Step-daughter dirty panties

Step-daughter dirty panties
I wish i could look at her take a dump on the floor...

Pics of her?

I'm just gonna stay and monitor this thread


You need help.


OP, you need clinical help

OP, here's some help


Posts like this are the reason I want Net Neutrality to happen.



Fuck you all


>I wish i could look at her take a dump on the floor...

Nice. I would steal those panties everyday.

Love that


I was just getting something to eat.

Our laws put this kind of thing together with ~~~consensual~~~ activities.

The same way drug laws force people who just want to smoke weed to associate with gangs and cartels, and support the murdering of families in Mexico.

The same way some people see no difference between their son smoking weed and their son being a thief or a street thug, or sees the two as very related.

And another effect is, you get people like OP (sorry, OP, but you can dispute these assumptions if you wish). People like OP who, instead of having role models and model behavior to follow, sneaks around and beats around the bush(es) to "have at" his step-daughter's juicy buns and panties.

There are no role models, and there are no examples, because those who could serve as such by default will never come out in the open, and their children never will either.

It's the ones who do it wrong whom we see and study. So when someone decides they will do it, they easily believe the false reality --- they believe they must become and associate with bad people if they are to follow and go through with their inner desires and heart.

*drops the mike*




Any more?



What the fuck, OP.

Why you yelling for mods you self-righteous fuck? Stupid motherfucker.