Is the Roman Empire more Italian or Greek?

Is the Roman Empire more Italian or Greek?

A great post from a great poster, from a great country.

Keep doing what you do best.



Greek empire*

wasnt pretty much everything back then Greek?


German desu


>Ethnicity: Italy
>Culture: Greece


they were greek

ROMEanian ofc

>Culture: Greece
This meme needs to end

prove him wrong

Roman culture was just a copy paste of Greek culture

You know nothing about Roman history and culture
The only Greek thing before the Roman conquest of Greece was the religion

everything about Rome was Greek you stupid shitalian

the art

the religion

the architecture

the legal system

the philosophy

the government

the dresses

fucking everything was GREEK in nature

You got everything from Greece lol

Ancient Greeks shouldn't be confused with modern-day Turko-Slavic spawn.

>the art

>the religion

>the architecture

>the legal system

>the philosophy
there weren't many roman philosophers

>the government

>the dresses

>this denial

you can be proud of the romans, but don't deny the romans were just militarily gifted culture vultures

someone is jealous

>the romans were just militarily gifted culture vultures

like all white people

Greeks were the better Romans

ROMAnian obviously
can't you fucking read it says right there in the country's name

No. They may be similar in many aspects for new readers, but anyone who studies comparative Indo-European and Near eastern pagan religions knows that they're separate. The Romans and the Greeks before them saw other pagan religions as often believing in roughly the same Gods and backgrounds as them (like Zeus with Ammon, or how most cultures according to them have their own version of Hercules) but the differences in actual worship and the priorities of which ones to worship varied between them, and their backgrounds are sometimes different. For example, Mars in Roman religion was a crucial chief deity that they believed they owed a lot of their prosperity to and gave him a lot of non-martial attributes. Ares in Greek paganism is treated as a malevolent embodiment of human nature whose shrines aren't common or elaborate, and whose worship centered around keeping him away; even the positive martial attributes are sometimes given to Enyalius who is treated sometimes as a different god from Ares.
>the architecture
It's true for housing and temples they adopted and built upon Hellenic architecture, but there's a lot of engineering infrastructure that they mostly created and innovated on their own.

>legal system

Classical Greek and Hellenic legal systems aren't that documented or survived down to us much, but they're not as formalized as Roman law was.




kind of, but not really. It's not known how widespread the democratic elements of the Republic were, but it wasn't as liberal as Athens and differed greatly with the representatives and magistrates they had. Many of the oligarch systems of the classical and hellenic age resemble Rome's representative system (having some sort of wealth requirement, electing representatives and having local magistrates rule over local governments), but Rome's various government offices and very formalized, well-documented, and rigorously observed governance was unique.

>Ancient Greeks shouldn't be confused with modern-day Turko-Slavic spawn.

you're the only one who brought up Poles though
>even Slavs use Slavic ancestry as an insult

it was greek

Roman culture is Greek, huh?
Then define Greek, Ancient Greek culture is divided into four periods.
Also is right, he has probably read a book or a study on that subject, unlike everyone else here.

Italian greekaboos

l2 Slavs are considered as insult.