Say your fav, least favs and any other ranking of drugs that you have tried.

Also drugs that you would like to and would not want to touch discussion.

I don't think I've done a drug I haven't liked, so my least like isn't necessarily bad, but:
>best - LSD
>not best - oxycodone

Fav would be codeine
lease fav would be meth.
Codeine because it's just a light opiate and you can smash through them all night. Meth because i did some shit meth and also what it's done to my friends.
Psycadellics are alright but i've lost friends to them also, DMT was awesome because i did it only once.
Special mention to stoners for being the worst kind of people in the world. Weed is okay but you everyday smokers give it a horrible name. Lazy cunts



I liked psychedelics due to their headspace, and speed for the energy.

Weed is a good downer, because it is mostly stimulative on me (And SLIGHTLY psychedelic.)

As for downers, alcohol is the worst because it is the most heavy downer I've used. (I hate downers btw).
Opiates I'm not a fan of but are way better than booze because they don't fuck me up anywhere as much.

Fave - weed
Least fave - Uppers of any sort

I've tried LSD, shrooms, crack, coke, meth, weed, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, uhh.. salvia, inhalants, and maybe one or two others and by far weed is the best.

I've gotten pretty stoned in my day but never have I been too stoned to function. Other drugs have had a severe negative impact on sleep or productiveness. The worst "hangover" I've had from smoking is because I got the munchies late at night, woke up, and shit my fucking brains out. Like I'd take a shit, go back to bed, and within a few minutes had to take another shit. 2-3 shits later, asshole bleeding (I have bad acid reflux), I'm good.

lazy stoners don't give methheads a bad name,
doing meth gives you a bad name.


What was that one like?
IK it's super intense, but could you describe it?

And what inhalants have you used?

Smoke every day and work full time. You can't just say every one in one group is the same.

dickhead, stoners gives weed a bad name, what planet you on?

the old "i work so i'm not lazy" stoner

What else am I suppose to do?

Takes one toke, gets into weed 'culture'. No longer contributes in any meaningful way to society ever again.

fuckin kek

Psychedelics and Nitrous oxide

Who cares? You dont have to do shit if you dont want to. You may not like it, but too bad. Its personal choice to do anything, with or without weed.

It's that attitude that i can't stand to be around. I used to be a massive stoner but having stoner friends means that no one wanted to do anything meaningful with their lives, or even wanted to develop themselves. it was just that, i don't wanna do it so i won't do it. And that's the weed making you lazy. if you hang out with lazy cunts you'll also be a lazy cunt. If you hang around people who don't want to do anything with their lives, then you won't either. It's group psychology

>fav: weed
also have had alcohol, kratom, kava, and salvia
>would like to try some psychedelics like mescaline, dmt, and shrooms
>stay away from opioids (aside from poppy tea and synthetics).

pic is bubble hash

opiate is poppy, opioid is synthetic

and i said i'd not stay away from poppy tea, mainly id stay away from everything else the synthetics was meant for a different line like stay away from synthetic drugs

People like that have issues besides weed. Weed may exasperate it but its not a total result of smoking weed.

I second this. I quit weed a few months ago, and while a few of my friends have seen the benefits and also quit, the rest still continue to smoke. I've gone down the route of sitting at home smoking weed, sure you can go out and explore and smoke weed or just generally be productive, but it says your motivation to do anything and it begins to be a real push to want to do even the most basic task.

Not to mention the anxiety it was giving me. I know weed affects people differently, but a few people I know who use to smoke said they quit because of weed anxiety. It makes you paranoid, regardless of who you are.

Now Mandy, that's a brilliant drug. Give me a gram of Mandy and let me gurn my face off in some shitty rave for a few hours then comedown in a house with a bunch of mates chatting utter nonsense and I'm happy.

I had anxiety from weed too, one of the contributing factors of quitting. Also i was a degenerate and i know i can do better things than being a low life drug dealer

LSD of course

If you live in a pot shop state, you can get weed with higher CBD content, and some people claim that gets rid of their anxiety. It makes you less high than normal (but still high) but the CBD is supposed to have xanax and painkiller type of effects too.

Microdose for your first shroom trip so you can get a good feel of what's going to happen, and be in a good environment with people you trust not assholes.

i'm in australia dude i'm waiting for the cbd weed. Got chronic back pain i'd love that shit

>microdose shrooms
not sure what kind of a dose you mean. a real micro dose of shrooms would be unnoticeable mostly. taking around 1 or 2 grams might be okay though for a newbie


Here in Washington we have CBD only edibles, expressly for pain relief and anxiety. My friend takes it for pain/anxiety and swears by it, you can get CBD only liquid vials (no THC) or breath strips (harder to find). I tried a half vial once when my back was in pain, I swear it started working in 1-2 minutes tops, it was the fastest pain reliever I've tried since I had a shot of morphine at the hospital one time.

Fuck meth
Fuck crack
Fuck heroin
Go forth and party kids