Hey Sup Forums is there a name for this part of the hair?

Hey Sup Forums is there a name for this part of the hair?
Like the widows peak that's in the middle of the hairline

I dunno, "upper side at the corner of the forehead"?

or just "around my temples"

Yes, the Arborist's Point. Or, as it is more commonly known, the OP is a gigantic faggot.

Flumperts drooge (named after professor flumpert who first discovered it)

Helmet edge
Source: I'm a barber

Reddit told me it's called the Putin

Hipster faggot peak

Everyone calling me a faggot or a hipster probably has a balding hairline

20teens mullet peak

the cuntline

Its actually the Splendourman's Crest


Or just realizes that you're a faggot/hipster

This must be your first time here, newfag

This meme isn't funny anymore.

A mullet

Widows peak refers to the area of baldness between the top and sides. If you're asking about that pointy bit, no idea.

Pretty sure that's a FADE

>How dare you asked me a question

Did you just learn how to read words and not put sentences together to form ideas?

jesus christ, read op's post again

Yeah i know, that was just an example

Hard part is what it's called.

Sand Nigger mark.

Source: I'm Babar