Anyone here know of safe ways to commit self harm...

anyone here know of safe ways to commit self harm? i've been cutting for the last 2 and a half years but it's too obvious when i'm hiding it. tips please? pic unrelated.

Just kill yourself

legs & back are easy to hide if you're a neet

Yeah, apply knife to your tounge.


Ever heard of glassass? Foolproof way, nobody is going to be checking your anus

IF ya really want the pain but not too much cutting....the bottom of your feet will let you experience pain with each step.
Good Luck with that user
Just a White Knight thought...maybe talk to someone about the cause of your need for pain might help
I just prefer to blayze a joint

stop self harming and start harming other people.


stop the cutting all togeather and waterbort your self. much safer and leaves no signs what so ever


too much of a pussy


how exactly do you harm your back?

I agree
Smashing some dude in the face....the pain in the hand after you smash the face 4-5 times is exquisite

Stop cutting yourself, start cutting niggers

If cutting releases the pressure of life you should think about your life and the reasons why you cut.
I have seen this quite a few times in rl.
Anhero attempts, cutters, heroin addicts and such.
Honestly take a step back re evaluate your life for a few days.
Most people self harm or do hard drugs to escape thier lives.
Why not try to improve your life quit the shit sort yourself out.
I've worked with many troubled people and I've helped an handful over time.

bruising is easy.
cutting requires wire.

so many white nogs ITT, please kill yourselves

>waterbort yourself

i don't want other people to suffer, just me

Make pancakes, not war

i tried burning myself with a red hot knife as well, but that's even more visible than cuts. but the pain level was just right. is there anything like that but safer less infection prone? maybe electricity?

I have rubber bands on my wrist that I snap on my skin that gives a good sting. You can find some that are the same color as your skin so it won't be noticed or you can just put it in your pocket.

maybe i'll just kill myself.