Can we talk about this album yet?

Can we talk about this album yet?

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can we check my trips?

damn, how'd you do that?

Include me in the screencap

this thread is dead now. start a new one if you actually want to talk about that album

please don't




good lord

uh yeah we can nigga

No it's not out yet fucker, shhhh


he's not that fucking good. people who like him probably like Kanye too. fuck those people.

Who do you like?

Why are you so angry about his fanbase? They aren't even very vocal anymore. It isn't 2011 anymore fucko.

coolio, broseph

Lisa Germano is better

because I'm in a friend group full of these motherfuckers. I hate the hype they get.

what genre or era or what

fuck you OP

shit grammar fuckhead

What is wrong with the grammar?

Watching history unfold

where's the real 320?


Anyone read this review? It's fucking horrible

honestly i liked the review a bit and i resonate with it as far as how i felt about the album.

frankly, i've outgrown tyler and so has most of the hip hop world that was growing up listening to him and got wild over OF. He's unable to change his style to cater to modern hip hop palettes and doesn't have enough tricks up his sleeve to innovate and set trends anymore. This album is the final fall from relevance,

>He's unable to change his style to cater to modern hip hop palettes

except he literally does on the new album, did you even listen to it?

Not that Tyler should be the most examined artist, it seems like the writer obnoxiously rejects Tyler without really delving deeper into the album.
