President Obama, 2008 - 2016

Can we have an honest discussion about him and his presidency? I think enough time has passed to have a proper discussion and review.

I rate 0/11, although I'd still want him over McCain. Romney would've been significantly better though.

He hasn't done half of what his proponents will claim he has accomplished, but also hasn't done half of what his critics claim. In short, he's been a mediocre president, either unable or unwilling to create landmark change after the ACA largely failed. He has however signed a lot of smaller executive orders that have gone unnoticed.

Legitimately one of the worst presidents

Cleaned up after Bush, wall street, etc.

Obama came into office while I was a junior in high school. I was sure race relations would improve drastically under his presidency. I couldn't have been more wrong, with all the identity politics that have been pushed over the last 7 years. Very disappointed. MAGA.

>non-Americans wanting to have an honest discussion about an American president

If you want to be an American so much just fucking move there. US prez elections is just entertainment, only relevant abroad to people US bombs or attacks
>like Serbia
So I follow the elections, but I couldnt give too shits about his domestic policy. Why anyone in Norway would give a shit is absolutely retarded.

I was honestly expecting something similar. I though that black people would be proud of having a black president and their situation might improve. Now there is BLM, Beyonce going full rascist mode and Obama talking about how other people only succeed because they have luck. He fucked up, he fucked up so hard.


Should have been impeached for violating the War Powers Resolution.


It's because he hid who he really was. He held back and pretended to be a moderate when he is really far left. He has been personally fanning the flames for such things. You can tell he wants this division.

He would've been 'meh' tier had he just quit first term. But everything he did second term was completely awful. Worse than Carter.

I like Obama. I really did. I don't agree with all his policies, or everything he did; but he's a cool dude and I would like to have a beer with him.

He wasn't a bad president, and I think overall he helped job growth. I liked that he had a moderate streak, and spoke out against how the current generation takes their own feelings too seriously. He was never enough of a fighter though. I'm ready for Trump now though.

That's cause what he was really after was the second term. He worked hid agenda in subtle ways the first term, and then he had more freedom without having to worry about reelection.
I mean, just remember what he was infamously caught telling that Russian on tape.

do you think there is a lot of obama to trump voters? apart from reagan democrats which are trumps key constituency?

The leaf shill should be here any second.

I'm just wondering. Do any of you people actually know what Obama has and hasn't done? Because I feel like a lot of opinions around him are purely based on funny/cool things that he said or did. Obviously that doesn't make someone a good president.

I liked his attempt to "pivot towards Asia" and I think that will be important to our country going forward.

I hate everything else he has done though. 4/10

>made the 1% richer by bailing out wall street and "too big to fail" businesses
>made lower & middle class families back down to 1970's levels
>spending power of today has actually gone backwards
>race relations and racism at all time highs
>allowed ISIS to flourish
>just like Bush, Obama started many wars in the Middl East and killed countless innocent lives
>he's so bad that he created Trump

What is there seriously to discuss?

>he was really after was the second term.
Makes sense He's a bigger conniving leftist than i thought. I reallly there old school Marxists that are giving him advice behind the scenes and I wouldn't rule out any of the assassinations of people speaking out against him either. Probably not by him but the group that supported him and really wanted to be President behind the scenes. Because he did fuck up America on a grandscale both domestically and internationally

I really think*

I mean, just look at everything he is trying to push now. Gun control, trannies, etc.
Whenever he points out its his last year and has nothing to prove, he really means nothing to lose.

>foreign policy was an objective disaster. Russia has maneuvered into a new position of power. The Middle East got destabilized. North Africa got destabilized. Europe being flooded by migrants is a direct result of Obongo's failed foreign policy.
>employment policy was made out to seem succesfull but in reality only relied on borrowing more and more money to substitute economic growth
>a whole campaign promising "change". Nothing changed.
>Obama care made out to seem like a huge step forward. Actually an objectively inferior system to most other healthcare system in the world. Americans pay more for for worsts healthcare.
>bailed out all of his wall street friends at the cost of the middle classes. Middle class spending power at an relative all time low.

If this was my president for 8 years, I would not be very pleased at these results.

But hey, If your black you dont really need results to get elected?

You just described Sup Forums don't act surprised faggot

Obama is hands down the worst president, he has been a complete bait and switch politician. He ran a campaign on hope and change, his platform was ran on stopping all the nonsense wars in the middle east, and yet he turns around and overthrows Gaddaffi in Libya and tries to overthrow Assad in Syria, arms rebels, creates ISIS, refuses to clean up the mess he created, causes the migrant crisis, all the while the same people who threw spastic fits over what George W Bush did, protesting and demonstrating, are now as silent as a rat pissing on cotton, despite being equally as bad as Bush, if not fucking worse. Poor economic growth, Obamacare is a fucking joke, list goes on