Ask someone who just saw a man die anything

Ask someone who just saw a man die anything.

did u just see a man die?

How'd he die and can you prove you were there?


Was it as hot as I'm imagining?

Are you one of those nigger kids who filmed that guy drowning in Florida?

Did you just see a man die?

Motorcycle accident and honestly, no. Or I would. The police had showed up and questioned me and the people in the van that were actually involved, and I didn't have time to take pictures. Not to mention my buddy and I were talking to him before anyone showed up.

How did the man you saw die, die???

You killed him?

I'm not even sure exactly. When we rolled him over he had like road rash on his face, bad, he said he felt like someone was sitting on his chest. In like two minutes he passed out and then later the paramedics just said he was gone.

No, we tried to help. That's why I don't have proof that I was actually there. Take that as you will.

1.- what happened?

2.- OP is a faggot, that's not a question, it's how it is

You got to touch it? How did it feel?

The road was slick and he had rode into the wrong lane. Minivan comes out and hits him, totals minivan, totals bike, we showed up right after.

I grabbed the wrong wrist when I tried to check for his pulse. His bone was sticking out and it actually poked me and hurt. I didn't touch his chest.

Did he died?

Yeah, pretty badly too. His breathing was ragged and I could hear like a liquid or something when he exhaled.

You were the person to last touch this dead man while he was conscious?

No, the paramedics were. But he was losing consciousness as we talked to him. It was like he could hear us less and less and kept forgetting we were there.

I hope you don't believe in ghosts OP because you're in for the scariest time of your life. Motorcycle guy is going to haunt you.
I'm feeling spooped out already

mmmm keep going

Idk what else to say. We helped the girl from the van into my truck and when the paramedics took over biker dude I went to check on her. Her leg was all fucked and apparently her back was stiff.