Went to swim in a beach today, fiund the tip of my dick like that after i got out

went to swim in a beach today, fiund the tip of my dick like that after i got out.
it burns when i pee and it burns when any kind of cloth comes into contact with it, i have a fucking band aid on the tip of my dick to protect it, i remove it when i have to piss and reapply it afterwards.
problem is, i cant sleep without nutting, and i cant nut 'cause it hurts bad.

what do i do?
[spoiler]sorry about bad quality, had to take pic with 3ds cam, 'cause dont have other functioning ones.[/spoiler]

AIDS is terrible. Sry mate

take it off

ok switched to phone 'cause typing on 3ds is a bitch.
not aids, fuck off, I'm not a gullible idiot, the skin somehow got cut and is extra sensetive now

take what off?

Maybe one of those crazy bacteria that swims up your dick hole and turns into gangrene

Just milk the prostate op. Easy solution.

can. it be done first time? I don't even know how to hit the prostate

Probly a friction burn from your swim trunks

What an ugly angle, tinydick. It's probably just irritation/chaffing from the sand and salt in the seawater. Enjoy suffering for a couple days since there's nothing you can do to help.

Amputation is your only effective option.

Nothing, its just a small wound. It'll heal after a while.

mines a grower.

Agree with this user, happened to me all the time when i was a kid, (if only i had some kind of protective skin around such a sensitive area... thanks mom and dad, you jew faggots)

Kek right? fucking hell, I guess I have to suffer, burns as hell when I pee or when it comes in contact with water, and I feel like I have to wash it thoroughly with water everytime I pee, don't want piss residue to stay around the sensetive skin.

nah, my skin would go through the holes whenever I went swimming as a wee lad. worse bc i usually couldn't pull it out.

The bacteria that cause necrotizing fasciitis really like beaches.

wait, you're saying your foreskin goes into your dick hole?

oh fuck off man, I'm easily paranoid, why the fuck you gotta bring this shit to my attention?

only severely immunocompromised people are affected by that bacteria, it's ubiquitous though. Everytime you hear about someone with narcotizing fascitis, they are not healthy individuals.


learned a new word, thanks autocorrect

bud in case you didnt know.. this is how having foreskin would make the tip of you dick feel.
well a bit less exaggerated but about 80% of that feeling.. imagine that in some pussy.. it is that what you are missing out on.

What these guys said. Was fat as a kid so I always wore a shirt to the beach. Same shit happened to my nips every time. Just friction burn. It'll scab, it'll be uncomfortable, it'll pass. Give it time.