1) Does white privilege exist?

1) Does white privilege exist?

2) If you had a choice, would you rather be born white?

If you answered yes to one, but not the other, you're a hypocrite

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Who the fuck would want to be born black besides the mentality deficient?

Come on, Australia, you're better than this.

1) no
2) Prefer to be born Ashkenazi

What's that mean?

Why would you prefer to not be black if there's not disenfranchisement?

Blacks are genetically inferior. Our society is more fair to them than they deserve.

What colour is your Head of State?

The real question is
If you could be rich, but you are black, would you do it?

The black race has the lowest IQ and they are violent and commit the most crimes.

how rich? how black?

>1) Does white privilege exist?
>2) If you had a choice, would you rather be born white?
Yeah,I was born white and it kinda sucks, but still would suck more being born a non white

>being this retarded

Maybe because I've been fucking white for my whole life and I'm comfortable with it?

I wouldn't wanna be Asian either, and their kicking our asses.

Is taking IQ seriously a meme or do people on Sup Forums really believe it? The idea that one would think intelligence can be summarised on a linear scale is indicative of a person who'd be on the lower end of it.


Ben is a traitorous kike but he nailed it on this one.

If you were restarting life what would you pick?

Gill Bates Rich

Argentina whitest man shade of black

Sure why not?

Black. He is also inept, corrupt, violent, ignorant of the roles of his station, and proof that blacks are not discriminated against unfairly in this country.

Then why is he president and you're on Sup Forums?

>tfw black

I really dont understand why white America has cucked itself into believing this bullshit

Im doing just as fine as my white mates in life, the only advantage anyone else has had over me is coming from a wealthy family, which is a class issue not a race one

White Privilege is genetic privilege, earned by Whites by the hardships they had to endure to survive and adapted to a harsh environment.
It applies to east Asians as well.
Yes I would choose to be born White. How am I a hypocrite?

Depends how you define "white privilege". I believe it originally meant the privilege of being born in "white countries" thus having a decent life without fear of getting jumped on by fellow nignogs. Such thing obviously exists, so called white countries have it better than most non-white countries.
If you mean some invisible magical entity that gives freebies to whideys, then you're out of your mind.

I'm a Fingol so I have the best of both worlds. SJWs will get blown the fuck out every time I raise my mongoloid certification card, especially after they think they have won the argument by yelling "UR A WHITE MALE". Works every time.

Kai Murros needs to be the official spokesmen of POL. SJW bullet proof.


>five foot nine jews
Oh benji.

White privilege means forced integration with inferior races because you built the best fucking countries in the world and now other white traitors are telling you that you have to put up with shit like this.

This nigger cost $100,000,000. He is a massive drain on society and he gets to life off society in a jail rather than receiving a bullet to the brain.

Nice strawmanning there. Superiority is determined by ability rather than privilege. Historically, whites were privileged, but only because they had better abilities than other races. It's an attribute of life itself that each individual does what he thinks is best for himself, whites do it, niggers do it, evey animal does it - can you condemn anyone for fighting for himself? Moreover, we gave niggers a second chance. We freed them when could have kept them enslaved. We let them live among ourselves when we could have segregated them. In spite of our efforts to give them, once again, chances equal to ours, all they do is, again, make bad decisions that leave them behind us. The fact that history repeats itself so dramatically proves that niggers are beyond saving. I want to be white because whites are statistically more likely to not fuck their shit up not because of some privilege that objectively doesn't exist.

It has nothing to do with being white you fucking idiot.

If I moved to South Korea, would I be at a disadvantage compared to a native? Of course. Does that mean the South Koreans have white privilege?