S/fur: masturbation edition

s/fur: masturbation edition

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When it's masturbation addition yet no masturbation.

i cant post kawaii tanks because of an error in the metadata or a corrupt image! i dont want to have to make them all again!

How about some getting caught while masturbating?

Technically not masturbation but meh

Don't got any like that.

I came looking for sauce on this one

That's a shame

I meant that we would be the ones masturbating
But hey masturbation pics are good too

Just a suggestion but maybe we can get some GIFS in here

Well glad we can get a middle ground

Masturbation pics = best pics

TinEye shows it's a trap, explains the cropping.

Agreed. I need more
Also am I the only one who thinks if your gonna post a comment on a thread like this post a pic too?


That cats face though

Not everyone seems to have related content on hand to post, it'd be a good trend to follow I guess but at the same time there would be even more reposting than what we already get.

imagine shoving your Weiner in this hyenas vagoo.

Cats are too curious for their own good sometimes.


Agreed, I keep pics on hand just for replying



True true
Also here is some nightmare fuel.
Sorry if it seems like shit post

gifs you say?


Hyenas vagnarts are inside out ma dud.



Shenanigans, female hyenas have hige clitorises that are proto penises


Rule 36, man.










Welp... Cockwizard's back.

hi charles how's life?

im not cockwizard



Doing okay. Tired, hungry and waiting for this thumb to heal


Atleast this is creative shit post.

O NO what happened?


I'm only here because the g/fur threads keep dieing. Pls post More dicks

it's not shitpost i made these and they make me laugh. i want you to laugh too!



You don't want to know.


Oh yeah I also did some gun shopping

9mm AR15 SBR for sure

I sliced part of my thumb off and got it stitched up.

It's all good

Should've added one to that plane in the background




pistol or brace? how's the schooling?


ALSO OOOOOOOOOOO SMEXY SUBGUN. i been thinking of a CZ evo for the longest but i cant justify it.

It's S/fur for a reason ma dude/ M'lady





I sexually Identify as a plane.

Pls only porn on this thread



Neither, regular stock. It'll be an SBR. I was thinking something like this guy gunbroker.com/item/671201143

School is fine. One last semester and then who knows. There are a few places I'd like to work at

My Dad really wants one of the carbine length guns

not enough kawaii

you aint kawaii

Ohhhhh welll know I knwowowoh




no reason to waste a tax stamp on it tho. a brace does the same and the ATF reversed their reversal on them again.


Everytime I see a horse dick I know we stray further away from god.

congrats on the almost done with schooling!!! where you gon' be workin niga?

More surprised / caught in the act?




Being in a fur porn thread wasn't enough of an indication huh

I know, but I don't like them, plus having it be an SBR gives me flexibility with how I want it

Fuck if I know. I'd like to do produc t design for a certain injection molding shop.

If not, probably the Marines or something in firearms. Don't care as long as it occupies me and I make money




True true.