In this thread I will posts mazes. You can solve them in paint or with your eyes. Post your solutions...

In this thread I will posts mazes. You can solve them in paint or with your eyes. Post your solutions. After a while I will post one of the solutions.

The goal of the maze is to get from the top left square to the bottom right square.






there's no goal or exit, lame


Here is one of the solutions for the first maze.


Here is an easier maze.

post huge ones

Another easy one.
I have very large ones if you want.

Dumb faggot

yes please

Hard maze.

yes please!

Last easy one.

I just winged this so probably theres loads of solutions?



Another hard one.
For that one there are lots of solutions, not for this one.

solce this

Step it up, scrub

fuck gold


Here is a medium difficulty maze.

this is probably not the shortest solution


Here is the other hard maze.

well then I got lucky.

I was wondering when I would run into a dead end but it didn't happen :o

what about lolis?

you fucker, you have to pass the gold in order to get to the lolis

Another medium maze.

if you cannot make sacrifices for a greater purpose, you are doomed from the start.
no need to play

unsolveable. but nice try.


Yes there's definitely a solution for that one. I can post it if you want.



Last medium maze.


Dumb fucks

>Can't cross the white borders.



*cough* *cough* not copied from Coding Train *cough* *cough*


Why did you solve the maze with cum user?