Bartenders Must Serve Pregnant Women Alcohol NYC

>New guidelines went into effect across the city this week that prohibit bars from refusing to serve alcohol to women who are pregnant (or who seem to be pregnant).

Feminism everyone. What are your thoughts on this?

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All bars should be shut down and alcohol should be illegal.

Because that's totally the same as denying pregnant women a drink.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome will rise


There's no study showing a glass of wine a month negatively affects your Baby.
If you're at a friend's wedding and the bartender refuses to give you a single glass it's embarrassing

We will all laugh when they will shit retarded babies or dead fetuses.

I doubt it. If they're unashamed of drinking alcohol while pregnant in a pub for others to see, I presume they drink plenty in their own home.

>I only looked at the image and the title of the article: the post

This country is getting more and more stupid by the minute. Idiots don't know how to rule themselves.

where did this whole '' your business HAS to serve this group of people or else'' meme come from

If you are pregnant and drink you are embarassing yourself without the help of anybody.

fuck off ahmed

They will fail at their one use in this world. Unbelievable what feminism has done for women.

there is no study showing that jumping off a cliff negatively affects your health.

If one of your friends tries to jump off a cliff and the bartender stops him, its embarassing

If you're at a wedding and have a glass of wine you're fine. Studies show effects from large amounts of alcohol being negative, but not small amounts

Sure, but cut ALL bennies to single woman or disabled children.

Make ppl live with the consequences of their own actions and stop the exploitation of the actual working people.

I don't see why people are opposed to this.

All it does is allow liberals in Jew York to be self destructive.
>liberals dumb enough to drink while pregnant, conservatives aren't
>liberals give birth to retards and miscarriages, conservatives give birth to healthy children

It's like abortion, if youre against it just don't do it, but don't make it illegal, it's self imposed population control on the people who are awful enough to get one.

There are studies showing the death rate of falling from specific heights. If it's a 'cliff" that's a few feet high and the rest of my friends jumped off I would too. Just because everyone else over exaggerated the negative effects of jumping off the cliff doesn't mean I wouldn't

NYC is a shithole

You try that and I'll just start drinking in your mosque with the lads.

Let's not pretend that all conservatives are smart. If this shit spreads the south is fucked. I mean the rednecks are already popping out FAS babies but it might get worse.

Yeah, that's totally the same thing as not wanting to be an accomplice to baby murder.

Under the law a 3rd trimester pregnant woman can be on her 10th shot and you can't refuse her. We aren't talking about a "wine glass a month". We're talking about the most degenerate of degenerate trash who want to fuck people with no consequences and then still drink while pregnant. Reckless, irresponsible, whores.

I'm sorry you live in the same country as this tard

It's not being opposed, it is the fact that liberals are disgusting hypocrites, they ban this because of "using safety as a pretext for discrimination or as a way to reinforce traditional gender norms or stereotypes is unlawful".

By the way being free to not participate in the making of a retarded human who will suffer from his disability through his life seems a pretty legitimate and ethical argument.

The embarrassing thing is that multiple public employees that the Human Right Commission actually time to work on a 'give drinks to pregnant women' city wide policy. We need to rethink the entire civil rights establishment in the US, it's devolved into a monster looking for enforcement targets

>Let's not pretend that all conservatives are smart. If this shit spreads the south is fucked. I mean the rednecks are already popping out FAS babies but it might get worse.

Well liberals do love to kill and hurt children in the womb.

Par for the course really.

>All it does is allow liberals in Jew York to be self destructive.
>liberals dumb enough to drink while pregnant, conservatives aren't
>liberals give birth to retards and miscarriages, conservatives give birth to healthy children

You forgot the part where the responsible people have to pay for the irresponsible trash... yet again. Those of us who do the right thing are now being financially punished to subsidize the water-head children of degenerate club rats.

>Feminism everyone.
Top feminism would be when creature from deep hell would go out from whore belly.
>fuck you i want smoke and drink while pregnant
>thing does not even look like human
>gib monies for my lovely child he needs 20k$ per month for treatment.

>I'm gonna make a massive blanket statement that makes my side look good because there can totally not be any idiots here!

Whatever you say canacuck. Don't you have some bulls to prep? Why are you here?

>live next to the Reservation
>rampant alcoholism and drug use
>kids come out fucking retarded all the time
>next generation never gets a chance

Fuck this fucking shit. Harming unborn children is the stupidest shit possible. Fuck your empowerment discrimination or whatever faggot buzzword bullshit.

It's getting to the point that we're going to have to forcibly stop liberals from this bullshit.

Wut? You made the generalized statement about one segment of the population with no citations.

How short term is your memory Canacuck?

If more women want to be empowered to have retarded babies, then fuck em.

Thats the whole point.... No planned parenthhood, more alcohol induced abortions...

I feel like niggers and spics are more likely to drink while pregnant so I don't care as much. I base that on absolutely nothing though.

Is it so hard not to drink for nine months?

It is for an alcoholic. And female alcoholics have been rising in number due to the "party girl" culture that they glorify.

If it's just a glass month, but a bottle to last the pregnancy.
Why do you need to go to a bar? They serve water there

which means more kids on disability which means more future democrats

Why would you fucking drink alcohol if don't want to be be a bit drunk anyway, and don't tell me people who goes to bar are in oenology because we all know that's bullshit.

Mind your own business

Thus creating another generation of victims

I'm pretty sure laws that effect my country are my business.

I don't think this stops a company from having a policy of not serving alcohol to pregnant women