How do you cope with knowing everyone dies, Sup Forums?

How do you cope with knowing everyone dies, Sup Forums?

I can't shake this existential dread.


inflict suffering on others


Is it because Chester killed himself?

Just accept it. Then you realize that nothing really matters so you can have more fun with life. Like have fun at work. Take risks with the ladies. In the end, we all die so what does rejection or being fired or getting in a fight really matter? Nothing. Do what you want

Fucking this!

Congratulations, you've discovered nihilism

"No point in thinking about it too much." That's what I always say to myself.

Enjoy what you can before it happens

Not everybody dies.

Death is just the beginning. You'll move to a different dimension when you die

I would love to be nihilism imo, how can we be about that?

i just dont think of it


What's to cope with? Maybe grief but that's temporary; it just doesn't frighten me because if you're alive then you gotta die. That means people you know will, you will, there's no reason to fear death itself.

it's part of life m8
we all die
buried we return to the earth
by maggots consuming our rotting flesh
enjoy life as much as you can
don't be too hard on yourself
love with all your energy and intensity
and you'll die content

Suck a cock. Ride a cock

Stop giving a fuck.

with more from where that came from

as in
moar please

This bothered me for a while. Then, led to hypochondria. Sometimes you just need to give a shit a little less. Ya know?

Not being a faggot

Well I'd rather die than live forever, so it doesn't bother me much. I'm more afraid of turning into a helpless old fuck though tbh so I'd like to die around 60

By remembering that I never will.

>Take risks with the ladies


Pick one.

I meant the semi-nihilistic mindset.

you're already dead.

Fear is a part of death. When you die, unless you are unconscious, you will be afraid. It's natural. It's going to happen. Since there's literally nothing you can do about it, you should let go of the present fear and save it for then. Also, whether you believe in the afterlife or not, that fear is a part of your body. When you die, the fear stops, along with everything else. Just don't worry about it. You're alive right now. If someone you know dies, remember them. It's ok to be sad that they're gone, but you just have to accept that you'll never see them again. The only way for them to exist on Earth is in people's memories. Tell your kids friends and/or other relatives about them. Maybe write down your memories. It's all you can do.

Why do you care? Everything is temporary and everyone will die. What exactly is the problem?


I don't understand OP. What is there to dread?

I don't.
I reject death as the natural order and get piss angry at it.
Useless, but that little spark of defiance in the void is the only thing I can do for it right now.

Drinking mostly
Hiking until exhaustion
Living just to find out if and when aliens will be here, what they look like and if I can bang them

That's not nihilism, nihilism would be everything is pointless. There's still a potential to this world

Really?!? What about Bible people???

How do you cope knowing everyone poops?

Do what you enjoy most, I enjoy pic related most so I have arranged my life to do it as much as I can so far and when I'm wealthy and can simply live off of investment, I'll have 2 houses, one here in SLC, and one in a southern hemisphere continent so I can have winter all year round

Fuck chubby girls. They have either the tightest pussy cause no one fucks them, or because they are kinky little minxes in the sack!

i like the thought that nothing really matters and i'm not going to have to deal with anything at some point because i'm not even gonna exist

also i dont give a fuck also i play vidya

there are different kinds of nihilism you know? this is one of the few positive ones


Face reality. Everyone dies OP I realised it when I was 6 and accepted it then. Don't fear death just hope your death isn't a nasty one

Although me telling you to live like that means nothing. It takes time for your brain to come to terms with your world view and it took me sometime to embrace the 'nothing matters' in a positive light.

>implying this isn't great

drown myself in pussy

Not doing things like thinking about death. I'll worry about that if I'm at a point where it's a likelihood.

When i was younger I worried alot about death, and the consequences of non-existence.
The thing that helped me overcome this was the fact that you'll never actually experience death for yourself. You might experience all the things leading up to your own death.. But when it comes down to the moment you die, at one moment you will be alive, and thus not facing death.. The next moment you will be dead and just gone, feeling no pain or fear. So why fear or worry about something you will never have to face for yourself.

You just forget for the time being because you're doing something else.
By the way, find something else to do than existence such existential dread.

It only really saddens me when I think about my girlfriend dying in the future. How could something that sweet die? Enjoy it while we all have it.


All this is true.
Having that said, I miss my mom.
She was a one of a kind beautiful soul and I'm trying to live an honest, happy life in her memory.

Why does it matter? Think about it this way, maybe we are alone in the universe and when we die off no one will be left to experience the guilt! Problem solved.

She'd be so proud user


if we're only alive for a finite amount of time and time goes on forever, there's no point in doing anything

Personally, I just live in the moment. Everything we do will fade, so our only real purpose is to react and mould the world around us.. So I just do that and some how I don't fear death anymore.

Why the fuck are you worried about something that hasn't happened yet? Enjoy what you have. Grief when the time is right. Nightmares can become reality in seconds. Everyone is irrelevant to the universe. None of this matters. Just have fun whuke you exist because your life is pointless and will never truly contribute to anything.

This too

There's also no point in not doing anything, since you are already here. Just drink it in

This is pretty much what yanked me out of my depression. I was on the verge of killing myself but realized if I did it wouldn't change anything. A few people would act sad a few days maybe even show up to my funeral but at the end of it all life would go on.

I dunno I'm not 15 anymore

You're not dead now.

Question is what's waiting for us when we get there.

Heaven? Hell? Oblivion? Reincarnation? 72 virgins? A spot in Ember's Ghost Squad?

Nobody knows for sure.

the universe continues though your conscious self does not
or maybe it do in another dimension
who knows

There is no point in worrying about it. One day your body will be nothing but the dirt that contributed to your existence. Who are we to determine when something is dead? Is it when your heart stops? Or when the thought of you fades. In your life you can think about how insignificant you are, you can worry about death or you can attempt to better yourself and leave an impact on this planet. People who worry about death are the ones who never accomplish anything. It's something you can't control, and once it happens you won't care. You won't be able to worry about anything, you won't be able to feel, it won't even be pitch blackness. Non-existence is non-existence. You won't see anything, or think, or breath. Therefore it's nothing to worry about. Worry is only for the people who are still alive and why should you worry about something that you won't be able to truly experience? It's only your human emotions that make you experience these things to begin with but it won't matter. Eventually the entire universe will die and it's possible you contribute absolutely nothing to it. But why does that matter to you? I envy people who fear death, it's proof that you still care about your life at all. But it's important to be accepting of the fact that you will die, it's what you leave here that matters. Not what goes into the ground.

Thanks man.
That's really sweet of you to say.
Pic related:
My Ma

Lol that's my oc

remind yourself theres nothing you can do and get high :/

I cope with it through this simple fact:
if everyone dies, then no-one is special.
I'm humble as a motherfuck, so it keeps me going.

You don't, you embrace it. And accept we will all be 6 foot underground but that's just my opinion on it

Because i am also going to die

all of my this.
if you can learn to accept the fact that you will one day be dead, you can conquer any fear.
I never got over my fear of heights until it was a job requirement, once that happened I just accepted that "if I get injured or die at work, my work is held accountable."
now I can actually go 4 feet off the ground without looking gayer than I do already.

Everything you inflicted onto others, will be inflicted onto you, at once, for all eternity. That includes things you did indirectly, like piss off a friend that hits his wife, that smacks her kid that grows up to be a fag in a skirt, that goes fucks a buncha niggers that gets aids and that kills themselves afterwards.

First of all, "everyone dies" has a LOT of upshots. You just have to remember that "everyone dies" includes that guy who spams the banana pictures, Gilbert Gottfried, Nth Wave Feminism, Baneposting, that one guy who's obsessed with Andy Sixx's shit, Michael Bay, etc, etc.
Secondly, consider the downsides of immortality. Sure it SOUNDS good to start with, but when you consider that in just 4 billion years the Andromeda Galaxy is going to collide with the Milky Way, eventually our sun is going to swell up enough to swallow the earth, all stars will eventually burn out and die, etc, etc.

When you consider the eventuality of being trapped drifting alone in an absolute pitch black void with no heat, no light, no frame of reference, no external stimuli whatsoever, for millions of years on end, immortality starts to suck pretty hard.

makes me wish for it sooner tbh

this tbh

Not everyone is mortal by the way, you have the wandering jew that's still making the rounds.
Also, make this life count because

I feel the same, I cant move on with life because I have an everlasting fear of dying...ive had an hard life so far but I enjoy living... its hard to accept that it will end someday, im afraid of being unable to achieve life goals before my death.

I mean, your body is supposed to let off a huge amount of endorphins at the exact moment you die so it would be a lot like getting high or having an orgasm. Probably better than both because your body won't need them anymore thus it would release all of it.

Denial works well.

Think about how many things you do in a normal day; showering, eating, walking, talking etc. When you do everything, pay attention to it and be truly present in that action. Don't do anything without paying 100% full attention to it. Eventually a week will feel like an age. That's just one week.

When it comes to actual death, you'll be ready for it. Chances are you'll be in so much pain that it will be a great relief.

Go outside, do something. Go for a walk and look at the stars and remember how amazing life is. Feed your addiction to living by actually being in every moment, instead of constantly agonising over a past you can't change and constantly preparing for a boring future that will lead you safely to death.

>Existentialism and nihilism needn't be negative.
>We have no inherent purpose, so make one.
>Live. Save the worrying for when you finally die.

>How do you cope with knowing everyone dies, Sup Forums?

I became older than 15

Underrated and beautiful.

hate to break it to you, but if that were true then humans don't have free will.
last I checked, you have a choice whether or not you want to hit your wife, and me pissing you off is not a motivation for you to choose either choice.
that's called shifting the blame, and if that's what the afterlife is supposed to be like then it reinforces it being made up by humans.
didn't God give us free will? it says so right in the bible. by your own God's rules you are retarded.


Ultimately, death gives life meaning.

Think about eternity. Chances are you can't because its so long. Well think about the last time you got bored. I bet it was recently. If you were immortal, you would be bored as FUCK I bet. Even if you say, nah because I could do all this cool stuff, FUCK THAT. Go watch groundhog day, even after all the immortal, I AM A GOD SHIT. You still end up being a worthless piece of garbage. Which is fine.

So enjoy the time you do have, and relish in the fact that death gives your short lifespan meaning.

Or just lie to yourself like more religious folk.

>the exact moment you die
Nigga you're already dead tho, how you going to feel the high?

it explains why in near death experiences people feel a sudden rush of euphoria and hear dead people talking to them though.

Fucking Sup Forumstards never fail haha. I was like omg how nice... nevermind.

wtf are you worried about? it's not like you'll know you're dead. Just enjoy the time you have here, idiot.

Some people all they do is watch movies and tv their whole life but boredom is key to creation. If you were never bored you would never feel the need to make fun. Tl;Dr if I was immortal I would become an inventor

Starting a Rekt tread.

Is she dead?

Shot In the stomach out in the desert about 2 hours away from hospital we know it takes about 20 mins to bleed out. I think you do know your dying but at that moment you realise how pointless your stress pains and possibly even love.

Why should I fear death?
If I am, then death is not.
If Death is, then I am not.
Why should I fear that which can only exist when I do not?
Long time men lay oppressed with slavish fear.
Religious tyranny did domineer.
At length the mighty one of Greece
Began to assent the liberty of man.” -Epicurus


thats funny