Im about to take oxy for the first time what should i be expecting and what should i do when high/ on the way up

im about to take oxy for the first time what should i be expecting and what should i do when high/ on the way up

Clean the entire freaking house

wrong place to ask but just be safe and relax do research on the psychonaut wiki or

Smoke weed.

i do but i dont have any rn and im not going to hit up my dealer at 1 am so this should do

Fill out the forms for the state rehab wait list, you'll need in 3 years

Be prepared to be extremely chill. I don't usually mix. Just enjoy it by itswlf. Fucking WISH I could get some where I'm at, but dont know how...

Watch yourself with that shit. First time I took it, I ended up re-paint my bedroom walls and completely fucked it up, paint went everywhere and I had to spend hours cleaning it up. Needless to say, I'm autistic as fuck and can't handle my drugs. Good shit tho

Yeah... Getting high on oxy is basically just securing your fate as a heroin addict.

This lol

They make you feel AMAZING

The high is TOO good, you're going to be in a great mood. Everything is gonna be great, sometimes they give me energy, sometimes they knock me out. What mg are you taking?

snorted oxys little while ago. just made me relaxed and sleepy tbh. not as good as i hoped. weed is better.

5 mg but ima crush it and snort 1/4th and if i need more i will snort another line

Is there really any difference in snorting instant release drugs? I've tried snorting addy so many times and it just makes my nose hurt I just have a better time taking them orally. I wouldn't dare want to waste an oxy because it hurts my nose so much and give up. If it's a instant release it's going to hit you just as fast if you take it by mouth right?


Trust me, if you start looking for rehab centers now, it'll save you a lot of trouble later on.

I heard Suboxone tastes like shit, so get ready for that fam

yes, why chose from the myriad of safer substances when you can sign up for a lifetime of slavery to an addictive chemical. there are so many oxy success stories after all. good thinking.

5mg is weak, take the whole thing or you'll regret it. I wouldn't snort it either I would just eat it

oxy is great.

not having oxy is shit.

everything in life is shit without oxy. once you've tried it.

Play a game, listen to music, something relaxing that you enjoy. Just try not to fall asleep and waste it.

Im too lazy to look it up but those are pures right no acetaminophen? If so have a few beers, it really enhances it. If you don't drink much maybe limit yourself to 1 or 2 or you'll be really low energy. If you drink a good bit you can have a few. Feels nice.

Haven't done pills in a long time and thankfully never did it often but I remember going hiking after some and some beers or playing vidya and it was very nice.

It isn't going to be some crazy experience but itll feel really good. If you're a first timer don't take too much. If those are 30s do not take both, would probably be regrettable for a first time

You've got so many great things to look forward to if you start oxy's today!!
Sharing Needles
Hepatitis C
Broken Relationships
and best of all: Sucking cock for a dime bag

I did it probably 15 times over a year or two. Its about self control my dude

I used to fuck with suboxone for fun before I started doing opiates heavy. Man that was fun at first but they're made not to be abused and the tolerance grew quick and the pills plateaued. 1 pill used to fuck me up big time, then all the sudden 10 pills didnt do shit.

Truth, that's why it's so addicting. I've never had a drug where the withdrawal actually physically makes you sick. I only take about 5mg oxy or about 7-10 mg hydrocodone, or a sip of methadone once a week on my 12 hour shifts at work or on saturdays as a treat. I do ok now but when I would take them 5-6 times a week when you sunddely don't have anything life sucks.

alcohol is overlooked but it fucks you up too if youre an alcoholic and your without. but people dont think about it like that cuz you can get alcohol basically anywhere. but if an alcoholic quits cold turkey they can die from not drinking. i dont think you can die from not taking oxy

well now im confused because half of these say do it half say dont so...

how about you stop working 12 hour shifts?

The people here are retarded and have never tried drugs.

Truth is you're not going to paint your house, clean it, or destroy it. You're probably gonna watch netflix or youtube thinking that whatever shit you're watching is so good and before yoy know it yoy're gonna wake up 12 hours later groggy af and unable to remember when you fell asleep.

You might get addicted if your life is so dull that you enjoy watching it fly by in a blink of an eye.

Also, if you weigh less than 120lbs then take it orally but if you weigh more than that then you should definitely snort it.

I work in a pharmacy, trust me man I see hundreds of people zonked out on opiates because they have doctors who will write for them to take a pill every 4 hours and insurances that will cover those fuckhuge quantities.

Where did you get it and how much did it cost?

my gf has a bottle from when she had surgery so it was free

i had an ER doctor prescribe me oxy for a sinus infection. serious fuck up on her part since it was way too much for my pain levels.

i had 50 5mg pills, and two repeats. they lasted me about a month and a half once i found out how good they were. never understood real addiction until those pills ran out. i got myself on the ban list for codeine and any over the counter pain killers thanks to them and my piss weak willpower. its been about a year and i still come up with schemes to try to get myself some more.

Alcohol has some of the most dangerous withdrawals of any drug

ok now im torn so im going to flip a coin on it heads i take it tails i save it for a rainy day and maybe try it then

Idk man, I tale Tramadol usualy 7 50mg pills over the course of a day. makes me super chill sometimes gives you an upset tummy buy makes food great. downside is you cant get off at all if you jerk it you will be a sweaty mess 3 hours later but wont nut. but yea you feel great kinda warm and fuzzy and safe. sit back and do something you enjoy

I can't tell by looking and am too lazy to look up the dose of those pills but regardless I weighed around 175 when I would mess around with that shit (very infrequently maybe once a month) a 30mg eaten and a couple beers and I was feeling niiiice.

I don't think dude has to snort especially his first time. Are those time release?

wish me luck (it landed heads)

Thats 10mg total... maybe you'll feel a little euphoric but that isnt shit.

Thats the equivalent of some kid that never drank booze showing up here with a picture of 2 cans of Budweiser. Take it or don't but youre not missing out much. Maybe a slight warm relaxed feeling that lasts an hour or two at best.

My first oxy use was 15mg railed, it was nice.
Also, super gay, but plugging oxy or morphine sulphate is good.
poppy pod and seed tea lasts really long, good for relaxing day.

i am now waiting for it to kick in any final thoughts for this thread

Smoke a cig, listen to some lo-fi youtube stream, get comfy and stay safe

You're gonna be disappointed. Like I said that's a pathetically small dose of you took what's in the pic.

the pic was off google the thing i took was different

dont do it m8, it will fuck your life up. I'm impartial honestly I've never done them but I've seen so many friends go down that road and a few never came back.

What over the counter opiates are there?

for the people who have done it is it more of a body feeling or a head feeling

OP its literally just a tranquilizer. it dulls your nerve endings the same way booze does but it just acts faster. you're not going to trip balls or take an acid trip. you'll feel relaxed as fuck and be chilllllllll.

if you take too much your heart will stop and you'll die in your sleep. average lethal dose is around 80mg if ur a soft cunt.

Can't, mangers have too :(

do you even know what you fucking took dose wise? why are you asking for advice but not sharing that kind of information bro

My brother went cold turkey with alcohol and now has seizures despite medication to prevent them.

what are the markings? Dosage?

your head is part of your body

too late i already took it lol

Opiates dont stop your heart they stop your respirations.

Do it once or twice at the most...enjoy the fuck out of it cause its amazing...but beware...u do it a third time your pretty much done. So..have fun and self control or ull end up in rehab for a year. Try coke instead.

>look at me with my fancy drug knowledge
he'll still be dead faggot.


This, Especially now a days, shits probably cut with fent. Fucking garbage

But, yhat feeling you get when it 1st hits your stomach and starts to metabolize then going into your blood stream... It's like cumming for over an hour...Till you do it too many times up the doseage for nearly the same feeling but only 15-20mins worth...that's why people fucking chase the dragon..

I went through a habit of between 6-8 A24's or M30's a time, each day for pver a year. Looking back the shit cost me a fortune but after some close calls ODing a weened myself off with dabs, and now I'm completely clean. Shit was one of the hardest things in my life and I don't wish to upon anyone.
Point being BE CAREFUL