Previous thread >>739589382

Previous thread The answer is nine
Bitch, prove me wrong
>Hint, you can't


6 * 0.5 * (1+2) (6/2 is a simplified way of showing 6 * (1/2) which is 6 * 0.5)
Working left to right

6 * 0.5 * (1+2)
\ / \ /
3 * 3

\ /

The answer is obviously "Penis"

Anyone who is posting 1 was taught PEMDAS incorrectly.

This is evidence that the school system doesn't actually teach you how to handle real life shit.

Powers Exponents (Multiplication and Division) (Addition and Subtraction)

The reason multiplication and division have the same priority is because THEY ARE THE SAME THING.



Once you understand the above two statements, you now understand a secret of math that nobody tells you.

You solve left to right after the parentheses, and you will get 9, the same answer google gives you and the same answer any calculator that doesn't use outdated software will give you.

Only a retard would say it isn't 9.

Dubs of truth

The answer is 1.

Who the fuck uses the division symbol nowadays? Use fractions.

Anybody that answers "1" is a god damn dirty dog dick licking motherfucker.

its the same as /

It makes it more presentable. big difference if the (1+2) is on the numerator or denominator.

(6/2)*3 is different from 6/(2*3)

The answer to OP's image is, of course, 9. But I'm trying to show you why people get confused by this.

Not everyone understands that you're supposed to solve from left to right.

first you have to solve for the brackets

other rules of course apply too, but that's a given everybody remembers to solve parentheses first, it sadly is not a given to solve left to right.

You can save it for later
6/2(1+2) = 3(1+2)


how does this shit still trigger people. no ones that retarded at math. they are obviously trolling

Nice fake, but by doing that you are explicitly solving 3*3

>no one's that retarded at math

Try posting this to facebook then and watch as your friends all demonstrate how they don't know how to solve a simple math problem

its worse on Sup Forums because people think they know what they don't

big difference between youngsters on facebook and computer stuck adults on Sup Forums

You may be able to do basic math, but what's the hypotenuse of a right triangle if it's sides are 22 feet long and 13 inches long?

~22.03 feet

Nobody gives a fuck.

>Left to right
How about this one?

i could tell you if you used real lengths instead of that stone age ggibberish about feet.

Actually, the popularization of the metric system was cause by none other than Napoleon Bonaparte. So if your a brit, you can thank Bonaparte for making shit way simpler, at least for mathematics, the history is fucking horse shit

Pythagoras is basic math too you moron

that's the same as 6/(2(1+2)) which we are NOT solving.

and its pretty stupid since the proportions are way to easy to just predict as ~22 feet


Are you stupid? (1+2) isn't in the numerator or the denominator at any point.

Thank you for being the one person that understands this. Literally every time I've explained this to someone they tried telling me I did it incorrectly because I waited to do anything with the parentheses.

You know that that's what the problem is right? It's just 3*3 hidden behind complications, all you need to do is simplify.

Brackets, Indices, Divide, Multiply, Add, Subtract


6/2 = 3

3(3) = 9

The answer would only be 1 if the expression was
6/2 divided by (1+2)

The only time it's an issue is when people think that whole PEDMAS bullshit is a rule instead of a guide.


You did view the image the guy posted, right?
You're arguing the same thing as me but the image gives the answer as 1, therefore it was faked. ie (6/2)*(1+3) =1

That's why I phrased my response the way I did.


both of them are

heh, I fucked that up...

selfpwnt! w00t!

plz read (6/2)*(1+3) as (6/2)*(1+2)

Implying that this user has friends

user is always a 30yo basement dwelling virgin, ALWAYS...