How do I stop drinking calories?

How do I stop drinking calories?

Soda and cocktails aren't helping me obtain my look

i just want a cute tummy!

i have been doing a lot better eating more lean foods like chicken and fish and greens

pic from yesterday

Diet Coke you fucking retard

Tits or gtfo

the chemicals in diet soda have been known to confuse stomach bacteria, id rather work towards healthier habits
i don't have boobies
Id prefer water, tea, coffee.. i want soda to be a treat.

I'm 22

Lemon water or straight up blended fruit with a little bit of vodka if you want a cocktail. Don't add simple syrup

Are you tryna be a trap?

Just stop doing it, there's no other way around it.

If you can't stop you have to admit to yourself that you have no self control and are addicted. Then treat it as an addiction and so your best to stay away from it until you don't miss it anymore.

There's no magic way to do this, sorry.

i like the drink idea. I started growing cucumbers to use for my water. i should have grown lemons!
not exactly. a couple lot of people online call me a trap, but I'm a boy through and through. i really like androgyny, so I've been working on my body a lot more to be lean. I lost a lot of weight in high school so I am trying to make good use of my young figure while i have :)

I've recognized my addiction and crutch, that's why i have created this thread

there are many ways to face addictions, yet they are all different.

this isn't my first rodeo c:

Why have you still not taken your cock out

Drink water and exercise. Get an approximation of your daily calorie consumption from google and eat less than that. That's literally it. It's easy, you just have to stop being a fucktard and actually do it.

Let me see whole body. Dun look trappy


I didn't even know this was a board, ty!
I'm not a trap

So what exactly are you looking for then? How do you expect us to help you?

i was just wondering if anyone had advice for this situation. I like trying new ideas and strategies to see what works for me. I have been making progress, but i would like to be making more progress.

i denied 2 different calorie drinks today which is good!

True. That's good.

I switched from diet soda to La Croix. It's a very lightly flavored sparkling water. No calories, no sweeteners of any kind. Try that, it might help

is your name shay?

holy cow, i just rediscovered this the other day. I wanted to try it because it feels like soda, but is technically just water..

funny you bring that up, it's been my most successful strategy yet, and drinking that water makes me thirsty for plain water, too!
nosir, but if I was Shay, would I tell you? :0

i mean yeah shay is a massive dipshit so ofc she would

i have a penis, that might rule her out

oh, thanks op penis did rule her out, you the best

Losing weight is about healthy habits.

You eat a chicken breast, a cup of green beans, that's good but if you follow it up with a coke, you just ruined your diet for the whole day.

Some would even say for three days depending on what you ate.

If you want to be healthy and lose weight, it has to be constant thing that you don't cheat on. Discipline yourself.

that's the goal, user

in the past i always tried to take big leaps with making changes, but I've found that slow adaption sticks around longer for me, that's why I'm trying to phase these old habits out by replacing them with new and better ones, which will also continually evolve

I have an 'end game', and I'm getting close, that's why I'm not done trying

boy this is quite a pickle

The problem isn't the chemicals in Soda, it's the quantity of sugar and calories. Drink water instead. If you're craving something sweet, occasionally treat yourself to some juice. Maybe something strong like cranberry juice watered down a bit. Don't make the mistake of thinking juice is healthy, it's almost as bad as Soda, but at the very least you'll be getting some trace amounts of vitamins. Just learn to love water.

As for Alcohol, stick to clear liquor and try to drink it straight where possible. Things like Gin&Tonics, Gimlets (without a ton of simple syrup), etc are decent if you want something that tastes great but still has that alcohol content. My advice is to learn to love Gin. It's got some flavor absorbed from the herbs so it doesn't just have the alcohol taste of Vodka, plus it's inexpensive and low calorie.

why is this pickling?
i have started enjoying bourbon on the rocks, or whiskey/brandy

i used to be a huge margarita fan but that's about 260 calories per...

this is great advice, thank you user

pls stop I'm supposed to be straight.

No problem, always happy to help people alcohol more efficiently. Dark liquors aren't too bad but still have a lot more trace sugars and starches than clear liquors.

I just drink water and tea , maaybe the rare treat of a sports drink or alcohol

do you have a muffin top? your tummy is yummy af anyway

don't worry about labels, they exist only to barrier you from experiencing your (one) life

give it upppppppppppp

a little one. i want a tight tummy!
i did not know this. maybe I'll try gin sipping

this is my ultimate goal, but my habits kept slipping, I'm really trying to keep them on track and pace myself right now
sorry I can't confuseyour dick anymore, i am at a restaurant (making good choices)

This... weight is a calorie game. It's that simple.
Diet affects weight and exercise affects tone. You know what you have to do... just do it.

Gin guy here. Keep up the light diet and do more exercises. If you can't do a gym for some reason, crunches, planks, and running are good for building a strong core and stomach. I'd also advise trying to cook more instead of eating out. Restaurants tend to put a lot of fats sugars and salts in food to make the food taste better, while not making it healthier. Plus you'll save money.

this rings more bells than it maybe should.. thank you user

I'm a Tanqueray fan, but Seagrams will work if you don't want to spend money. Most gins tend to be herbal and floral, sort of like a pine tree, that's what the juniper in it does.

My advice is caffeine pills before exercise. They excite your metabolism, causing it to burn faster, make you feel more energetic, and cause you to feel muscular fatigue less. Plus they're like 5 bucks for a bottle of 100.

Body-weight exercise are good because they don't need a spotter or equipment, so you can do it without him.

Something that may also be good if you don't want to feel like your wasting time is to have lots of sets with a few reps. Like instead of doing 40 pushups in one sitting, do 4 sets of 10 throughout the day. Splitting it up into chunks makes it more managable, and in my opinion, easier to actually get off your ass and do. Plus, you can do them when you're waiting for other things, like if you're sitting watching a youtube video, you could be doing crunches and watching the video.

literally stop drinking them. Stop buying them, stop picking cans up, stop opening them, stop putting them to your face, stop swallowing the liquid. Christ almighty.

>how do I do x which I know that I have the full and complete ability to do

Oh, and I forgot, swimming is also like the best way to tone up. You won't gain a ton of muscle, but if you do flip turns and a couple different strokes for like 30 minutes a day, you should tighten up pretty fast. I used to do it for five years competitively before I took a couple years off and I'm regretting it now.

Post your butt OP

If you want a sexy body, focus less on being comfortable and more on doing physically challenging projects.

Gin guy again, actually looked at a couple of pictures more closely. Dude, my advice changes, you don't need to tone up, you need to bulk up a bit, you're skin and bones. Put on a little muscle mass then tone it up. Earn yourself a six pack dude, you could do it so easy

would coffee before exercise have the same effect?
i like this a lot. I've been trying to spend my down-time working on my body, but loading screens have gotten much faster :)
you act as though you've never struggled, I find that hard to believe as we are both human
I don't have quick access to water like that. my laziness would triumph unfortunately. i need to start smaller!
I don't understand
i cannot, i am at a restaurant. too many people walking by
i do not want to bulk up, i like my smaller frame. i am working on my body for the sake of androgyny, so building up would amplify my Male features. i am pretty male already, so I am focusing on bringing my female traits into the light

this is really good advice you guys, thank you.

moar pics?

I'll do it quick

Fruit helps when you're craving sweets. Depending on my mood I'll put some splenda on it.

Start drinking coffee or tea. Just water is boring and variety helps. Unsweetened almond milk is pretty good too (30 cal/8 fl oz).

I couldnt get into almond milk. the texture made my stomach feel weird. I think I hurt my stomach during high school when I was trying various diets without instruction...

it just hasn't treated me the same!

fuck aren't you just perfect?

lets see your cock

this is a physical fitness thread not a "show me ur dick" thread!

is my butt not enough for you?