When will Quebec give their hydropower to Ontario?

When will Quebec give their hydropower to Ontario?

When you give us our independence

You can take it

When the rest of the country becomes francophone, like they should.

albertans are the real bullies not us

>dat WOjak

WTF happened to him??!



you made your bed

When we take it. Ontario is the master province of Canada, we shouldn't let a bunch of french faggots push us around.

did you know that affronts to quebec's self-determination increases the chances of separation

please do push us around

>Quebec independence

>The frog is frogposting

You won't be laughing when Les Assassins des Fauteuils Rollents come squeaking in, busta

>All the money.
We should get independance

literally every province should be independent

this "confederation" is a sham

Why do we need it?
Last I heard we run a power surplus even though prices are going up and have been going up
The issue is that power can't be stored and has to be used somewhere

What exacyly would happen to the territories in this hypothetical situation where all the provinces are independent of canada?

>master province
>their hydro costs a ton
>same with fuel
>has the highest density of blacks in Canada
>full of smelly Indians
Just as bad as Vancouver only smells worse in Ontario

For the mist part you're strictly talking about the GTA and niagara falls.
Have you even been north of toronto?

The Capital city still defines the province.

Seriously, that Wojak scares me

When will eastern Canada fuck off so we can annex the west?

They're too busy shitting on each other's chests and smelling farts to do anything.

stop being a little babby