Anyone wanna redpill me on this? Why would Trump crackdown on LEGAL weed?

Anyone wanna redpill me on this? Why would Trump crackdown on LEGAL weed?

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Why wouldn't he? Hell, Sessions is the AG.

>Why wouldn't he

because he said he would leave it to the states

cuz theyre fat ass faggots

smoke dank every day 420 rip tupac

bump for small gumbit

You actually believed him?

He's kept his word on everything else, why shouldn't I?


because you've been HAD mutherfucka


>Why would Trump crackdown on LEGAL weed?

you do understand it is still ILLEGAL under federal laws, right?

Weed is still illegal according to federal law
Though I'm for the legalization of medical use of Weed (which I don't care too much cause I don't smoke that shit)
I still support him on this
He is enforcing the law

Who cares about weed smokers? Look, i am not here to bat for Trump but weed smokers are the most worthless people i know. If they all died in one single blow, no loss would be perceived. Kill them all, no one gives a fuck.

Jefferson Beauregard Sessions thinks Reefer Madness was a documentary

He wants to waste your tax money and mine by arresting pot-heads for no real reason other than to appease his bible-thumping voters who love coal, hate solar and wind, think the Earth is 6000 years old, think a beardy dude lives in the sky and watches them masturbate, and preach love while hating gay people and anyone who doesn't think exactly like they do.

tl;dr - fucker's wasting tax $$$ to appease shit-heads and ignoring the need to come into the current century as it applies to thinking about weed consumption. Also, fuck him.

"weed smokers" bro are you 12? yeah man arnold schwarzenegger and michael phelps are both worthless. go fuck yourself.

You're probably not someone who's actually worth anything, I imagine. I own a house and make a good salary while I smoke weed and you're probably just some fat faggot living in an apartment or even more likely at home or in a dorm.
He did say he would leave it to the states
He is enforcing the current laws (like a president is supposed to do. Unlike Obama)
In order to let the states decide, he would have to get congress to abolish all anti weed laws and make new legislation that allows the states to decide

He's undoubtedly trolling. Although I'm sure everything you just said is true

>He is enforcing the current laws
You mean, *gasp* He's a good president?

You have shown a remarkable ability to completely misunderstand federal law. The cult of Trump is amazing. You say absolute bullshit as though it were fact.

You fucking idiot. Enforcing the law is at the President's discretion. If you are in Texas should you be arrested for having a pair of pliers in your back pocket? The ability to enforce specific laws is important in a society with rapidly changing populations and education. The legislative process is extremely slow (for good reason) and can't always keep up for the good of the citizens.

because he's taking his cues from religious fundamentalists that don't know the difference between weed and heroin.

Do you know what the tenth amendment is

this shouldn't be a partisan issue. all you faggots need to come together like with net neutrality and tell the fucker what we want.

Much like woodrow wilson

>will release report
>expected to link weed to violence(wut?)
>preparation for tougher sentences
Why does fake news come in future tense?

I just went from feeling indifferent towards this orange fuck to full blown hatred. Someone drown this fucking shill in piss.

>says he's for small government and deregulation

>pushing sweeping new regulations denying states their democratic rights


but kek, crying cucks and liberal tears, for the lulz! Give comcast complete control over the internet, fucking drinking liberal tears, hahaha snowflakes you miss an open free internet, kek cry more cuck!

You saying they fucking were?

I own a company bitch tits. Go tell me what a 12 gauge tastes like.

On this issue
And in general

>legalized weed

Tax scam and by the end of it you'll miss the mom and pop dealer you had that got pushed out by corporate weed factories and with every dollar you give you'll be paying for enforcement of the very rule that forces you to pay.

Durr hurr that'll be $375 an ounce. Yeah, kill yourself buddy. I literally voted no in CA but with "weed lmao" culture I didn't expect anyone to look at it reasonably.

Marijuana is illegal at the federal level you fucking retard. Kill yourself, cuck

you really need to stop drinking drain cleaner. it's making you quite unbearable

I make $75k, have a decent sized house with a wife (she makes $50k, no kids), we donate a shit ton to charity and take part in our community. We have a healthy relationship, a lot of good friends, and we occasionally smoke weed when hiking, having sex, playing videogames or sitting in watching a movie on a Friday night.

Do we really deserve to die because we enjoy the occasional intoxication like literally every other human on Earth?

This must be bait.
Enforcing the current laws is the the job of the judiciary branch of gov't, not the Executive. The executive is responsible for operation of the government as a whole (signing laws, appointing judges, appointing Drpartment heads, operation of military, etc). This is basic government systems at a 5th grade level. Come on man

Correction-adjusting wording; ...operation of government in compliance and conjunction with law.

Regardless of how it's worded, enforcement of law isn't the responsibly of the Executive

>not supporting net neutrality

Get off my Taiwanese figurine-painting forum you fucking newfaggot.

Hey guys i'm trump. I'm totally innocent of any wrong doing of any kind, but in a totally random non-sequator let me just remind everyone I have total power to pardon anyone including myself, not that i would ever need to because i'm totally innocent, just thought i would announce that i could pardon myself if i was guilty of anything but i'm totally not, it's just a total coinicidnce that i'm saying this right as the fake news appears to be lying even more about all my fake russia connections, which actually is illegal for them to leak this true information, i mean the leaks are real but the news is fake, and if you don't understand how that's possible it's because you're not as smart as me, i'm smarter than everyone in case you haven't heard me explain taht over and over and over, my 170 iq is higher than stephen hawking's so sorry if you can't keep up, just blindly believe what i tell you because it makes you feel safe now that daddy is here i'll make all those scary mexicans go away with a magic game of thrones wall a 1000 feet tall with magic spells for mexicans, mexicans will build the wall and pay for it, but i need someone billions to convince them to pay for it, and wait oh maybe i'll just use those moneys to build it now that i have it.

of course i believe him, he's never lied about anything before.

>redpill me
wrong board feggit, go see Sup Forums

>inb4 /korea/bot

It's literally nothing.
You guys have been saying
>Trump gon crack down on da weeds
Since the election
Still hasn't happened

Thanks Russia

>trips absolutely fucking wasted

weed will destroy you and everyone you love. maybe that's why you can't have kids weed has made you sterile, it's the devils smoke, it's a gateway drug you'll be doing meth and heroin eventually, it's addictive you'll spend all your money on weed and you'll be out in the street, it's evil you'll be worshipping satan, do you even go to church? HEATHEN

Trump's Justice Department said those things, not the Hill.

Yup you're right
I was wrong
But that doesn't mean all trump supporters believe in BS
it's like saying all niggers are rapists
Just abolish anti weed laws
States decide then

Because coporate shills want to make money no matter how much it might fly in the face of human rights. Private prisons make money if they have more incarcerated, plus the state gets slave labor.

We already know pot is highly favored among the poor, a large percentage of which are black by the way (a population which is mostly democrat)

So not only does the GOP get to reinforce it's position in the country, because felons can't vote it also gets to reap the benefits that come from private prison lobbyists.

Why would he ever do anything other than this? Now personally I don't think he gives a shit, this is probably just to appease some members of the GOP so he can pass his garbage reform since the party is still divided under his unpredictable leadership.

This is probably the most predictable thing he has done, he can't get anything out of democrats and liberals so fuck them.

Mabe he should enforce all the laws then we can all have a nice cool prision cell

this shit is actually real

trips of truth

It's because big tobacco hasn't figured out how to dominate the market so they are buying time

it's more like saying all idiots are idiots.

gr8 b8 m8

States rights in a nutshell
But federal law (((((TRUMPS))))) state laws


How would they push the traditional dealer out without offering something that is better for the consumer? We already know cracking down on dealers through law enforcement does nothing. If the mon n pop dealer is selling product that is cheaper and just as good, they won't get pushed out.

Also you can grow your own.

that would make sense

What game is this?

This is what "small government conservatives" want.

It's not legal. States can pass anything they want, but that doesn't make it legal. Because it's a controlled substance, according to federal laws.

right back at ya, fucko

Trump won because of numerical oujia so this must be true.

look up the 10th amendment

The Federal government does not have the right to control substances. It is done through abuse of the Interstate Commerce Clause.

Any power not given to the federal government is held by the states.

The definition of idiot: a stupid person.
All idiots are stupid
You're right on that one
Trump Supporter: Someone who supports Donald Trump
NOT someone who is stupid
This is the equivalency of racism
>All trump supporters are stupid
>all niggers are stupid
Same retarded statements.
Just involves different groups of people



gateway drug

>Doesn't know the difference between addicts and non addicts

I am 43. I've smoked since 13. I now personally don't believe in smoking before 21 but... wow. You're retarded.

No I don't go to church because my God doesn't have a gender, isn't confined to earth, and doesn't pander to the lowest intellectual class on the face of the Earth. At least Muslims have the excuse of improper education. What's your excuse for believing in skydaddy?


Liberals need to grasp this relatively simple concept and stop bullying people who think differently than them.

because weed and jazz music are from the blacks

If they can cite the interstate commerce clause and back up their stance with force/court backing, they have that power.

>the cult of trump

Said someone choking on a steaming pile of Bell Hooks and washing it down with Anita Sarkheezian piss. You don't get to talk about believing in total bullshit.

No, I really hope you die from lack of preventative care for starting and joining SJW hate groups. I genuinely hope that the leftist working class is egregiously harmed by Donald Trump because the working-class left is a stupid joke that votes against it's own self-interest and mostly just sits there producing liars and whores for richer leftists to put their cock inside of. You're a whore and I hope you die of AIDS.

I'll never get AIDS because god made AIDS to kill sodomites only. Everyone ever infected with HIV is a shit-eating sodomite and I'm glad African christians are being exposed to the truth that you are literally a shit-eating toilet for upper class leftists.

You're really naive if you think the 10th amendment counts for anything, these days. Teddy through Franklin Roosevelt plus the Warren Court killed it.

The private prison industry paid him

he wants to "crack down" on weed because he and sessions are apes making policy in washington on behalf of their lowland constituency

Retard Christian

What does the Supreme Court say about this?

well since you're stupid the subtext obviously went over your head.

Are idiots are idiots

all trump supporters are idiots

biggest most obvious fraud in the history of business and/or politics. He built his career on swindling idiots. He's a parasite that feeds on ignorance.

>tfw know some stoners who voted trump

ITT; potheads upset that there is proof (there was already was via state of oregon traffic accidents and collision reports) that their addiction negatively impacts society.

This guy knows what time it is.

So just because my political views are different than yours means I'm stupid
Again, equal to racism

buncha grampas can't die/get with the times

>Bell Hooks
>Anita Sarkeesian

Just had to google both those people never heard of them

I only recognized the anitabitch cause you pepe Sup Forums faggots meme her face so hard.

the leftist working class will be harmed least by trump. The people that will get hit hardest are the welfare redstates full of his supporters.

muh 2 celebrities
great argument

>president can pardon

Weed is gods creation
Most of us get weed confused with crack n shit

no, because you have no political views you are an idiot. You buy into a fraud, that claims political views, then completely changes them around after elected and you continue to support him, that's why you're an idiot. Actual republicans don't like trump, trump isn't a fiscal conservative, nor is he a republican, nor is he anti-globalist.


Will you lame fucking old people just die already? I'm sick of hearing you all cry about weed, modern music, kids not going to church and how kids that can hardly survive on their low wages are "entitled."

Go get fucking cremated.

Alcohol prohibition caused shittons of violence too

this. i respect people with different political views than me. I don't respect hippocrates that blindly follow an ignorant leader that constantly cites incorrect "facts" and constantly contradicts himself.

i just want to be able to smoke a bowl before grading papers, the amount of whisky ill need to deal with med students might kill me

24,000,000 'merican dickheads, 17 to 54,no worky no checky,gotta stop
no dope makesya lazy like do gamin
247,drink chase poon,,bad bad bad
work, you will feel better when you earn your way,it is because YOU do not know what is in your own best interests that it take a washington dude to telly you no moah,we ainna heppin you till you get a job,
sounds like the daddy,,you never had ehh? too bad ,,he is right
millions on legal weed a hundred million people of working age,as there is no mass starvation no complaints about cellphones,food laptops access to internet,someone else is paying for your living better than most of the third world gonna stop,get on it,,or you starve

The second half of your um.. post is not understandable

>Enforcing the current laws is the the job of the judiciary branch of gov't, not the Executive

Yeah, that's bullshit. The constitution literally says one of the duties of the President is to "take care that the laws be faithfully executed".

The guy you replied to is a retard, but you shouldn't fight fire with fire.

>I don't respect hippocrates
but why?