My house is bigger than yours, therefore I am better than you

>my house is bigger than yours, therefore I am better than you

is no different from

>the words in the language I speak are structure differently from the language you speak, therefore we are different nationalities

is no different from

>this body's sex is different from your body's sex, therefore we are different

When will humans (or the awareness) stop identifying with objects? When will humans know peace?


I hate italians with a passion

On a logical and physical level they ARE DIFFERENT.

How is rape different from sex if it's the same action but is missing a word of confirmation?

Yes sounds different from no, but they are the same language so yes!


Houses are just physical objects. Language is a reflection of culture, and along with gender is an enormous part of personal identity. You're not even comparing apples and oranges here. You're comparing apples and socks.

You might as well say "My fish burger and your chicken burger are both burgers, so eating meat is wrong!"

Itallians are bro tier user would you like to share something with us?

Surely a vibratory wave being passed through the air is no different from others. Prove me wrong.

its about US being different from each other when we are not. Not about objects like sex or rape.

tard. talking about subjects, not objects here

If we should stop being tied to this earth for physical reasons then logically we should abandon all meaning in words. After all, they are just vibrations that reverberate off of the ear drum to be manipulated into frequencies that our minds can decode.

I like your logic. So I'll just go ahead and assume that this thread was made as a plea for me to fuck your mother into submission until she shits out another turd shaped infant.

I just see spooks in your comment.

A house is not a "subject". It's a physical object, unlike language or gender, which are concepts.


Are you pretending to be retarded or do you not know what the difference between a noun and verb are?

If sex is an object, how do I acquire it in a tangible form? Surely castration would be a viable option.

then replace object with concept. Everything is concepts.

Your face is a concept.

This whole thread is bait and I bit. Fuck me right in the face-hole.

It's a very gentle bait.

>Everything is concepts.
Nice spook that you have built there my property

whats so baiting about it? you too attached to being different from others? derive pleasure from it?

>>my house is bigger than yours, therefore I am better than you
Someones wealth (a house) can be a sign of their mental abilities, dumb people do not amass a lot of wealth.

So, it could be.. I got all this shit because i am talented and i worked hard. You got nothing because you didn't do shit and you don't know how to
Its very different then your other examples

Does anyone have this image but with the jew face?

that has nothing to do with the thread.
feeling superior because u think u so sharp does

He pointed out OP's false analogy, which is important for the analogy. You are edgy by being anti edgy, Bulgarian scum.

>you too attached to being different from others?
There is only me and my ego my property.

important for the argument*

>Its very different then your other examples

he sure did contrarian faggot

If I had a billion dollars I'd live in the same size house as I do now, it'd just be made of nicer wood and repaired a little better annually.

I have plenty of friends from a range of life paths that I have met in my travels. Just as many enemies as well.

It's human nature to want to share when you have nothing. Once you start sacrificing yourself for tangible objects that can be used as tools to further your relationship with those who are truly closest to you, the well being of others becomes very a very futile and uninteresting endeavors.

Courtesy is something given to all mankind but respect is reserved for those who have earned it, and can give it back to you.

>generalizing everything to a simplistic level

Hurr durr

everyone for himself. that explains everything.

if i have bigger house than u, i'm better than u and u r just a jealous little bitch

i mean who would want to deprive himself of the nice comfyness of the best house

if i'm better than u, i'm better than u, simple as that and u have 2 deal w/ it

>deprive oneself
>i am better

two different things and you are not better. you are a fag.

you can say people like only when they can compare them to themselves. This happens when those others have proven themselves.

This is proves humans are out for themselves and nobody cares about each other.

>my house is bigger than yours, therefore I am better than you
is no different from
>my posession is more valuable than yours, therefore my value is more than yours
It is in fact different from
>the words in the language I speak are structure differently from the language you speak, therefore we are different nationalities
>this body's sex is different from your body's sex, therefore we are different
As the first statement is implying characteristics of an object only define the value of said object, whereas the other statements imply that characteristics of an object define what the object really is

I'm pretty high, lacking vocab at the moment, but your pretty fucking off mark there OP

don't forget bulgar, we know you're a jew

people like others only when they can compare them to themselves

no u dummy, every1 is 4 what they like

there's no grand design controlling and uniting humanity, every single being can live and fight 4 what they want, that's the inalienable liberty

if i like u, i'll help u

if i h8 u, i'll destroy u

the notion of humanity in this regard is meaningless, not how ppl work

they are not different. the whole thing revolves around an I/Me, which is false. An ego.

how people work:

if you help me, I'll like you and therefore 'know' you
if I dont know (like) you, I am indifferent
If you dont help me, I'll hate you

No it doesn't, you've laid out statements for us to dissect, as you've done too, but they're wrong
Your OP is retarded, and so is this "identifying with objects" thing you're spitballing, please try and explain it a bit better

>no u

better is better

if u can't get better u r a lesser being

it's ok though, lesser beings have a place in this world too and can stick 2gether 2 take down a lonely giant

just know what can u do and what can't u do

hur dur I am too attached to my sense of falsehood because human nature is terrible and selfish

God you project so hardcore dude what's going on

>if u can't get better u r a lesser being
so sorry u see life as a competition. maybe you are the one who feels less?

Blurp is no better than zurp. Great post, op.

>my house is bigger than yours, therefore I am better than you
only successful people can get bigger houses
>the words in the language I speak are structure differently from the language you speak, therefore we are different nationalities
this is a strawman definition of nationality created after ww2. nationality is about genes and culture not linguistics
>this body's sex is different from your body's sex, therefore we are different
well now i see you are trolling but im going to post anyway because i dont want to waste 30 seconds

not that overtly simple but sure

any human relation is about getting 2 know each other and building trust

u don't know a stranger, u can't trust a stranger

humans represent danger, competition and all sorts of other things 2 other humans

i won't like a bad person more than my dog, i won't save his life over my physical possession, in fact i'll be happy that he died

he was a bad person, i didn't like him

i like my things, they make me happy

the division isn't between human and inhuman or even animate and inanimate

it's "good" and "bad"

life isn't a competition, no, but if someone feels they've achieved their worth as a human by being successful, why is that any worse than someone finding their worth living minimalist doing some jackass hobby?
I mean, you're the one projecting this idea of successfulness=a heightened ego, if that's you're point in this weird ass thread, then yeah that exists sometimes and it sucks that people are assholes
ok wow cool bra now what

>so sorry u see life as a competition.

y would u? Only a loser h8s competition, m8.

This is just denying reality u can't cope with.

>humans represent danger, competition and all sorts of other things 2 other humans

yes, humans are terrible but its not the default way to be

'ant oblivious there's a bigger world' thinking

nothing wrong with mansions. I am talking when humans identify with their success as a measurement of their worth and other people's worth. You are not worth less if you dont live in a mansion.

>nationality is about genes
you are not your genes. you are sentience first, genes second

sentience, consciousness, awareness first, human body second, human mind third, egoic mind fourth or never

this isn't terrible, this is just how it is and yes, this is a natural state

u only have 2 ensure in ur life that good ppl win and bad ppl lose

this is how the world works, not even because of biology, but because of logic

if u r a powerful being, other powerful beings can threaten u

ofc every1 wants 2 win and completely annihilate all of his/her enemies, but usually it can't be the case

again, the most important factor isn't peace or harmony

it's my fate and ppl, things and ideas i cherish

i'd rather live in war and constant struggle than live defeated in a peaceful world or not live at all

This is only due to most humans being raised in an artificial habitat, where from children we are taught that material wealth = human wealth
Then of course you get a bit Alex Jones-y and realize the amount of chemicals and radiation we're subjected to constantly, which impairs cognitive thinking, and the ability to judge correctly

So really, the problem is that most of us are raised as little shits with mush for brains, that don't realize the beauty and sentimental value of the world and the animal kingdom for what it is

fuck you subhuman italian scum

these are all a product of genes

i'd rather live in war and constant struggle than live defeated in a peaceful world or not live at all

beautifully said but also totally false. You are not the body-mind thinking that, you are in an identity with the body-mind thinking that. You are awareness.

nope. sentience transcends all form. if you had any kind of serious struggle in life, you'd know that.

but my minds eye told me its all genetics

i meditated on it after climbing a mountain

>the running config of ur "software" on ur "hardware"

yes, this is y what u said doesn't matter

i am who i am and i want what i want, ppl can change or be altered but at any givern moment u'll always make ur decisions and evaluate ur environment based on who u r @ that very moment

maybe if 20 years pass i won't stand 4 the same things and i will c that i advanced in the wrong direction and made bad choices in my life

but i can't know about that know, i'll have 2 live as the present-me

mountain seclusion is for morons who dont know how to live

you are backing away. why so scared of nothing?

actually nothing happens if your mind isnt conditioned to see it.
you are living in a vacuum where nothing happens unless you so say

not even the so-called 'universe' you feel trapped in as a body with a life history

>nothing happens if u rn't there 2 observe it
>u r living in a vacuum
>trapped in a body

i'm not trapped in my body, u silly goose

i'm my body

my body is my physical body, it's me in the physical plane

if i get hurt, if i take drugs, if my hormone production changes it affects me

ppl who can't acknowledge that they r the physical ppl, who live in a physical world r like little babbies or primitive animals, who fail the mirror test, can't recognize that it's themselves, who appear in the mirror

awareness is what controls me, it's the program running in my brain, in a sense it is who am i, that much u r right about

but the hardware it's using, the environment it takes data, variables from, the pre-"calibrated" pre-"programmed" parts it has 2 use r set, determined by ur physical existence

u R in fact matter, u live in a physical plane, not in the nomosphere, how u c the physical world though is the derivate u get in the nomosphere, in ur mind

misst avatarfagging pic

>muh everything is the same so then I can get my fucked up autistic opinion out in the open and you will all agree with me

No fuck this, this is underage-grade bullcrap.

Did you read the Vedas on your knees yet?

