What is the point of the dark net if you cant really use it?

What is the point of the dark net if you cant really use it?
I mean, you can use it, but you cant really do anything. The FBI and government are cracking down so hard to ensure you cant buy or do anything. Like, say I wanted to buy some weed. Maybe 7-10 years ago I could buy it and have it delivered to my doorstep no problem. Now, you cant without the FBI busting your door down, shooting your dog, slamming your wife and kids on the floor, putting you in handcuffs, and never being able to see family again. Same goes for weapons and cp. Is it wrong? Yes, but what is the point of anonymity when everyone can see what your doing. Anyone can catch you or frame you for something you didnt do. For christ sake, I dont even do anything illegal and have the government putting tracking files in my phone every day. There needs to be a new system. Some type of genius has to create a whole new system or internet which is 100% anonymous and cannot be cracked by hackers or FBI. I think itll happen soon. Something new and great that'll shake the online community for the better.

I hear you user

That sounds great, but its not too hard to get by nowadays if you maintain good opsec and practice hiding your activity.

Im not a computer genius, or anything close to it, but I swear to god Im going or have someone help me make something that no one has ever seen before. Something that is a giant webspace where there are basically no rules, no fbi breathing down your neck, no hackers able to get your real ip or identity, and freedom. You want to watch the most disgusting fucked up nasty porn ever? Go right the fuck ahead. You want weed, heroin, shrooms, acid, pills, or even fucking krokodil so you can watch your flesh be eaten away? Whatever dude.
You want a ghost gun? Here you go.
Id love to watch the feds rip their hair out knowing they cant do a damn thing about it.

use neighbor's wifi, turn js off globally, use linux
if a hidden service needs js on, it's a fucking honeypot (whether known by the host or not)

glhf if you're getting shit shipped to you, you're just fucked then

I agree. You can get away with total anonymity if you have to right skills/precautions. But just wait until the government finds a way to hack into every .onion website or every single place on the darkweb.
Its going to happen and soon.
Thats why we need to do something in the next couple of years

That's true. Fucking credit card companies are monitoring the dark web and who knows how many marketplaces and other sites are fbi honeypots. Let's just hope there are some scriptkiddies out there who give a shit about privacy.

JavaScript is always a fucking trap.
I always have it disabled.
Personally ive never ordered anything off the DW.
Where do people have it shipped to?
Abandoned buildings or some shit?
Wouldnt that suck if you ordered 400 dollars worth of the best weed money can buy and a fuckin hobo steals it?

And also theres always the possibility of a virus that can download cp to your computer or phone. Then you hear, "POLICE SEARCH WARRANT!!!"
And BAM your shipped to prison for 25 to life with little to no chance of seeing daylight or family again.
Such a fucked system things are in now.

Back in the old days when you could steal credit card numbers out of dumpsters by digging the slips out from a store's trash...back in the day before privacy protections that blanked that out...people would call in orders with stolen credit card numbers and get two day shipping, to minimize time to set up police surveillance, delivered to an empty house that was for sale and had a concealed location from which it could be watched. Then they'd get there just before delivery time, having studied the routes ahead of time, scope it out from their hide, run down and slap a note to the delivery guy on the door asking him to leave it on the porch, and go back and wait. When the package was delivered they'd run down and grab it and book. Or so I hear. Probably easier ways to do it now.

Sup Forums is suddenly acting fucky
The captcha is different and I cant do certain things. Wtf
Happening to anyone else?

It wont even let me select boards or see anything really. I also have to put to copy and paste a security code

No. They've been fucked for a while.

That was weird. Some cancerous shit just occured.
That happened like it would if I had JavaScript disabled but I didnt.
I had to turn it off and then turn it back on.

So many pussies and people who think they're more important than they really are. I've had thousands of dollars of methamphetamine intercepted and seized by local enforcement. Nobody is going to fucking raid you for ordering drugs unless you are a retard and order massive amounts.

I wonder if theres anyway to hack into north koreas computers and make them nuke themselves. Basically, make it to where all their nukes detonate in an instant. Their backwards ass unevolved computers would be easy to hack into right?
Make that shit look like an accident.
I heard of some hacker who hacked into an iranian nuclear facility. He made a fan speed up or some shit which would have caused a meltdown or something.

You won't get raped by the FBI if you only buy personal amounts. If you do get caught, the most they'll probably do is destroy it and send you a letter.

If all they have are backwards ass unevolved computers, what makes you think they actually have nukes?

Think about what itll be like in the next couple years. You wont be able to buy a crum of meth without police raiding your asshole. Watch.
And no, I dont think Im more important than I am, queef cuck.
Im simply throwing around a good idea that can benefit a lot of people instead of us worrying about our freedom and safety online.

Maybe not now, but wait a little while.
Someone higher up is going to crack everything and release everyones personal data. Every site you visited, any pictures you have, any drug youve bought.
Itll be like a purge. A giant one. And everyone will be fucked


Already exists.

Nukes existed before backwards ass unevolved computers

>South Park predicts the future

No, not like tor.
Tor was created by the government.
They tell you that theres no way your traceable atall. That you can do anything and be anonymous. Bullshit.
How many .onions have been raided and then used as bait? A lot.
What we need is something that the feds cant hack into. And if they do decide to get on and use something as bait they cant find out where you are unless your a dumbass and post your adress or face.
Ive seen something as "anonymous" as tor go to shit in a second. One minute your browsing in a chat everything seems cool and then a fbi agent posts EVERYONE'S real IP adresses, almost like a warning. Everyone freaks the out and abandons ship. Most things on tor are not safe.