

Marion doesn't have any respect in the party, that would be comparable to throwing her under a bus.

Pour ça que je demande ici et pas sur leparisien.fr.
>>Comme si les DOM TOM n'aillaient pas voter massivement à gauche comme d'habitude
Je ne sais pas trop user... I know, Marion shouldn't be president, she should be a modern Joan of Arc, except this time no britbongs to burn her alive.


>Japanese flag with a 3D waifu
The irony.


Le Pen looks like a jew on that one.

haut kek

Allons-nous battre le record de poches sous les yeux?

>These twos
>Not trying to strangle each other
Chirac must've prayed that La Mite would die before the end of his mandate.

Avec quel bulletin vas-tu te torcher le cul?

Il y en a 11, j'ai largement le choix.


Les champs étaient humides, et suffisamment acides
Alors on est allés à la cambrousse


>In Fiscal Kombat, an online video game introduced this month by the presidential campaign of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, France’s far-left candidate, players shake down men in suits to put money into the public coffers, Robin Hood-style.


Mélanchon, qui n'a jamais été payé que par le contribuable, possède l'un des plus gros patrimoines des 11 candidats.
Un hypocrite de compétition, et des millions de débilos gobent.

Le record est à Nico Dupont-Aignan.

Je me contenteray de simplement escrire
Ce que la passion seulement me fait dire
Sans rechercher ailleurs plus graves arguments

Oui, mais Mélanche le rouge est juste derrière lui.

vive le peuple, vive la france, vive la république.
allez voter savamment............pour le pen.
ok, ok, je rigole.

“Marine Le Pen has made an effort for years: It’s a sociological vote; it’s a crisis; it’s people who feel shut out of the system,” said Thierry Vedel, a political scientist who conducts election research at Sciences Po, a university in Paris. “Mélenchon is more complicated. Mélenchon’s campaign is trying. We can’t rule out that in the campaign, social media has had an effect.”

>Sciences Po, a university in Paris.

Ça va


J'ai un putain de commensal sur la peau.

c'est du vieux françois
(si ton post n'est pas 3è degré)

On est en [Année actuelle] quand même!

personnes dehors le système? pourquoi?
ca va, canadanon

Ah ben tabarnak....Pornhub a été inventer au Québec...la tombe de mon grand-pere...


>dehors le système
They try to say people who vote FN are just angry outcasts, while the leftist campaign is "trying", especially through social networks.

outside the system : no degree, no internship, no decent job, no money, no network

Ça vous fait une belle jambe.

Et BLACKED est français. Les francofaggots aiment leur porno, Jean...

Les francophones sont les meilleurs pornographes

so it's shout out?
yeah, I kinda understand that feeling, not because I feel in the same way myself. I understand some motivations

>be french
>create america with rebel colonists
>doesn't turn out what you wanted it to be
>its 60% white, has a high incarceration rate, has the likeness of a 3rd world country, etc.
>say on an imageboard you hate it
>tfw I would've been born in Yurop if it weren't for France
Not sure I should call you, "greatest ally", more like greatest faggot.

elle n'est pas dehors ma ligue, je suis dehors de la sienne

>Freedom of speech and right to keep and bear arms

Pick one.

You're the most priviledge nation in the world because your second amendment protects the first and vice-versa.
You'll never be communist unlike Europe.

calme-toi peasant chicano

[citation needed]

I'd rather be a 100% white country with barely any firearms, because we wouldn't need them

It's sad that this country had to be born and alot of you spit on it, even I do because it's such a retarded country

I hate being affiliated with it, stop creating fag countries you fucking faggot, and it's your fucking fault anyways it was created

If I was a Mexican I'd be saying Mexico is a greater country than USA, which it isn't, they're both shit

>I'd rather be a 100% white country with barely any firearms

If that was to happen, whites would then fight each other over minor cultural differences like we used to in Bronze Age Europe. There is no global "white unity", never existed and never will.

Private gun ownership guarantees your safety and the safety of your family against criminals, no matter their race or religion.

you now how nigger a country is when you watch their football (soccer teams), so accordind to this assertion
france= nigger
england= nigger
germany=nigger and muslims
spain= moor
netherlands= niggers

so you have no many options to be 100% cum

No they wouldn't? What are you talking about? If everyone was ethnically and culturally French in France, which it isn't now, there wouldn't be any need for guns because there wouldn't be any dissent since everyone is French.

There is no need for guns, especially if the criminals are white, because there would be less of them if it was a homogeneous society.

The reason America has high incarceration rates is because different races with different cultures get guns, don't like how things are going, and start to shoot up places.

Compare America with some place like Switzerland, or Serbia, or the Czech Republic. Alot of the citizens there have guns but the crime rate isn't high. And why? Because of the reason I mentioned above.

>There is no need for guns, especially if the criminals are white,

You goddamn retard. RKBA is to counter-balance the government's tyranny, not to defend yourself against Tyrone stepping on your lawn.

I fucking hate tweens like you who think they have a clue. Legal gun ownership has NOTHING to do with criminality whatsoever. Criminals use illegal guns.

In what world are we right now, a French lecturing an American on the importance of firearms? Get educated and realize what is at stake here.

We have forfeited our right to keep and bear arms in 1789 when that retard Mirabeau assumed that citizens being armed was too obvious to be written in the constitution. Don't make the same fucking mistake and let leftists take yours away because a constitution is just a piece of paper, if there are no men defending their rights with guns, God or the constitution surely won't either.


Je ne fais que entendre l'accent quebecois à l'aide de l'extrait litteraire. Merde, je n'ai rien compris.

>Je ne fais que entendre l'accent quebecois à l'aide de l'extrait litteraire
tu koi kop1

The government would have better weapons than us so it would be useless to hold out against them. Also your regular, everyday American would never even try or have the inclination to organize themselves against it, they don't care.

>The government would have better weapons than us so it would be useless to hold out against them

Pic related. The government can't send tanks or jet fighters on street corners to enforce the Police State. They need men to do it. And there will ALWAYS be more armed citizens than policemen or soldiers. Unless you're a cuck who pushes for gun control.

Try telling this shit in /k/ or Sup Forums, see how it goes.

Actually I was just lying to you over this whole thing, I'm pro-gun and you took the bait. Thanks for conversing with me though, I was actually very bored and needed someone to chat to.

Then help me promote this shit because we need it in Europe too.

K :'v

I'm not in Yuropoorland so there's not much that I can do. Just let it all fall over and enjoy the ride.

Allez voter, c'est peut-être votre dernier chance de change quelquechose concernant l'immigration dans votre pays.

thats not the point

the point is the government looses the game the moment it decides to send the army against the people

that the army is better armed than the people makes no difference, once that happens the government looses all legitimacy and is effectively usurping the position of power

this automaticaly puts it in a position of civil war, or facing revolution, and the only way it can even technicaly, physicaly maintain itself is to mass murder its own civilians, and that dosent work unless theres some deep ethnic, ideological or religious division within the population as such, othervise the army simply will not kill its own people, but will turn on the government, splinter and implode, or simply take over

these things happened enough times for repeating patterns to be obvious

And that's why law abiding citizens must own legal guns to protect themselves from whatever fuckery the government is or isn't doing.

>give guns to french men
>Allahuackbar every day
Nice idea

>implying the shitskins don't have free access to weapons already
Don't you watch French news?

T'es con et ignorant, renseigne-toi.

A mon avis Fillon est tour à fait capable d'aller au 2ème tour, sauf que cela se fera sans doute au détriment de Le Pen. Certains électeurs pourraient changer d'avis dans l'isoloir pourrait être prudents et voter pour le soit disant "front républicain" et qui a déjà dirigé la France, donc ça évite un trop grand saut dans l'inconnu.


Pssst, Macron won in Argentina, you heard it here first pssst

Les ultramarins ne participent pas beaucoup, cela montre que ce n'est pas la France et qu'on devrait les libérer.

Guyane : 37,31% (-8,4 pts)
St Pierre & Miquelon : 49,11% (-0,9)
Martinique : 34,82% (-1,7)
Guadeloupe : 34,17% (-7,8)

Cela m'étonne beaucoup, je pensais qu'avec les récents événements ils avaient une raison de faire entendre leur voix

Ça va être tellement long aujourd'hui

c'était déjà atroce hier

>csq tu n'arrivais pas à dormir
>csq il était trop tôt
>csq il est soudain 7h51
>csq tu fonces au bureau
>csq deux personnes ont voté avant toi

they arr rook same

Je suis arrivé en même temps que plein de petits vieux mais c'est comme ça dans les petits villages.

Non moi c'est même pas un village, mais beaucoup de noirs pêh donc ça prend son temps pour aller voter.

Il y a un cimetière devant chez moi du coup ça sent l'encens quand j'ouvre ma fenêtre. C'est sympa.

parce qu'ils savent pas lire.

Y'avait personne dans les rues Anonanananarivo. Ils ont juste la flemme de se lever.

Tu as étudié en quel lycée /fr/ ?

Tu paies moins cher ton loyer à cause des fantômes ?
Tu connais des agences immobilières spécialisées dans les Jikobukken (事故物件)?

>csq je n'ai pas vu de non-blanc depuis des mois
Par contre des hippies gauchistes pro réfugiés...

Gabriel Faure

il chasseraient pas les fantômes aussi par hasard?



C'est à qui que tu parles?

Pire que des cacapeaux ça, c'est traître.

Teilhard de Chardin

Lycée Mohamed IV à Clichy.

>csq tes enfants risqent bien d'étudier au lycée Gradur

Je compte pousser les hommes a l'exil ou au suicide et ramener certaines femelles sur le droit chemin. Au pire ça sera la purge

Va-t-il aller voter tout de même ?

(vrai question)

Vincent d'Indy

C'est pas très cher de base vu que c'est un logement étudiant. J'ai même pas cherché en fait, tous les étudiants étrangers qui viennent à cette fac vont dans la même résidence.