How does this image make you feel?

How does this image make you feel?

Other urls found in this thread:

Happy. He's a happy kid who loves Minecraft and is clearly loved and cared for. More than most here ever had.

Sad for the future of humanity.

He'll be 200 pounds and acne ridden in no time.

Covered in sweat piss and shit.

Mala leche


Indifferent. Is that an emotion?

Makes me want to play minecwaft

natural selection though, the chances of it breeding are very, very small.

youtube revenue is way down. blow most of his cash on things. average person at best.

How do you know this kid isnt a genius.

Fine. I don't play games much

Only sincere post in this thread

How do you get he'll be obese when he's a healthy weight now?

As long as his parents make sure he gets enough physical activity, I'm glad he has a good setup for his obviously favorite game.

I literallh played minecraft on a 60 dollar laptop that shit there is like 3000 dollars that kid isnt a fucking idiot he's a genius cause lets be honest he knows that he doesnt need an insane rig to play minecraft but do his parents? I doubt it, so he exploited that and got and amazing pc that he can use for other actually good games when hes older


Rage... All that hardware just to play minecraft?

exactly, a waste of technology


His mommy coming in every day feeding him tendies and other junk food, letting the fat sink in, daily he gets more nihilistic, refuses to shower, starts yelling at his mother for no reason, his step dad becomes so annoyed he leaves his mother, she has nobody so she becomes dependent on him, constantly feeding him more and more tendies, buying him more computer screens, calling the ISP and paying for higher speeds so he can pwn noobs, she later dies of depression, he inherits her money and home, he can afford maid & nurse services now since he is too obese to function, this entire time he never leaves his battle station.


Piece of faggot mother fucked burn him alive

never change Sup Forums


I see a little guy happy and a parent who wants to immortalise that moment.
A moment where that parent could understand and care for his son showing him support for his hobbies, interests and dreams. It's sweet. I'm happy they could share this moment.


No fucks given, he obviously doesn't know dick about hardware

What the actual fuck is going on with his three monitors?

no shut the fuck up you are very jealous i can tell


Makes me feel like playing some Quake


im more disappointed in his choice of desk.

could have gone for a rich bracketed crown molding mahogany

He probably kills at league of legends.

I'm a real man. All I can feel is sex, rage, meat and sports


He has three fucking monitors. THREE. MONITORS.


Not if he keeps active in school and on his soccer team (not pictured).

You wonderful person, get out of this toxic place