How to get rid of fruit flys because my bedroom walls are constantly covered with the basterds

How to get rid of fruit flys because my bedroom walls are constantly covered with the basterds

fucking clean it

step 1: clean your room you filthy pig.
step 2: wait for them to leave because there's nothing for them to eat.

get rid of all your fruit retard LOLOL

pic of the rest of the room

Rub meat on your walls

It's honestly not that bad

use bleach

Here some pics

pic up that pen thats on the floor you slob


]y is drpep i b ur room

Clean your dirty ass room.


you literally have fucking trash everywhere. no fucking shit you have flies


makes me wonder if poor people really blame anyone but themselves.

>b-b-but my mental disorder!
still you

Ok I understand I may have neglected my room a little bit but I just need the flys gone right away

fucking rat people

Soda containers- gotta go. Looks like you have packets of something on the ground...learn to use a plate and throw shit away. Flies will only congregate if their's something to eat/drink. ie sugary stuff(oh shit soda?) also feces and or dirty clothes can attract flies. you have food in a container...sure it may be in a container but throw or store that shit in a fridge or something. christ. empty that garbage can cause i doubt you have. Your floors look stained as well. get a steamer and clean that shit. You'll thank me later. TLDR CLEAN YOUR FUCKING ROOM

op's giving me a reminder to clean my own room now

post you pussy pls

You also got dirty fucking plates... clean your room, clean your sink counters. Flies will dissapear within a day or two once you get rid of your shit eating habits and clean your goddamn room. The fuck dude

Fuck ok I'll clean it tomorrow just what's a quick way to make the flys fuck off

I need the flys gone like tomorrow or I'm being kicked out will raid work to kill em

mix some vinegar, dish soap, and a splash of vodka(optional) in a cup. cover the top of the cup with plastic wrap tightly and poke a fair amount of holes in it with a pencil pen. put it out in an open spot and wait. can easily kill a hundred fruit flies in a couple hours. maybe make more than one depending how many there are. oh and get your fucking life together you fucking bum. you live in squalor


now bitch

Apple cider vinegar mah dood they fucking love it and they fly in it and die.

Clean the room, they wont go away tonight or anytime soon if their is food for them to lay eggs in and eat. Sorry but you'll have to put up with them for a few more days.You could also try a fly trap... but thats just adding more fire to the issue

Just mix apple juice, vinegar and dish soap in a glass or jar and put it somewhere near the flies for a few days. Juice and vinegar are like meth for the fuckers and the dish soap makes sure they drown because of chemistry. Works for me every time.

Tested it myself : Put some vinegar in a small amount of water with a drop of dishing soap . The fruit flies will be drawn to it and drown in the water. Don't forget the soap, it will make them fall into the water

Didn't think about that

this. microwave it for 10 secs too to speed up the vapour spread

>alternativley mix together bleach liquid soap (pref a citrus for the flies) and ammonia. blow bubbles into it to activate
>dont drink it

Pour vinegar in your asshole

Thank you all I'll do that when I wake up tomorrow

I cannot guarantee by any means that this will work, but u could smoke out the room by placing some charcoals in a bwol and just smoking out the flies, it can work for mosquitos as far as I know, OOOOOOR you could just clean ur fucking room

Gaz zi unwanted jew flies

what i always did was i would just go into my car in my closed garage and start the car and let the car run till i fall asleep, no more flies

This worked on our porch for a plant that had flies from too-moist soil and rotting plant debris. Within hours there were like 40 gnats in the bowl.

The apple vinegar attracts them and the dish soap disrupts the surface tension of the water so when they 'land' they actually drown.

Get a big garbage bag and clean up all food/trash, make sure there are barely and places for them to hide.

Clean everything>throw away trash>set insect bombs in all rooms

>buy a fuckload of baby chameleons
>buy a big bushy houseplant
>let the chameleons roam around the bushy houseplant
>let them feast

upside is you get a ton of chameleons
downside is you gotta find housing for all of them separately or they'll fight to the death
upside is you get to host an underground chameleon fight ring

Just slice up an apple, put apple slices in container, let it sit open for a day, throw out container, water bottle, whatever. Worked for me.

stop leaving garbage everywhere faggot. problem solved

Squat on that bedpost and post pics


Get that pen out from underneath that wheel at once, pleb.

Is that poop on the plushy? Wtf mang.

You're the type of dude to fabreeze his clothes instead of washing them

Stop sticking that bed post up your butt and maybe it will stop attracting flies OP

make your room colder than 68 degrees F

sugar attracts them, get rid of anything edible for the flies and they will disappear

When did you go to Alberta Culture Days?

you're probably long gone, OP, but I've found a vacuum cleaner hose makes short work of fruit flies.

they spawn quickly man, the only way out is to clean your room
if you do it tonight they'll be gone within 24 hours

throw away your empty soda cans you fat fuck.

Fruit flies are attracted to sweet shit.
And there is no way they should be able to reproduce in your room without a food source.

Alternatively, buy a fruit fly trap and leave it open in your room until they go for it (which will be quickly if you throw out your fucking bedroom garbage)

You can also make DIY Fruit fly traps, but they don't work nearly as well as bought ones.

PS. Have you tried fly spray?

Vacuum them up. No joke. We got a lot of little flies one time because someone left the front door open. Vacuumed them up and got rid of anything they could eat.

get rid of old food lying around in the corners of your disgusting filth bedroom

More effective than regular vinegar, apple cider vinegar. It has a sweet smell to it, which will attract the flies all the more. Dish soap is the most important part though, because it acts as a surfactant (breaks liquid surface tension) so that the flies actually get pulled into the liquid and drown. Otherwise they just chill on top of the liquid.


maple syrup all over. use that wood decor as a butt plug as well should fix


Clean your shit up.
No food = no flies, faggot.

Set out a cup with an ounce of beer in it. They will be attracted to it and drink. The alcohol will fuck up their nervous system and when they try to fly away they'll fall in and drown. Also, clean your room.

put a DROP of dish soap in to be sure. Raid for flying or raid for home will kill them. Pour some bleach down your drains.

Put fruit in a milk jug. Make a paper cone skinny side down and tape it to the top. Flys go in but cant get back out. I learned this trap online googlr it


OP is faggot

>he can't get rid of the fruit that's attracting them.

Plot twist:
>OP is the fruit attracting them

Chlorine and ammonia gets rid of fruit flies in minutes

are those bed bugs.?

mustard gas mix detected


good idea

quite fucking disgusting. I suggest windex, kills them, cleans surface, and the ammonia is pretty off putting to them. wipe after a few hours, spray ALOT. All over the fuckers.


What to do about bugs attracted to lights coming into my room? I have my windows open at night because it's fucking hot and there's no AC.

buy a fan

make a bug zapper.
get some capacitors and some 12v batteries and conductive screens

Google it faggot.
Bowl of of water, drop of soap and apple cider vinegar in the middle is all you need.


im out

1. clean your room from any sugary shit
2. kill yourself in a nice clean room

>It's honestly not that bad