Any Pro tips on how to fall asleep quick?

Any Pro tips on how to fall asleep quick?


Bullet to the head

Chester Bennington

Try to not fall asleep.

I should've been clearer, I did that before hand

Melatonin. I'm out like a light as long as I'm not in a stimulating environment.

focus on slow and deep breathing only. no other thoughts.


Try turning off your phone. The dark will help your mind rest

Self hypnosis.

I started doing this thing were I would daydream and put as much detail into my imagination as possible story and all.... and that would help me knock out at the end of the day.

PROBLEM you cant day dream anymore without falling asleep

So you cant lolly gag around the day anymore, makes you more proactive


I find it way easier to fall asleep to a source of ambient noise; a fan, AC, anything. I've had a fan in my room since I was 3-4.

alcohol and white noise such as a fan or tv

Ignore the shadow in the corner of the room that stares you down whenever you're alone. It's probably harmless.

this always makes me more awake

wake up earlier
don't nap during the day
have a nightcap (as in drink some booze)
exercise a few hours before bedtime


Try inhaling through your nose for 4 seconds, holding your breath for 7 seconds, then exhaling through your mouth for 8 seconds, and repeat. It sounds dumb, but it actually work surprisingly well.

1. three fingers of whisky
2. complete darkness
3. some chill music
4. fan on low setting for some air circulation

It drops me in 5 minutes flat.


Exercise and run alot.



Work out for 1 hours before bed, rest for 1 hour.
Hot shower and then straight to bed with no lights or phone. Maybe some music on if you don't like silence.


Pitch black room
Open up Wiki on phone with brightness on lowest setting.
Browse random articles.
Guaranteed to sleep within 10 minutes.

Windows Phone have an app called "Mix Wiki" and it chooses random wiki articles based on your chosen categories.
I usually make it through 2-3 of them then good night.