Found this while walking, who the hell is he?

Found this while walking, who the hell is he?

You need to put that back wherever you found it.


omg no. praying for op


fucking kekā€¦goner

i don't get it

It's not getting it that got OP into this mess...

isn't that the over-made-up bitch who presides over the Hunger Games? i only saw the first film, a long time ago, so i can't remember.

i mean i'd never pick this random thing up, but what's the big fuckin deal?

Its something religious, I'm assuming its either ST. peter or Jesus, but I could be wrong, red pill me if I am. Either way, its bad if you find it somewhere random and on the ground. It was abandoned for a reason.

It's saint Joseph Sup Forumsrother

Famously depicted as carrying a lantern.

put that shit back. not even memeing or an /x/ browser. you dont want what it brings, hence why someone abandoned it

I'd still put it back wherever it was found though.

say your prayers and prepare to die OP

I am now red pilled, will remember ST. Joseph now.

That shit sets people down a dark path man. Best toss it at someone and they pick it up. I guess, if your superstitious...

I think lurking Sup Forums itself is a bigger sin than picking up an idol

Hope* they pick it up.

I was sure it was your mom

Famously depicted as being a slut

the saint of dying, no?



part of a nativity scene or some shit. piss on it or kick it down a sewer grate, its a piece of fucken plastic

Its probably full of heroin break it

[spoiler]WUZ KINGS AN SHEIT[/spoiler]

Such edge.

You must be new.


Correct. Patron saint of labourers. Also, people put the statues near houses they want to sell because they think it'll help it sell. Because that's logical and not stupid at all.

If you are rligious OP don't break it.

He is the Patron of the Dying and is believed to give people peacefui deaths.

If you aren't, fuck it I guess.

there's only room in this town for one lantern holding figurine...

Them trips... It can't be!

It is St Joseph.


Rate me

Yep St. Joseph, patron of the catholic church, carpenters and dads

Man tits/10


If it really is St Joseph, doesnt that mean God fucked his wife?
Making him the patron saint of cucks

And cucks.


i don't think it counts as getting cucked if there was no sex involved, was just a magical pregnancy, involved some weird extra-dimensional entity, etc.

Theres prob drugs inside, my old dealer used to sell mdma that way. Just tos it on the floor or break it with a hammer

One of the manger dudes from the jesus nativity thing. Basically it's a relic from times when humans believed in things they couldn't see or prove in any way. The era of idiocy as we now call it.


Yeah just like that, i swear to God



>MFW the pope gets caught with one of those

"Kate, we have to go back (and fuck!)"


at least it's not a chocolate pope.

I bought my girlfriend a chocolate pope
'Cause she seems to be at the end of her rope
Italian candy with SWISS chocolate flavor
Such a delicious, delicious way
To save her

Chocolate pope

This thing is about the size of my thumb, I don't think it'd be worth storing anything in there

Santa Muerte

This op, dont be a fag

chucked by a UFO

*cucked jfc