I tried to warn ppl years ago. The anti ashkenazi rhetoric will lead to bloodshed...

I tried to warn ppl years ago. The anti ashkenazi rhetoric will lead to bloodshed. Now an Ashkenazi girl who married a Mizrachi man lost her father to the groom's friend who STABBED her FATHER to death on the wedding night for no reason but hatred. It was just aired and I'll post the video when it's released.

>when merchant jews itself
greatest timeline it is


khazar is gay, weak, fagot
we indigenes from the middle east are strong, big, cocked

kys faggot jakjakajaaj

unfortunate but these things happen.

I don't know anything about jews, which are the good ones and which are the bad ones?

The stabber was quite literally an insane person who carried a bunch of knives to the wedding with a clear intent on murdering the people there. This wasn't some quarrel between a bunch of arsim.

Your country isn't even a country

You didn't watch the news then.
Many people here carry knives btw.

Oh, is this a new thing? There was a similar case to this last week.

Ashkenazi jews = european jews
Mizrachi = arab jews

still more of a country than yours

still more of a country than yours

I'm pretty sure the USA is the best country in the world.
Still, I don't like this country but I would MUCH rather live here than in Brazil

ashkenazim: enthusiasts of anal sex, gay, aids
we from sefarad: rule
mizrahi: brothers

i enjoy greatly ejaculating inside the ashkenazi vulva

Monkedonia is a huge cunt, there are parts there better than Israel, vast areas bigger than Europe with apes and tribes, and poor favela cities.

Israel? What Israel?
I only see Palestine there.


I'm sure that if you opened an atlas you would see it.
You have heard of an atlas, right? It's a book containing a map of the world.
You have heard of a book, right?
Nah, probably not.

lmao fuck off
maccabi is about as ashkenazi as baltimore

They won all their 1st places with mostly Ashkenazi players.

I only see Palestine, no Israel.