Haha you fucking Trumprards, looks like your messiah Drumpf is in some deep shit...

Haha you fucking Trumprards, looks like your messiah Drumpf is in some deep shit. Begging pardons and firing press secretaries, he's losing his shit.

Not long before we see him behind the bars. Waiting for that glorious day!!

Dream on, dainty snowflake. Dream fuckin' on.

Hillary in a landslide !

you fags seem triggered lol

Go to bed, boris. We know who paid you.



>can i pardon myself
I did not think he could get any stupider.








When this proves as fake news, you libtards gonna cry as you cried on inauguration.


















































































I love when they image bot these threads up, worse than fucking liberals can't even stand their ground lmao

