There's not going to be a President Donald Trump"

Well fuck. A smart Holywood actor just said Trump is unelectable. I guess my votes going to Bernie now. #FeeltheBern

Other urls found in this thread:

Who #cruzmissile here?

I disagree. I don't like Trump. But he is probably going to be president.

People need to accept this.

Actually I #FeelTheJohnson

Islamophobia is not irrational, therefore it is not actually a phobia

Nothing better than a rich guy living in a bunker mansion surrounded only other rich white people in mansions telling other people "we're" not afraid of anything.

>Were not actually afraid of anything

Except, you know Donald Trump.

> smart
> Hollywood actor

See how they put "women" there, they group muslims, immigrants and women on the same category to downplay their threat.

Well he still has his height and good looks.

Says the millionaire Hollywood actor that lives in a mansion.
This guy even donated to Hillary. I hope once Hillary's reputation goes down, caused by Trump's attacks, all these celebrities that backed her go down with her.
They can't act like they didn't know about her past.

lol. who's we? i swear sometimes george seems to think he's our leader, not trump

>we're not actually afraid of anything

That's why he lives in a gated community, huh?


He's not afraid of anything because he's paid millions of dollars for a few days work.
The rest of us suffer under Obama care, an economy that's not any better for the common man, and a president that freely shits on international treaties.


>Hollywood actor

Choose one.

>W-we aren't scared!

T. Increasingly nervous man

If actors can affect who you are going to vote for, it's a golden sign you shouldn't vote at all

It's good all these people are publicly putting their opinion of Trump on record. Makes it easy for Trump to deal with them later

facebook-tier thread

>We're not actually afraid of anything
Except Donald Trump

First stage of Grief:


>There's not going to be a President Donald Trump.

I'm a #JebHead now



I can't stand this board, repetitive cunts:

>my bodyguards will deal with Mexicans and Muslims when they attack me.

>george clooney
>worth listening to

yeah nah, that guys a hypocritical bastard.

Actors forget that they are famous for being hunky and reading and script. I guarantee George Clooney thinks he is rich and famous because of his superior intellect.

Clooney won't be directly affected by these things. Poor whites will. But Clooney is also white so when he puts poor whites in danger he gets points for altruism.

Clooney isn't a bigot and he's willing to destroy the lives of poor people with the same skin color as him to prove it

>Let me, an insanely rich media luvie tell you about the vast many of the common man, who I know literally everything about because I am so rich and famous and have the right to speak for them because I am so rich and famous
>They're just afraid okay
>All their intelligence and worries isn't actually real it's just fear
>But we're not gonna be afraid okay?
>It's not happening
>Believe we

t. every rich liberal moron speaking from the top of an ivory tower for the entire world underneath them

Easy to say behind your walled in hone

Do these fucking idiots really not understand that the rise of Trump is due at least partially to people being tired of celebrities and "academics" telling them what to do and how to think?

It's like these faggots want to get him elected or something.

Trump is literally a celebrity you stupid retard.

If you consider Trump unelectable, then why are you voting for Sanders? Do you just only pick losers?

i am tom cruise torpedo now

>America don't afraid of anything
Top kek. Americans are scared shitless of losing their jobs to mexicans, getting perv'd on by trannies, or getting blown up by muslims. This is why Trump is winning - he will fix it all and make America big and strong again!

Name ONE time in the history of America, that the establishment lost a presidential election.

So was Reagan

At last I truly see the light!!!
I vote now goes to John Mcafee!

rare muslim flag

Paul Watson cucks him

>who is Andrew Jackson

George is a homosexual.

Oh look. George Clooney commenting on the state of affairs from atop his castle on a hill where you won't find a Muslim, immigrant or woman who isn't cleaning, cooking or servicing his cock for several miles in all directions.

Thank you former Sexiest Man Alive for your valuable input.


>be rich guy
>live in rich community
>happen to have a Muslim neighbor


The Don forgives, but he doesn't forget.


>the 1% is evil! destroy all the millionaires and billionaires
>oh this millionaire actor agrees with me, he's ok

Cloowney is a little bitch, what's new?

TRUMP 2016

>occupy democucks


>who is Calvin Coolidge

It's not rare you retard

I am now a #bernsperm

He's a college drop out and sold shoes before becoming an actor.

>Afraid of women

What about women is there to be so scared of?

Wow, really makes you think

I guess I just became a ClintLicker

Sounds like he's afraid of Donald Trump.

i think Facts Of Life is a pretty cool guy. eh protests Drumpf and doesn't afraid of anything

> coming from humble beginnings to succeed means you're dumb

One was literally president

>not being afraid of anything

As if the human race wouldn't be extinct long ago if we weren't afraid of anything. Typical idiotic gynocentric line trying to sound strong, but what do you expect from a void poser that pretends to be other people for a living.
Ask any professional fighter what happens if you have "no fear": You get your shit stomped by what you didn't see coming because of your arrogance.
This kind of attitude is extremely juvenile.





underrated post

oh look at me i'm mr hollywood actor. He must be really important.

Yes, the people complaining about the 1% were GOP primary voters

why do these slimy shills always use the term 'fear'? The only scared pussies are the sjw' afraid of stepping on each others minefield of eggshells

Sounds like a beverage


The only thing to fear are people who use the term fear all the fucking time

I remember when all these actor faggots were trolling around about how "BUSH WILL NEVER GET THE SECOND TERM!"

He's a Hillarite. Why on earth should being "afraid" of any of those minorities affect Trump's electability? What is Clooney even trying to say? He sounds like he's projecting his bigotry onto the American public. Typical gilded, Hollywood rubbish. Furthermore,
>listening to the crowned prince of butthurt hippies

>Clooney smog cloud episode of south park.jpg

>Fear is not going to be something that drives our country.
Trump is a racist, sexist, xenophobic, etc, and I'm afraid of being associated with those labels.
So much for fear not driving our country.

>we're not actually afraid of anything
>is actually petrified of being poorfag

>empty clip at Clue-nay's head in a public place
>post youtube video of him ducking behind bodyguard with terrified look on face
>Trump wins election by a landslide

I hate big Hillywood actors, they're so disconnected from society. People idolize them so much, and the actors think that their very narrow, sheltered opinions matter.

Sounds like he's afraid of Donald Trump.

he didn't get a third tho, did he?

so another faggot in the panama papers opens his big mouth and acts like we have to agree with him

>They can't act like they didn't know about her past.
They're actors, so sure they can.

I can't wait to be here on election night. It's gonna be so ebin when Hillary wins.

I remember my stepmom, who has a Doctorate in English Lit, talking to me about how there is a chance that because Bush got reelected I might be drafted.. Also he is going to use his powers to get a 3rd term.

Wait, Lisa...He's acting!

There's a chance you'll get drafted regardless of whose president

Kek! That's what your mom said about my benis.

I'm on #Cruzcontrol

Smarter hollywood actor.


Pick one.

>A smart Holywood actor
>occupy demokikes

Any celebrity or academic has no fucking idea what it's like to actually live around minorities. They're opinions on matters like immigration could not be more irrelevant.

Lel. Perfect. For anyone that didn't watch that episode, George Clooney is literally the actor used to describe smugness - and yet again, South Park shows they have a perfect feel for the pulse of my nation's stupid ass people.

You'll see SJW fags preach that their opinions should be respected too.. Except they are far more vocal, far more removed from reality, and have a larger audience which they could influence - so the implications of celebrities being wrong are potentially much more ruinous.

More like George Clowney

>occupy democrats

you came to the wrong board canadacuck
