Let's trade some interesting pictures. I'll dump some, too

Let's trade some interesting pictures. I'll dump some, too.



All from phone, sorry for any poor compression.







damn that would suck to die like that





>global population collapse
>few thousand scattered survivors
>find everybody using life sign locator
>invite them to meet
>vote on whether to maintain a small population of a set size of a few thousand and remain living lives of ease in abundance
>or grow an enormous population and resource scarcity and inevitable tribal conflicts and war on a massive scale all over again

>anyone who doesn't want to join the small council may leave

>assassins make sure they don't get away to rebuild competing populations

Humanity stays in eden this time.



Have a folder, will dump some shit and post info if I can remember it.

>First is Sergie something or other
>Russian dude
>Figured out color photography by using color filters & multiple exposures.



Supertrippy future

Another from the same dude.
>Note the kids head
>Moved a bit during follow up exposures





>Some ruskie performing an appendectomy on himself cause siberia or something



Cant see thumbnail, might be the wrong one.
>Don't even know the context other than its the same reaction of white kids nowadays to trap shit...

Marbling for books


I think antartica?

Yep wrong one. At least it has some context at the bottom.

>News article about Osama being a bro and killing the soviets

Probably? I honestly forget cause Im a fucktard. Google it.


>My great uncle or some shit who made Stars & Strips after invading Gaum, losing his doge in battle and DEMANDING to go to Iwo Jima to shoot the slants.










>At least when they were strapped in they couldn't constantly check the vanity mirror and crash...



Don't worry, we bombed them so far back they're still jerking off to cartoons...



What happened between 1923 and 24?

You know what they say.
>If you enjoy what you do
>you never work a day in your life

>Dunrobin Schoolgirl
>Example of post-mortem photography from a class photo in Australia I think?
>Used to be a lower-tier, but still ban worthy post on Sup Forums

See She dead and propped up with a board.

>Pic related is OC
>Dumb ass story though



>Poland in 1 picture

Kek teacher is happy as ever

That is where your optic nerve connects to the rest of your eye

Idk why this made me lol, but it did. Probs the glasses.

Furthermore, idk why I googled that image, but this came up and now I have to fap. brb.

I like a little dark and dark humor, here's a few






Funny thing is, it is statistically more likely than not that at least one of those priests is thinking about fucking him


That's LAX, or it was, I don't know if that building/restaurant are still there or not.


>Dafuq is this shit?

is that the rotating restaurant where that kid got stuck and was crushed to death?

The building at least was still there when I went to LA last year



And thus the thread died

You're surprised? Faggots don't contribute anymore, they just take and that's it.

This thread still alive?





You seriously didn't know that?


i'm dying like that right now