This is what I look like when I'm not wearing clothes. True story. Fr srsly

This is what I look like when I'm not wearing clothes. True story. Fr srsly.



So um....

Do you like mountains or the beach more?



Depends! Mountains are better for scenery and hiking, beach is better for meeting people!



Much suck, very penis!

Nice answer. Personally i am partial to forests near the beach like Oregon.

Have a great night.

I've still never been to Oregon! I should go! I love the forests around the beach at Lake Tahoe, so I'd guess it is in a similar vein.

You have a great night too!

you look great thin good pud.. I would suck it
if you were a little bit mean to me ..

I'm not super comfortable with being mean to people, sawz.

looks like me. zero women

Aww, I'm sorry. Maybe talk to them and be friends and sometimes they'll want to put their genitals on yours? It works sometimes...

if you won't mean maby
you could slip in to my bed
(I'll act like I'm sleeping)_
you you could slip down my underpants and shove in my butt?

How's cross country season going so far?

Are you female? Sorry, I'm exclusively cis/het. I don't necessarily like that, makes me feel closed minded, but I can't change how I am!

Dunno, nowhere near places where that happens!

im not gay but i would enjoy playing knob tag or hide and go knob with your knob and my knob

Those sounds like some interesting games!