Tell me one country that is less of a shithole than USA

Tell me one country that is less of a shithole than USA

hint: you can't

All of them. protip isis is basically defeated, he just never announced his movements like a fucking retard

less of a shithole? or more?


Trumptards actually believe Trump is some kind of military genius, oh boy

North-korea. Easy

pretty much this, i would love to live in the states

>less of a shithole

I, uh... Luxembourg, maybe?

/thread retarded illiterate faglord OP

Majority if not all the countries within the EU. Throw in the UK for good measure. Pretty much Western Europe.

Fuck you at least we dont have fucktard trump as our band leader nigger

Less of a shithoke? So in your opinion the US is the least shithole country?

I just want to be clear because you're obviously a retarded faggot.

He isn't. Maddog is, you fucking idiot

yeah, you all just have to listen to mama merkel, whether you want to or not

Right, and Bush basically won Iraq.

still mad about that election huh kid?

>guise can a pardon myself?

Fucking quads... all arguments are invalid


You don't understand politics do you?
Did you vote drump by any chance?

wasted quads


Politics isn't sports you troglodyte

to trumpists it is, they don't know what policy is, all they care about is "winning" and sticking it to the other "team"

we only suck when you compare us to other civilized countries. We're still leagues ahead of anywhere in africa or south america.


this is true. USA is the shithole of the west but i'd much rather live there then anywhere in Africa or S-America

I often refer to the US as a second world country