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nigga looks like matthew mconaghejxisndnfn

Quick rundown?

>the band made comments critical of feminism and immigration
>castleface dropped them for expressing "ugly opinions"
>band defends themselves via Fox interview
>oh sees drummer posts OP pic to Instagram

here's an article with more info: dailydot.com/irl/dream-machine-castle-face-records/

honestly pretty disappointed with Dwyer on this one

I don't see any issue with her statements on ICE, really, that's just a matter of law and order. But that statement on female bands is just uninformed. Not all female-led or all-female bands are riot grrrl bands, nor do they all espouse feminism as a core ideal. Simply proclaiming "girl power xD" on Twitter is not feminist action

What did they say that was so bad though? She said that she feels that most, not all, female bands end up just writing about feminism and end up doing that riot grrrl stuff. I wouldn't necessarily agree with saying most, but I do think too many use feminism as a lyrical crutch. Also there was nothing with any of the ICE stuff. Was their label from Austin or something?

Thats not what she said initially, read the article m8. What she said in the actual interview was just plain edgy and retarded, good riddance that Castleface kicked them

>you should be banking she's from society for having opinions different than ours
I can't stand the modern left.

God damn stupid autocorrect

lmao, i would have dropped them for making such shitty music

>read the article
Why not watch the interview? Articles are usually biased.

It's not a video interview

I did read it though. Do you mean this thing?
>“They’ll make songs about being ‘sexually assaulted’ or about how ‘empowering’ abortions are or some shit and it’s fucking retarded, they’re embarrassing themselves,” Melton said in the interview.
What was wrong with it?

>I can say these things because I am from Bosnia

She needs to be deported herself, Bosnia is a raging cesspool of PTT-ridden psychopaths. The fact that they open their statement with "we know in our hearts we're not racist" says more than enough.

>Lastly, ain’t you afraid some people will be angry because Matthew has decided to end Warm Soda for Dream Machine?
>Doris: No, I don't really care. You have to realize this is 2017 where people obsessively stalk and judge one another on their stupid smart phones, and people will get upset about literally anything. It seems like we live in a world with smart phones and dumb people. Their phones have become an addiction, and it's making them weak because they're focusing on judging everything - not on self growth and strength. When we go out in public people stare at us because they can't distinguish reality from fantasy - they think everything around them is virtual. They don't realize simple things like staring is rude, instead they just treat people the same like they would on their phones: stare at you, click like or dislike with their eyes, and move on to the next victim.

idk why but something just rubs me the wrong way about that statement

It's probably the most detached "THESE DAMN KIDS" statement I've ever read, you'd think it came from a 60 year old's mouth but nope.

>ain’t you afraid
That's what's pissing me off.

this sounds like it should be on my grandma's facebook next to a picture of a minion

current leftism has nothing to do with helping the less fortunate it's just social status peacocking and in the same ballpark as f*cebook friend counts and weird twitter cunts trying to appear witty basically just rich kid faggotry

They did nothing wrong.

>It seems like we live in a world with smart phones and dumb people.

No one is banishing them. The label has every right to drop them if it is within their contract, and they can freely join any other label and talk freely about it, like they do on Fox News.

for you my friend